Execute (plug#end() before plug#begin() should fail): redir => out silent! AssertEqual 0, plug#end() redir END Assert stridx(out, 'Call plug#begin() first') >= 0 Execute (plug#begin() without path argument): call plug#begin() AssertEqual split(&rtp, ',')[0].'/plugged', g:plug_home unlet g:plug_home Execute (plug#begin() without path argument with empty &rtp): let save_rtp = &rtp set rtp= redir => out AssertEqual 0, plug#begin() redir END Assert stridx(out, 'Unable to determine plug home') >= 0 let &rtp = save_rtp unlet save_rtp Execute (plug#begin(path)): call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged.'/') Assert g:plug_home !~ '[/\\]$', 'Trailing / should be stripped from g:plug_home' AssertEqual 0, len(g:plugs) AssertEqual g:temp_plugged, g:plug_home AssertEqual g:base_rtp, &rtp Execute (Subsequent plug#begin() calls will reuse g:plug_home): call plug#begin() AssertEqual g:temp_plugged, g:plug_home Execute (Test Plug command): ^ Git repo with branch (DEPRECATED. USE BRANCH OPTION) Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'branch': 'yes-t_co' } AssertEqual 'file:///tmp/junegunn/seoul256.vim', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].uri AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'seoul256.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].dir AssertEqual 'yes-t_co', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].branch Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'branch': 'no-t_co' } " Using branch option AssertEqual 'no-t_co', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].branch ^ Git repo with tag (DEPRECATED. USE TAG OPTION) Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', '1.5.2' AssertEqual 'file:///tmp/junegunn/goyo.vim', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].uri AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'goyo.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir AssertEqual '1.5.2', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].tag Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'tag': '1.5.3' } " Using tag option AssertEqual '1.5.3', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].tag " Git URI Plug 'file:///tmp/jg/vim-emoji' AssertEqual 'file:///tmp/jg/vim-emoji', g:plugs['vim-emoji'].uri AssertEqual 'master', g:plugs['vim-emoji'].branch AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'vim-emoji/'], '/'), g:plugs['vim-emoji'].dir " vim-scripts/ Plug 'beauty256' AssertEqual 'file:///tmp/vim-scripts/beauty256', g:plugs.beauty256.uri AssertEqual 'master', g:plugs.beauty256.branch AssertEqual 4, len(g:plugs) Execute (Plug command with dictionary option): Log string(g:plugs) Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'branch': 'no-t_co', 'rtp': '././' } AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'seoul256.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].dir AssertEqual '././', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].rtp Log string(g:plugs) AssertEqual 4, len(g:plugs) Execute (PlugStatus before installation): PlugStatus AssertExpect 'Not found', 4 q Execute (PlugClean before installation): PlugClean AssertExpect 'Already clean', 1 q Execute (plug#end() updates &rtp): call plug#end() Assert len(&rtp) > len(g:base_rtp) AssertEqual g:first_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[0] AssertEqual g:last_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[-1] Execute (Yet, plugins are not available): Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) Execute (PlugInstall): PlugInstall q Execute (Plugin available after installation): Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) Execute (PlugClean after installation): PlugClean AssertExpect 'Already clean', 1 q Execute (PlugStatus after installation): PlugStatus Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'OK', 4 q Execute (PlugUpdate - tagged plugin should not fail (#174)): PlugUpdate goyo.vim Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect '^- goyo.vim', 1 q Execute (Change tag of goyo.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'tag': '9.9.9' } call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Invalid tag: 1.5.3 (expected: 9.9.9). Try PlugUpdate. Finished. 1 error(s). [=] x goyo.vim: Execute (Remove tag of goyo.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Invalid branch: HEAD (expected: master). Try PlugUpdate. Finished. 1 error(s). [=] x goyo.vim: Execute (PlugUpdate to set the right branch): PlugUpdate call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: - goyo.vim: OK Finished. 0 error(s). [=] Execute (Change branch of seoul256.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' Plug 'file:///tmp/jg/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Invalid branch: no-t_co (expected: master). Try PlugUpdate. - vim-emoji: OK Finished. 