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PhotoPrism: Browse Your Life in Pictures
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PhotoPrism® is an AI-powered app for browsing, organizing & sharing your photo collection.
It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way.
You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.
To get a first impression, you're welcome to play with our public demo at [demo.photoprism.app](https://demo.photoprism.app/)
(also available in [Deutsch](https://demo-de.photoprism.app/), [Français](https://demo-fr.photoprism.app/), and [汉语](https://demo-zh.photoprism.app/)).
## Feature Overview ##
* Browse [all your photos](https://docs.photoprism.app/user-guide/organize/browse/) and [videos](https://demo.photoprism.app/videos) without worrying about [RAW conversion, duplicates or video formats](https://docs.photoprism.app/user-guide/settings/library/)
* Easily find specific pictures using [powerful search filters](https://demo.photoprism.app/browse?view=cards&q=flower%20color%3Ared)
* Privacy-friendly: No data is ever sent to Google, Amazon, Facebook, or Apple unless you explicitly upload files to one of their services 🔐
* Recognizes [the faces of your family and friends](https://demo.photoprism.app/people)
* [Automatic classification](https://demo.photoprism.app/labels) of pictures based on their content and location
* [Play Live Photos](https://demo.photoprism.app/live) by hovering over them in [albums](https://demo.photoprism.app/albums) and [search results](https://demo.photoprism.app/browse?view=cards&q=type%3Alive)
* Since the [User Interface](https://demo.photoprism.app/) is a [Progressive Web App](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps),
it provides a native app-like experience, and you can conveniently install it on the home screen of all major operating systems and mobile devices
* Includes four high-resolution [World Maps](https://demo.photoprism.app/places) to bring back the memories of your favorite trips
* Metadata is extracted and merged from Exif, XMP, and other sources such as Google Photos
* Many more image properties like [Colors](https://demo.photoprism.app/browse?view=cards&q=color:red), [Chroma](https://demo.photoprism.app/browse?view=cards&q=mono%3Atrue), and [Quality](https://demo.photoprism.app/review) can be searched as well
* Use [PhotoSync](https://www.photosync-app.com/) to securely backup iOS and Android phones in the background
* WebDAV clients such as Microsoft's Windows Explorer and Apple's Finder [can connect directly](https://docs.photoprism.app/user-guide/sync/webdav/) to PhotoPrism, allowing you to open, edit, and delete files from your computer as if they were local
## Getting Started ##
<img align="right" width="25%" src="https://photoprism.app/user/pages/01.home/03._screenshots/iphone-maps-hybrid-540px.png">
Step-by-step installation instructions for our self-hosted [community edition](https://photoprism.app/get) can be found
on [docs.photoprism.app](https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/) -
all you need is a Web browser and [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) to run the server.
It is available for Mac, Linux, and Windows.
The [stable version](https://docs.photoprism.app/release-notes/) and development
preview have been built into a single [multi-arch image](https://hub.docker.com/r/photoprism/photoprism) for 64-bit AMD, Intel,
and ARM processors. That means, [Raspberry Pi](https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/raspberry-pi/) 3 / 4 owners can pull
from the same repository, enjoy the exact same functionality, and can follow the regular
[installation instructions](https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/docker-compose/)
after going through a short list of [requirements](https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/raspberry-pi/).
Existing users are advised to update their `docker-compose.yml` config based on our examples
available at [dl.photoprism.app/docker](https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/).
## Back us on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/photoprism) or [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/photoprism) 🎄 ##
Your continued support helps us provide services like world maps and develop [new features](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/projects/5).
Sponsors get access to [additional features](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues?q=label%3Asponsor-feature),
receive direct [technical support](https://photoprism.app/contact) via email, and can join our private chat room
on [matrix.org](https://matrix.org/).
