Execute (Initialize test environment): Save &rtp, g:plug_home, $MYVIMRC let vader = fnamemodify(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/vader.vim'), ':h:h') let plug = fnamemodify(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/plug.vim'), ':h:h') set rtp=$HOME/.vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,$HOME/.vim/after execute 'set rtp^='.vader execute 'set rtp^='.plug let basertp = &rtp unlet! g:plugs unlet! g:plug_home set t_Co=256 colo default let g:vimrc_reloaded = 0 let vimrc = tempname() call writefile(['let g:vimrc_reloaded += 1'], vimrc) let $MYVIMRC = vimrc Execute (plug#end() before plug#begin() should fail): try call plug#end() Assert 0, 'should not reach here' catch Assert stridx(v:exception, 'Call plug#begin() first') >= 0 endtry Execute (plug#begin() without path argument): call plug#begin() AssertEqual split(&rtp, ',')[0].'/plugged', g:plug_home unlet g:plug_home Execute (plug#begin() without path argument with empty &rtp): let save_rtp = &rtp set rtp= try call plug#begin() Assert 0, 'should not reach here' catch Assert stridx(v:exception, 'Unable to determine plug home') >= 0, 'Got: '.v:exception endtry let &rtp = save_rtp Execute (plug#begin(path)): let temp_plugged = tempname() call plug#begin(temp_plugged.'/') Assert g:plug_home !~ '[/\\]$', 'Trailing / should be stripped from g:plug_home' AssertEqual 0, len(g:plugs) AssertEqual temp_plugged, g:plug_home AssertEqual basertp, &rtp Execute (Subsequent plug#begin() calls will reuse g:plug_home): call plug#begin() AssertEqual temp_plugged, g:plug_home Execute (Test Plug command): " Git repo with branch Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', 'no-t_co' AssertEqual 'https://git:@github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim.git', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].uri AssertEqual join([temp_plugged, 'seoul256.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].dir AssertEqual 'no-t_co', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].branch " Git URI Plug 'git@github.com:junegunn/vim-emoji.git' AssertEqual 'git@github.com:junegunn/vim-emoji.git', g:plugs['vim-emoji'].uri AssertEqual 'master', g:plugs['vim-emoji'].branch AssertEqual join([temp_plugged, 'vim-emoji/'], '/'), g:plugs['vim-emoji'].dir " vim-scripts/ Plug 'beauty256' AssertEqual 'https://git:@github.com/vim-scripts/beauty256.git', g:plugs.beauty256.uri AssertEqual 'master', g:plugs.beauty256.branch AssertEqual 3, len(g:plugs) Execute (Plug command with dictionary option): Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'branch': 'no-t_co', 'rtp': '././' } AssertEqual join([temp_plugged, 'seoul256.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].dir AssertEqual '././', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].rtp AssertEqual 3, len(g:plugs) Execute (PlugStatus before installation): PlugStatus AssertEqual 3, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Not found"')) q Execute (PlugClean before installation): PlugClean AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Already clean"')) q Execute (plug#end() updates &rtp): call plug#end() Assert len(&rtp) > len(basertp) Execute (Yet, plugins are not available): Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) Execute (PlugInstall): PlugInstall AssertEqual 1, g:vimrc_reloaded q Execute (Plugin available after installation): Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) Execute (PlugClean after installation): PlugClean AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Already clean"')) q Execute (PlugStatus after installation): PlugStatus AssertEqual 3, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "OK"')) q Execute (Change branch of seoul256.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' Plug 'git@github.com:junegunn/vim-emoji.git' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): PlugStatus %y q normal! P %sort g/^$/d Expect: Invalid branch: no-t_co. Try PlugUpdate. - vim-emoji: OK Finished. 1 error(s). x seoul256.vim: Execute (Change URI of seoul256.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn.choi/seoul256.vim' Plug 'git@github.com:junegunn/vim-emoji.git' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): PlugStatus %y q normal! P %sort g/^$/d Expect: Expected: https://git:@github.com/junegunn.choi/seoul256.vim.git Invalid URI: https://git:@github.com/junegunn/seoul256.vim.git PlugClean required. - vim-emoji: OK Finished. 1 error(s). x seoul256.vim: # TODO: does not work due to inputsave() # Do (PlugClean): # :PlugClean\y\ # ggyG # q # PGdd Execute (PlugClean! to remove seoul256.vim): PlugClean! AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Removed"')) Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')) Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) q Execute (Change GIT URI of vim-emoji): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): PlugStatus %y q normal! P %sort g/^$/d Expect: Expected: https://git:@github.com/junegunn/vim-emoji.git Invalid URI: git@github.com:junegunn/vim-emoji.git Not found. Try PlugInstall. PlugClean required. Finished. 2 error(s). x seoul256.vim: x vim-emoji: Execute (PlugClean! to remove vim-emoji): PlugClean! AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Removed"')) Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')) Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) q Execute (PlugUpdate to install both again): PlugUpdate AssertEqual 2, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Cloning into"')) AssertEqual 2, g:vimrc_reloaded Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')), 'seoul256.vim should be found' Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')), 'vim-emoji should be found' q Execute (PlugUpdate only to find out plugins are up-to-date): PlugUpdate AssertEqual 2, len(filter(getline(1, line('$')), 'v:val =~ "Already up-to-date"')) AssertEqual 3, g:vimrc_reloaded q Execute (Cleanup): call system('rm -rf '.temp_plugged) unlet g:plugs unlet g:plug_home unlet g:vimrc_reloaded unlet temp_plugged vader plug basertp save_rtp Restore source $MYVIMRC