1 error(s). [==] x seoul256.vim: Execute (PlugUpdate to switch branch, then PlugStatus): PlugUpdate call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: - seoul256.vim: OK - vim-emoji: OK Finished. 0 error(s). [==] Execute (Change tag of seoul256.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'tag': 'no-such-tag' } call plug#end() call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Invalid tag: N/A (expected: no-such-tag). Try PlugUpdate. Finished. 1 error(s). [=] x seoul256.vim: Execute (Change URI of seoul256.vim): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn.choi/seoul256.vim' Plug 'file:///tmp/jg/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Expected: file:///tmp/junegunn.choi/seoul256.vim Invalid URI: file:///tmp/junegunn/seoul256.vim PlugClean required. - vim-emoji: OK Finished. 1 error(s). [==] x seoul256.vim: # TODO: does not work due to inputsave() # Do (PlugClean): # :PlugClean\y\ # ggyG # q # PGdd Execute (PlugClean! to remove seoul256.vim): PlugClean! " Three removed, emoji left AssertExpect '^- ', 3 AssertExpect 'Removed', 1 Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')) Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) q Execute (Change GIT URI of vim-emoji): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Execute (PlugStatus): call PlugStatusSorted() Expect: Expected: file:///tmp/junegunn/vim-emoji Invalid URI: file:///tmp/jg/vim-emoji Not found. Try PlugInstall. PlugClean required. Finished. 2 error(s). [==] x seoul256.vim: x vim-emoji: Execute (PlugClean! to remove vim-emoji): PlugClean! AssertExpect '^- ', 1 AssertExpect 'Removed', 1 Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')) Assert empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')) q Execute (PlugUpdate to install both again): PlugUpdate AssertExpect '^- [^:]*:', 2 Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/seoul256.vim')), 'seoul256.vim should be found' Assert !empty(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emoji.vim')), 'vim-emoji should be found' q Execute (PlugUpdate only to find out plugins are up-to-date, D key to check): PlugUpdate AssertExpect 'Already up-to-date', 2 normal D AssertEqual 'No updates.', getline(1) q Execute (PlugDiff - 'No updates.'): PlugDiff AssertEqual 'No updates.', getline(1) q Execute (New commits on remote, PlugUpdate, then PlugDiff): for repo in ['seoul256.vim', 'vim-emoji'] for _ in range(2) call system(printf('cd /tmp/junegunn/%s && git commit --allow-empty -m "update"', repo)) endfor endfor unlet repo PlugUpdate " Now we have updates normal D AssertEqual 'Last update:', getline(1) " Preview commit silent! wincmd P AssertEqual 0, &previewwindow " ]] motion execute 'normal ]]' let lnum = line('.') AssertEqual 3, col('.') " Open commit preview execute "normal j\" wincmd P AssertEqual 1, &previewwindow AssertEqual 'git', &filetype " Back to plug window wincmd p " ]] motion execute 'normal $]]' Assert line('.') >= 4 " 5+ for merge commit AssertEqual 3, col('.') " [[ motion execute 'normal 0[[' AssertEqual lnum, line('.') unlet lnum AssertEqual 3, col('.') " X key to revert the update AssertExpect '^- ', 2 execute "normal Xn\" AssertExpect '^- ', 2 execute "normal Xy\" AssertExpect '^- ', 1 " q will close preview window as well normal q " We no longer have preview window silent! wincmd P AssertEqual 0, &previewwindow " q should not close preview window if it's already open pedit PlugDiff AssertExpect '^- ', 1 execute "normal ]]j\" normal q silent! wincmd P AssertEqual 1, &previewwindow pclose Execute (Reuse Plug window in another tab): let tabnr = tabpagenr() PlugDiff tab new new-tab set buftype=nofile PlugUpdate normal D AssertExpect '^- ', 1 normal q AssertEqual tabnr, tabpagenr() normal! gt q unlet tabnr ********************************************************************** ~ On-demand loading / Partial installation/update ~ ********************************************************************** Execute (Trying to execute on-demand commands when plugin is not installed): call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': ['EasyAlign', 'LiveEasyAlign'] } call plug#end() Assert exists(':EasyAlign') Assert exists(':LiveEasyAlign') AssertThrows EasyAlign AssertThrows LiveEasyAlign Assert !exists(':EasyAlign') Assert !exists(':LiveEasyAlign') Execute (New set of plugins): call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-fnr' Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl' Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': 'EasyAlign' } Plug 'junegunn/vim-redis', { 'for': 'redis' } let user_autocmd = {} autocmd! User vim-fnr let user_autocmd.fnr = 1 autocmd! User vim-easy-align let user_autocmd.easy_align = 1 autocmd! User vim-redis let user_autocmd.redis = 1 call plug#end() Execute (Check