Use dot operator instead of get()

The reason I used get() instead of concise dot operator when accessing
`frozen` and `local` properties of plugin spec was to avoid errors when
a user "PlugUpgrade" from an old version of vim-plug whose g:plugs does
not have those properties. Added the code to patch the old version of
g:plugs so that we can safely use dot operators.
This commit is contained in:
Junegunn Choi 2014-07-29 01:45:05 +09:00
parent c4b4aa8f07
commit d499fc311a

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function! plug#begin(...)
command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:names PlugInstall call s:install(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,s:names PlugUpdate call s:update(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=0 -bang PlugClean call s:clean('<bang>' == '!')
command! -nargs=0 PlugUpgrade if s:upgrade() | execute "source ". s:me | endif
command! -nargs=0 PlugUpgrade if s:upgrade() | call s:upgrade_specs() | execute "source ". s:me | endif
command! -nargs=0 PlugStatus call s:status()
command! -nargs=0 PlugDiff call s:diff()
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ function! s:update_impl(pull, args) abort
\ remove(args, -1) : get(g:, 'plug_threads', 16)
let managed = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key)')
let todo = empty(args) ? filter(managed, '!get(v:val, "frozen", 0)') :
let todo = empty(args) ? filter(managed, '!v:val.frozen') :
\ filter(managed, 'index(args, v:key) >= 0')
if empty(todo)
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ function! s:extend(names, ...)
command! -nargs=+ Plug call s:add(0, <args>)
for name in a:names
let spec = g:plugs[name]
if get(spec, 'local', 0)
if spec.local
let plugfile = globpath(s:rtp(spec), s:plug_file)
if filereadable(plugfile)
execute 'source '. s:esc(plugfile)
@ -1087,6 +1087,13 @@ EOF
function! s:upgrade_specs()
for spec in values(g:plugs)
let spec.frozen = get(spec, 'frozen', 0)
let spec.local = get(spec, 'local', 0)
function! s:status()
call s:prepare()
call append(0, 'Checking plugins')