We currently have the following sponsorship options:
- [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/photoprism) is priced in USD and also offers [one-time donations](https://github.com/sponsors/photoprism?frequency=one-time)
- [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/photoprism) is priced in Euro and also offers yearly payments
- Stripe will be available in early 2022, so you can sign up directly in the app without having a Patreon or GitHub account
- You're welcome to [contact us](https://photoprism.app/contact) for other options
Also, please [leave a star](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/stargazers) on GitHub if you like this project.
It provides additional motivation to keep going.
## Getting Support ##
Please read the [Troubleshooting Guide](https://docs.photoprism.app/getting-started/troubleshooting/)
before reporting problems. If this doesn't help, or you have other questions:
- you are welcome to ask in our [Community Chat](https://gitter.im/browseyourlife/community)
- and post your question in [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/discussions)
In addition, [sponsors](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/blob/develop/SPONSORS.md) receive direct
[technical support](https://photoprism.app/contact) via email.
We'll do our best to answer all your questions. In return, we ask you to back us on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/photoprism)
or [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/photoprism).
Think of "free software" as in "free speech," not as in "free beer". Thank you! 💜
*When reporting a problem, always include the version you are using and information
about your environment such as browser, operating system, installed memory, and
processor type.*
## Roadmap ##
Our vision is to provide the most user- and privacy-friendly solution to keep your pictures organized and accessible.
The [roadmap](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/projects/5) shows what tasks are in progress,
what needs testing, and which features are going to be implemented next.
Please give ideas you like a thumbs-up 👍 , so that we know what is most popular.
Ideas endorsed by [silver, gold, and platinum sponsors](SPONSORS.md) receive a [golden label](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Asponsor)
and will be prioritized on the [roadmap](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/projects/5).
We have a zero bug policy and do our best to help users when they need support or have other questions.
This comes at a price, as we can't give exact deadlines for new features.
Having said that, funding really has the highest impact. So users can do their part and
[become a sponsor](https://docs.photoprism.app/funding/) to get their favorite features as soon as possible.
## Questions?
Follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/photoprism_app) or join our [Community Chat](https://gitter.im/browseyourlife/community)
to get regular updates, connect with other users, and discuss your ideas. Don't be afraid to ask silly questions.
## Contributions ##
We welcome contributions of any kind, including bug reports, testing, writing documentation,
tutorials, blog posts, and pull requests.
The [Developer Guide](https://docs.photoprism.app/developer-guide/) contains all information
necessary to get you started.
Issues labeled [help wanted](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/labels/help%20wanted) /
[easy](https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/labels/easy) can be good (first) contributions.
Because we want to create the best possible product for our users,
we have a set of [guidelines](https://docs.photoprism.app/developer-guide/pull-requests)
to ensure that all source code submissions are acceptable.
They include step-by-step instructions for submitting new features,
bug fixes, and documentation improvements.
**Reviewing, testing and finally merging pull requests requires significant resources
on our side. If it's not just a small fix, it can take several months.**
## Trademark Guidelines ##
PhotoPrism® is a registered trademark. It is important to us that any permitted use is fair
and meets the highest standards.
Visit [photoprism.app/trademark](https://photoprism.app/trademark) to learn more.
[wiki:classification]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/wiki/Image-Classification
[wiki:xmp]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/wiki/XMP
[wiki:geocoding]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/wiki/Geocoding
[wiki:raw]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/wiki/Converting-RAW-to-JPEG
[license]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/blob/develop/LICENSE
[patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/photoprism
[paypal]: https://www.paypal.me/photoprism
[goreport]: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/photoprism/photoprism
[coverage]: https://codecov.io/gh/photoprism/photoprism
[ci]: https://drone.photoprism.app/photoprism/photoprism
[docs]: https://docs.photoprism.app/
[issuehunt]: https://issuehunt.io/repos/119160553
[chat]: https://gitter.im/browseyourlife/community
[ask]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/discussions
[twitter]: https://twitter.com/photoprism_app
[unfunded issues]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aunfunded
[sponsored issues]: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Asponsor