commands): Assert !exists(':FNR'), 'FNR command should not be found' Assert !exists(':RedisExecute'), 'RedisExecute command should not be found' Assert empty(user_autocmd) Execute (Partial PlugInstall): PlugInstall vim-fnr vim-easy-align AssertExpect 'vim-fnr', 1 q PlugInstall vim-fnr vim-easy-align 1 AssertExpect 'vim-fnr', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-easy-align', 1 AssertEqual g:first_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[0] AssertEqual g:last_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[-1] q Given (Unaligned code): a=1 aa=2 Execute (Check installed plugins): call EnsureLoaded() Assert exists(':FNR'), 'FNR command should be found' Assert !exists(':RedisExecute'), 'RedisExecute command still should not be found' Assert exists(':EasyAlign'), 'EasyAlign command should be found' %EasyAlign= Expect (Aligned code): a = 1 aa = 2 Then (autocmd executed): Assert user_autocmd.easy_align AssertEqual 1, len(user_autocmd) Given: Execute (Partial PlugUpdate): PlugUpdate vim-redis q Execute (On-demand loading based on filetypes): Assert !exists(':RedisExecute'), 'RedisExecute command still should not be found' set ft=redis Assert exists(':RedisExecute'), 'RedisExecute command is now found' Assert user_autocmd.redis AssertEqual 2, len(user_autocmd) autocmd! User unlet user_autocmd ********************************************************************** ~ Local (unmanaged) plugins ********************************************************************** Execute (Add unmanaged plugin): let fzf = expand('$PLUG_FIXTURES/fzf') call RmRf(fzf) Log fzf call plug#begin() Plug fzf, { 'on': 'SomeCommand' } call plug#end() " Check uri field Assert !has_key(g:plugs.fzf, 'uri'), 'Should not have uri field' " Check dir field AssertEqual fzf.'/', g:plugs.fzf.dir " Trailing slashes and backslashes should be stripped for suffix in ['///', '/\/\/'] call plug#begin() Plug fzf.suffix, { 'on': 'SomeCommand' } call plug#end() " Check dir field AssertEqual fzf.'/', g:plugs.fzf.dir endfor Execute (Plug block for following tests): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug fzf, { 'on': 'SomeCommand' } call plug#end() " Remove plugins from previous tests PlugClean! q Execute (PlugInstall will only install vim-easy-align): PlugInstall Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'fzf', 0 q Execute (PlugUpdate will only update vim-easy-align): PlugUpdate Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'fzf', 0 q Execute (PlugClean should not care about unmanaged plugins): PlugClean Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'fzf', 0 q Execute (PlugStatus should point out that the plugin is missing): PlugStatus Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'x fzf', 1 AssertExpect 'Not found', 1 q Execute (Deploy unmanaged plugin): Assert !exists(':FZF'), ':FZF command should not exist' call RmRf(fzf) Log system(printf('cp -r "/tmp/fzf" "%s"', fzf)) Execute (PlugUpdate still should not care): PlugUpdate Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'fzf', 0 q Execute (PlugStatus with no error): PlugStatus Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'x fzf', 0 AssertExpect 'Not found', 0 q Execute (Check &rtp after SomeCommand): Log &rtp Assert &rtp !~ 'fzf' silent! SomeCommand Assert &rtp =~ 'fzf' AssertEqual g:first_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[0] AssertEqual g:last_rtp, split(&rtp, ',')[-1] Execute (Common parent): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl' Plug 'junegunn/vim-fnr' Plug 'junegunn/vim-oblique' call plug#end() PlugInstall Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect! '[===]', 1 q unlet fzf ********************************************************************** ~ Frozen plugins ********************************************************************** - We've decided to install plugins that are frozen: see #113 Execute (Frozen plugin are not ~~installed nor~~ updated): " Remove plugins call plug#begin() call plug#end() PlugClean! q " vim-easy-align is not found, so it will be installed even though it's frozen call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'frozen': 1 } call plug#end() PlugInstall AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val =~ "vim-easy-align"')) q " Remove plugins again call plug#begin() call plug#end() PlugClean! q " PlugUpdate will do the same call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'frozen': 1 } call plug#end() PlugInstall AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val =~ "vim-easy-align"')) q " Since vim-easy-align already exists, PlugInstall or PlugUpdate will skip it redir => out silent PlugInstall redir END Assert out =~ 'No plugin to install' redir => out silent PlugUpdate redir END Assert out =~ 'No plugin to update' Execute (But you can still