:Plug throws error for invalid option (#961)

":Plug" performs a quick type check for most options so that the user can check which plugin has invalid configuration on startup. This does not prevent errors, resulting from modiying "g:plugs" after running "plug#end()". Plugin repo is added to the error message for convenience. Most users should expect no noticeable difference in startup time.

Close: #930
Related: #936
This commit is contained in:
Jan Edmund Lazo 2020-06-03 07:34:44 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 71c41fccf5
commit 6583b99032
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 49 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -632,17 +632,39 @@ function! plug#(repo, ...)
let g:plugs[name] = spec
let s:loaded[name] = get(s:loaded, name, 0)
return s:err(v:exception)
return s:err(repo . ' ' . v:exception)
function! s:parse_options(arg)
let opts = copy(s:base_spec)
let type = type(a:arg)
let opt_errfmt = 'Invalid argument for "%s" option of :Plug (expected: %s)'
if type == s:TYPE.string
if empty(a:arg)
throw printf(opt_errfmt, 'tag', 'string')
let opts.tag = a:arg
elseif type == s:TYPE.dict
call extend(opts, a:arg)
for opt in ['branch', 'tag', 'commit', 'rtp', 'dir', 'as']
if has_key(opts, opt)
\ && (type(opts[opt]) != s:TYPE.string || empty(opts[opt]))
throw printf(opt_errfmt, opt, 'string')
for opt in ['on', 'for']
if has_key(opts, opt)
\ && type(opts[opt]) != s:TYPE.list
\ && (type(opts[opt]) != s:TYPE.string || empty(opts[opt]))
throw printf(opt_errfmt, opt, 'string or list')
if has_key(opts, 'do')
\ && type(opts.do) != s:TYPE.funcref
\ && (type(opts.do) != s:TYPE.string || empty(opts.do))
throw printf(opt_errfmt, 'do', 'string or funcref')
if has_key(opts, 'dir')
let opts.dir = s:dirpath(s:plug_expand(opts.dir))

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@ -49,11 +49,19 @@ Execute (Test Plug command):
AssertEqual 'no-t_co', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].branch
^ Git repo with tag (DEPRECATED. USE TAG OPTION)
redir => out
Plug 'foo/bar.vim', ''
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid argument for "tag" option of :Plug (expected: string)'
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', '1.5.2'
AssertEqual 'file:///tmp/vim-plug-test/junegunn/goyo.vim', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].uri
AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'goyo.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['goyo.vim'].dir
AssertEqual '1.5.2', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].tag
redir => out
Plug 'foo/bar.vim', {'tag': ''}
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid argument for "tag" option of :Plug (expected: string)'
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim', { 'tag': '1.5.3' } " Using tag option
AssertEqual '1.5.3', g:plugs['goyo.vim'].tag
@ -77,6 +85,22 @@ Execute (Test Plug command):
Execute (Plug command with dictionary option):
Log string(g:plugs)
for opt in ['branch', 'tag', 'commit', 'rtp', 'dir', 'as']
redir => out
Plug 'foo/bar.vim', {opt: ''}
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid argument for "'.opt.'" option of :Plug (expected: string)'
for opt in ['on', 'for']
redir => out
Plug 'foo/bar.vim', {opt: ''}
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid argument for "'.opt.'" option of :Plug (expected: string or list)'
redir => out
Plug 'foo/bar.vim', {'do': ''}
redir END
Assert out =~ 'Invalid argument for "do" option of :Plug (expected: string or funcref)'
Plug 'junegunn/seoul256.vim', { 'branch': 'no-t_co', 'rtp': '././' }
AssertEqual join([g:temp_plugged, 'seoul256.vim/'], '/'), g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].dir
AssertEqual '././', g:plugs['seoul256.vim'].rtp
@ -1037,9 +1061,10 @@ Execute (Post-update hook output; success and failure):
Execute (Post-update hook output; invalid type or funcref):
call plug#begin()
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': 1 }
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'do': ':echo 1' }
Plug 'junegunn/vim-pseudocl', { 'do': function('call') }
call plug#end()
let g:plugs['vim-easy-align'].do = 1
silent PlugInstall! 1
AssertEqual 'x Post-update hook for vim-pseudocl ... Vim(call):E119: Not enough arguments for function: call', getline(5)