153 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
153 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# WARNING: Please make this shell not working-directory dependant, for example
# instead of using 'cd blabla', use 'cd "${REPO_DIR}/blabla"'
# WARNING: Please don't use sudo directly here since it steals our EXIT trap
# WARNING: Don't use "cd" in this shell, use it in a subshell instead,
# for example ( cd blabla && do_blabla ) or $( cd .. && do_blabla )
readonly REPO_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -m "${0}")")"
source "${REPO_DIR}/lib-install.sh"
# Customization, default values
usage() {
# Please specify their default value manually, some of them are come from _variables.scss
# You also have to check and update them regurally
helpify "-d, --dest" "DIR" "Set destination directory" "Default is '${THEME_DIR}'"
helpify "-n, --name" "NAME" "Set theme name" "Default is '${THEME_NAME}'"
helpify "-o, --opacity" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set theme opacity variants" "Repeatable. Default is all variants"
helpify "-c, --color" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${COLOR_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set theme color variants" "Repeatable. Default is all variants"
helpify "-a, --alt" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${ALT_VARIANTS[*]}")|all]" "Set window control buttons variant" "Repeatable. Default is 'normal'"
helpify "-t, --theme" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${THEME_VARIANTS[*]}")|all]" "Set theme accent color" "Repeatable. Default is BigSur-like theme"
helpify "-p, --panel" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${PANEL_OPACITY_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set panel transparency" "Default is 15%"
helpify "-s, --size" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${SIDEBAR_SIZE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set Nautilus sidebar minimum width" "Default is 200px"
helpify "-i, --icon" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${ICON_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set 'Activities' icon" "Default is 'standard'"
helpify "-b, --background" "[default|blank|IMAGE_PATH]" "Set gnome-shell background image" "Default is BigSur-like wallpaper"
helpify "-N, --nautilus-style" "[$(IFS='|'; echo "${NAUTILUS_STYLE_VARIANTS[*]}")]" "Set Nautilus style" "Default is BigSur-like style"
helpify "--round, --roundedmaxwindow" "" "Set maximized window to rounded" "Default is square"
helpify "--right, --rightplacement" "" "Set Nautilus titlebutton placement style to right" "Default is left"
helpify "--normal, --normalshowapps" "" "Set gnome-shell show apps button style to normal" "Default is bigsur"
helpify "--dialog, --interactive" "" "Run this installer interactively, with dialogs" ""
helpify "-r, --remove, -u, --uninstall" "" "Remove all installed ${THEME_NAME} themes" ""
helpify "-h, --help" "" "Show this help" ""
# MAIN #
#-----------------------------PARSE ARGUMENTS---------------------------------#
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
# Don't show any dialog here. Let this loop checks for errors or shows help
# We can only show dialogs when there's no error and no -r parameter
# * shift for parameters that have no value
# * shift 2 for parameter that have a value
# Please don't exit any error here if possible. Let it show all error warnings
# at once
case "${1}" in
# Parameters that don't require value
uninstall='true'; shift ;;
interactive='true'; shift ;;
showapps_normal="true"; shift ;;
right_placement="true"; shift ;;
max_round="true"; shift ;;
need_help="true"; shift ;;
# Parameters that require value, single use
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" "false" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "not-at-all" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "not-at-all" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "must" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "optional" "optional" "optional" && shift 2 || shift ;;
# Parameters that require value, multiple use
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;;
check_param "${1}" "${1}" "${2}" "not-at-all" "must" "must" && shift 2 || shift ;;
prompt -e "ERROR: Unrecognized installation option '${1}'."
has_any_error="true"; shift ;;
#---------------------------START INSTALL THEMES-------------------------------#
if [[ "${uninstall}" == 'true' ]]; then
prompt -i "Removing '${name}' themes in '${dest}'..."
prompt -w "REMOVAL: Non file-related parameters will be ignored."; echo
prompt -s "Done! All '${name}' themes has been removed."
install_theme_deps; echo
if [[ "${interactive}" == 'true' ]]; then
show_panel_opacity_dialog; show_sidebar_size_dialog; show_nautilus_style_dialog
prompt -w "DIALOG: '--size' and '--panel' parameters are ignored if exist."; echo
else show_needed_dialogs; fi
prompt -w "Removing the old '${name}' themes..."
remove_themes; customize_theme; avoid_variant_duplicates; echo
prompt -i "Installing '${name}' themes in '${dest}'..."
prompt -i "--->>> GTK | GNOME Shell | Cinnamon | Metacity | XFWM | Plank <<<---"
prompt -i "Color variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${colors[*]}" )"
prompt -i "Theme variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${themes[*]}" )"
prompt -i "Opacity variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${opacities[*]}" )"
prompt -i "Alt variants : $( IFS=';'; echo "${alts[*]}" )"
prompt -i "Icon variant : ${icon}"
prompt -i "Nautilus variant : ${nautilus_style}"
echo; install_themes; echo; prompt -s "Done!"
# rm -rf "${THEME_SRC_DIR}/sass/_gtk-base-temp.scss"
if is_my_distro "arch" && has_command xfce4-session; then
msg="XFCE: you may need to logout after changing your theme to fix your panel opacity."
echo; prompt -w "${msg}"
echo; prompt -w "${final_msg}"; echo
[[ -x /usr/bin/notify-send ]] && notify-send "'${name}' theme has been installed. Enjoy!" "${notif_msg}" -i "dialog-information-symbolic"