install it if the name is given as the argument): PlugInstall vim-easy-align Log getline(1, '$') AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val =~ "vim-easy-align"')) q PlugUpdate vim-easy-align Log getline(1, '$') AssertEqual 1, len(filter(getline(1, '$'), 'v:val =~ "vim-easy-align"')) q ********************************************************************** ~ Retry ********************************************************************** Execute (Retry failed tasks): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug 'junegunn/aaaaaaaaaaaaaa' call plug#end() PlugInstall Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'x aaa', 1 AssertExpect '- vim-easy-align', 1 normal R Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'x aaa', 1 AssertExpect '- vim-easy-align', 0 AssertExpect! '[x]', 1 q call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug 'junegunn/aaaaaaaaaaaaaa' Plug 'junegunn/bbbbbbbbbbbbbb' Plug 'junegunn/cccccccccccccc' call plug#end() " Ruby installer PlugUpdate normal R AssertExpect '- vim-easy-align', 0 AssertExpect! '[xxx]', 1 q " Vim installer PlugUpdate 1 normal R AssertExpect '- vim-easy-align', 0 AssertExpect! '[xxx]', 1 q ********************************************************************** ~ Post-update hook (`do` option) ********************************************************************** Execute (Cleanup): call plug#begin() call plug#end() PlugClean! q Execute (On install): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': 'touch installed' } Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl' call plug#end() silent PlugInstall q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/installed'), \ 'vim-easy-align/installed should exist' Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/installed'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/installed should not exist' Execute (On update): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': 'touch updated' } Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'do': 'touch updated' } call plug#end() " New commits on remote call system('cd /tmp/junegunn/vim-pseudocl && git commit --allow-empty -m "update"') silent PlugUpdate Log getline(1, '$') q Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/updated'), \ 'vim-easy-align/updated should not exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/updated'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/updated should exist' Execute (When already installed): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': 'touch installed2' } Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'do': 'touch installed2' } call plug#end() PlugInstall q Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/installed2'), \ 'vim-easy-align/installed2 should not exist' Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/installed2'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/installed2 should not exist' Execute (PlugInstall!): silent PlugInstall! q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/installed2'), \ 'vim-easy-align/installed2 should exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/installed2'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/installed2 should exist' Execute (When already updated): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': 'touch updated2' } Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'do': 'touch updated2' } call plug#end() PlugUpdate q Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/updated2'), \ 'vim-easy-align/updated2 should not exist' Assert !filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/updated2'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/updated2 should not exist' Execute (PlugUpdate!): silent PlugUpdate! q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/updated2'), \ 'vim-easy-align/updated2 should exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/updated2'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/updated2 should exist' Execute (Using Funcref): function! PlugUpdated(info) call system('touch '. a:info.name . a:info.status . a:info.force . len(a:info)) endfunction call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': function('PlugUpdated') } Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'do': function('PlugUpdated') } call plug#end() call system('cd /tmp/junegunn/vim-easy-align && git commit --allow-empty -m "update"') call system('cd '.g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.' && git reset --hard HEAD^') call RmRf(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir) PlugUpdate Log getline(1, '$') q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/vim-easy-alignupdated03'), \ 'vim-easy-align/vim-easy-alignupdated03 should exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/vim-pseudoclinstalled03'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/vim-pseudoclinstalled03 should exist' call RmRf(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir) PlugInstall! q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/vim-easy-alignunchanged13'), \ 'vim-easy-align/vim-easy-alignunchanged13 should exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/vim-pseudoclinstalled13'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/vim-pseudoclinstalled13 should exist' call system('cd '.g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.' && git reset --hard HEAD^') PlugUpdate! q Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir.'/vim-easy-alignupdated13'), \ 'vim-easy-align/vim-easy-alignupdated13 should exist' Assert filereadable(g:plugs['vim-pseudocl'].dir.'/vim-pseudoclunchanged13'), \ 'vim-pseudocl/vim-pseudoclunchanged13 should exist' ********************************************************************** ~ Overriding `dir` ********************************************************************** Execute (Using custom dir): Assert isdirectory(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir) call RmRf('/tmp/easy-align') call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'dir': '/tmp/easy-align' } call plug#end() AssertEqual '/tmp/easy-align/', g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir PlugClean! Assert !isdirectory(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir) q PlugInstall q Assert isdirectory(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir) ********************************************************************** ~ On-demand loading load order ********************************************************************** Before (Clear global vars): let g:xxx = [] set rtp-=$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx/ set rtp-=$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx/after Execute (Immediate loading): call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx' call plug#end() " FIXME: " Different result when Vader is run from commandline with `-c` option Log g:xxx if has('vim_starting') AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect'], g:xxx else AssertEqual ['xxx/plugin', 'xxx/after/plugin', 'xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect'], g:xxx endif Execute (Command-based on-demand loading): call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'on': 'XXX' } call plug#end() AssertEqual [], g:xxx silent! XXX AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect', 'xxx/plugin', 'xxx/after/plugin'], g:xxx setf xxx AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect', 'xxx/plugin', 'xxx/after/plugin', 'xxx/ftplugin', 'xxx/after/ftplugin', 'xxx/indent', 'xxx/after/indent', 'xxx/syntax', 'xxx/after/syntax'], g:xxx Execute (Filetype-based on-demand loading): call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'for': 'xxx' } call plug#end() AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect'], g:xxx setf xxx AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect', 'xxx/plugin', 'xxx/after/plugin', 'xxx/syntax', 'xxx/after/syntax', 'xxx/ftplugin', 'xxx/after/ftplugin', 'xxx/indent', 'xxx/after/indent', 'xxx/syntax', 'xxx/after/syntax'], g:xxx Before: ********************************************************************** ~ plug#helptags() ********************************************************************** Execute (plug#helptags): silent! call delete(expand('$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx/doc/tags')) Assert !filereadable(expand('$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx/doc/tags')) AssertEqual 1, plug#helptags() Assert filereadable(expand('$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx/doc/tags')) ********************************************************************** ~ Manual loading ********************************************************************** Execute (plug#load - invalid arguments): AssertEqual 0, plug#load() AssertEqual 0, plug#load('non-existent-plugin') AssertEqual 0, plug#load('non-existent-plugin', 'another-non-existent-plugin') AssertEqual 1, plug#load('xxx') AssertEqual 0, plug#load('xxx', 'non-existent-plugin') AssertEqual 0, plug#load('non-existent-plugin', 'xxx') Execute (on: []): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/rust.vim', { 'on': [] } call plug#end() PlugInstall q Execute (PlugStatus reports (not loaded)): PlugStatus AssertExpect 'not loaded', 1 q Execute (plug#load to load it): tabnew test.rs " Vader will switch tab to [Vader-workbench] after Log " Log &filetype AssertEqual 1, plug#load('rust.vim') AssertEqual 'rust', &filetype q Execute (PlugStatus should not contain (not loaded)): PlugStatus AssertExpect 'not loaded', 0 q Execute (Load plugin from PlugStatus screen with L key in normal mode): call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy', { 'on': [] } call plug#end() PlugStatus AssertExpect 'not loaded', 1 Assert !exists('g:yyy'), 'yyy not loaded' /not loaded normal L AssertExpect 'not loaded', 0 Assert exists('g:yyy'), 'yyy loaded' q Execute (Load plugin from PlugStatus screen with L key in visual mode): call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/z1', { 'on': [] } Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/z2', { 'for': [] } call plug#end() PlugStatus AssertExpect 'not loaded', 2 Assert !exists('g:z1'), 'z1 not loaded' Assert !exists('g:z2'), 'z2 not loaded' normal ggVGL AssertExpect 'not loaded', 0 Assert exists('g:z1'), 'z1 loaded' Assert exists('g:z2'), 'z2 loaded' q ********************************************************************** ~ g:plug_window ********************************************************************** Execute (Open plug window in a new tab): " Without g:plug_window, plug window is open on the left split let tabnr = tabpagenr() PlugStatus AssertEqual tabnr, tabpagenr() AssertEqual 1, winnr() " PlugStatus again inside the window should not change the view normal S AssertEqual tabnr, tabpagenr() AssertEqual 1, winnr() q " Define g:plug_window so that plug window is open in a new tab let g:plug_window = 'tabnew' PlugStatus AssertNotEqual tabnr, tabpagenr() " PlugStatus again inside the window should not change the view let tabnr = tabpagenr() normal S AssertEqual tabnr, tabpagenr() q unlet g:plug_window tabnr ********************************************************************** ~ g:plug_url_format ********************************************************************** Execute (Using g:plug_url_format): let prev_plug_url_format = g:plug_url_format call plug#begin() let g:plug_url_format = 'git@bitbucket.org:%s.git' Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' let g:plug_url_format = 'git@bitsocket.org:%s.git' Plug 'beauty256' AssertEqual 'git@bitbucket.org:junegunn/seoul256.vim.git', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].uri AssertEqual 'git@bitsocket.org:vim-scripts/beauty256.git', g:plugs['beauty256'].uri let g:plug_url_format = prev_plug_url_format ********************************************************************** ~ U ********************************************************************** Execute (Plug block): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Execute (Update plugin with U key in normal mode): PlugStatus /emoji normal U Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'Updated', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-emoji', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-easy-align', 0 AssertExpect! '[=]', 1 " From PlugInstall screen PlugInstall /easy-align normal U AssertExpect 'Updated', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-emoji', 0 AssertExpect 'vim-easy-align', 1 AssertExpect! '[=]', 1 q Execute (Update plugins with U key in visual mode): silent! call RmRf(g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].dir) PlugStatus normal VGU Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'Updated', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-emoji', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-easy-align', 1 AssertExpect! '[==]', 1 " From PlugUpdate screen normal VGU Log getline(1, '$') AssertExpect 'Updated', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-emoji', 1 AssertExpect 'vim-easy-align', 1 AssertExpect! '[==]', 1 q ********************************************************************** Execute (plug#begin should expand env vars): AssertNotEqual '$HOME/.emacs/plugged', expand('$HOME/.emacs/plugged') call plug#begin('$HOME/.emacs/plugged') AssertEqual expand('$HOME/.emacs/plugged'), g:plug_home ********************************************************************** Execute (Plug directory with comma): call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged . '/p,l,u,g,g,e,d') Plug 'junegunn/vim-emoji' call plug#end() Log &rtp PlugInstall q let found = filter(split(globpath(&rtp, 'README.md'), '\n'), 'v:val =~ ","') Log found AssertEqual 1, len(found) unlet found ********************************************************************** Execute (Strict load order): let g:total_order = [] call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx' Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy', { 'for': ['xxx'] } call plug#end() call EnsureLoaded() setf xxx Log 'Case 1: ' . &rtp AssertEqual ['yyy/ftdetect', 'yyy/after/ftdetect', 'xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect'], g:total_order[0:3] Assert index(g:total_order, 'xxx/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'yyy/plugin') Assert index(g:total_order, 'xxx/after/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'yyy/after/plugin') let len = len(split(&rtp, ',')) let g:total_order = [] call ReloadPlug() call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'for': ['xxx'] } Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy' call plug#end() call EnsureLoaded() set rtp^=manually-prepended set rtp+=manually-appended setf xxx Log 'Case 2: ' . &rtp AssertEqual 'manually-prepended', split(&rtp, ',')[3] AssertEqual 'manually-appended', split(&rtp, ',')[-4] AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect', 'yyy/ftdetect', 'yyy/after/ftdetect'], g:total_order[0:3] Assert index(g:total_order, 'yyy/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'xxx/plugin') Assert index(g:total_order, 'yyy/after/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'xxx/after/plugin') AssertEqual len + 2, len(split(&rtp, ',')) let g:total_order = [] call ReloadPlug() set rtp^=manually-prepended set rtp+=manually-appended call plug#begin() Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx', { 'for': ['xxx'] } Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy', { 'for': ['xxx'] } call plug#end() call EnsureLoaded() setf xxx Log 'Case 3: ' . &rtp AssertEqual ['xxx/ftdetect', 'xxx/after/ftdetect', 'yyy/ftdetect', 'yyy/after/ftdetect'], g:total_order[0:3] Assert index(g:total_order, 'xxx/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'yyy/plugin') Assert index(g:total_order, 'xxx/after/plugin') < index(g:total_order, 'yyy/after/plugin') AssertEqual len + 2, len(split(&rtp, ',')) ********************************************************************** Execute (PlugClean should not try to remove unmanaged plugins inside g:plug_home): call plug#begin('$PLUG_FIXTURES') Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/ftplugin-msg', { 'for': [] } Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/fzf' Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/xxx' Plug '$PLUG_FIXTURES/yyy' call plug#end() " Remove z1, z2 PlugClean! AssertExpect '^- ', 2 AssertExpect 'Already clean', 0 PlugClean! AssertExpect '^- ', 0 AssertExpect 'Already clean', 1 q ********************************************************************** Execute (PlugSnapshot / #154 issues with paths containing spaces): let $TMPDIR = '/tmp' call plug#begin('$TMPDIR/plug with spaces') Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim' call plug#end() PlugClean! PlugInstall call plug#load('vim-easy-align') " Should properly handle paths with spaces PlugSnapshot AssertEqual '#!/bin/sh', getline(1) AssertEqual '# Generated by vim-plug', getline(2) AssertEqual 'vim +PlugUpdate +qa', getline(5) AssertEqual 'PLUG_HOME=$TMPDIR/plug\ with\ spaces', getline(7) AssertEqual 0, stridx(getline(9), 'cd $PLUG_HOME/seoul256.vim/ && git reset --hard') AssertEqual 0, stridx(getline(10), 'cd $PLUG_HOME/vim-easy-align/ && git reset --hard') AssertEqual 'sh', &filetype execute 'PlugSnapshot' g:plug_home.'/snapshot.sh' AssertEqual 'sh', &filetype AssertEqual 'snapshot.sh', fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':t') q ********************************************************************** Execute (#221 Shallow-clone and tag option): call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged) Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim' call plug#end() PlugInstall execute 'cd' g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir Assert len(split(system('git log --oneline'), '\n')) == 1 Assert filereadable('.git/shallow') Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'tag': '1.5.3' } PlugUpdate q Assert len(split(system('git log --oneline'), '\n')) > 1 Assert system('git describe --tag') =~ '^1.5.3' Assert !filereadable('.git/shallow') cd - Execute (#221 Shallow-clone disabled by g:plug_shallow = 0): call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged) call plug#end() PlugClean! let g:plug_shallow = 0 call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged) Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim' call plug#end() PlugInstall q execute 'cd' g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir Assert len(split(system('git log --oneline'), '\n')) > 1, 'not shallow' Assert !filereadable('.git/shallow'), 'not shallow' cd - unlet g:plug_shallow Execute (#221 Shallow-clone disabled by tag): call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged) call plug#end() PlugClean! call plug#begin(g:temp_plugged) Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'tag': '1.5.3' } call plug#end() Assert !isdirectory(g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir) PlugInstall Assert isdirectory(g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir) q execute 'cd' g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir Assert system('git describe --tag') =~ '^1.5.3' Assert len(split(system('git log --oneline'), '\n')) > 1 Assert !filereadable('.git/shallow') cd -