Enable multi-thread on windows

Specify PIPE as stdin for subprocess.Pipe for gvim.exe.
Also fixes some ruby implementation.

* windows doesn't have pgrep.
* windows can't handle SIGTERM.
* windows can't handle /dev/null
* redraw always
This commit is contained in:
Yasuhiro Matsumoto 2015-12-03 17:06:20 +09:00 committed by Junegunn Choi
parent 80e5b3eab5
commit 060c0e6d6c

View file

@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ endfunction
function! s:update_impl(pull, force, args) abort
let args = copy(a:args)
let threads = (len(args) > 0 && args[-1] =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$') ?
\ remove(args, -1) : get(g:, 'plug_threads', s:is_win ? 1 : 16)
\ remove(args, -1) : get(g:, 'plug_threads', 16)
let managed = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key)')
let todo = empty(args) ? filter(managed, '!v:val.frozen || !isdirectory(v:val.dir)') :
@ -798,9 +798,8 @@ function! s:update_impl(pull, force, args) abort
echohl None
let python = (has('python') || has('python3')) && !s:is_win && !has('win32unix')
\ && (!s:nvim || has('vim_starting'))
let ruby = has('ruby') && !s:nvim && (v:version >= 703 || v:version == 702 && has('patch374'))
let python = (has('python') || has('python3')) && (!s:nvim || has('vim_starting'))
let ruby = has('ruby') && !s:nvim && (v:version >= 703 || v:version == 702 && has('patch374')) && !(s:is_win && has('gui_running'))
let s:update = {
\ 'start': reltime(),
@ -1069,7 +1068,6 @@ endfunction
function! s:update_python()
let py_exe = has('python') ? 'python' : 'python3'
execute py_exe "<< EOF"
""" Due to use of signals this function is POSIX only. """
import datetime
import functools
import os
@ -1096,6 +1094,7 @@ G_CLONE_OPT = vim.eval('s:clone_opt')
G_PROGRESS = vim.eval('s:progress_opt(1)')
G_LOG_PROB = 1.0 / int(vim.eval('s:update.threads'))
G_STOP = thr.Event()
G_IS_WIN = vim.eval('s:is_win') == '1'
class PlugError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
@ -1110,10 +1109,9 @@ class Action(object):
INSTALL, UPDATE, ERROR, DONE = ['+', '*', 'x', '-']
class Buffer(object):
def __init__(self, lock, num_plugs, is_pull, is_win):
def __init__(self, lock, num_plugs, is_pull):
self.bar = ''
self.event = 'Updating' if is_pull else 'Installing'
self.is_win = is_win
self.lock = lock
self.maxy = int(vim.eval('winheight(".")'))
self.num_plugs = num_plugs
@ -1141,8 +1139,7 @@ class Buffer(object):
with self.lock:
vim.command('normal! 2G')
if not self.is_win:
def write(self, action, name, lines):
first, rest = lines[0], lines[1:]
@ -1224,9 +1221,11 @@ class Command(object):
tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b')
preexec_fn = not G_IS_WIN and os.setsid or None
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=tfile,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True,
stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,
thrd = thr.Thread(target=(lambda proc: proc.wait()), args=(self.proc,))
@ -1244,7 +1243,7 @@ class Command(object):
if first_line or random.random() < G_LOG_PROB:
first_line = False
line = nonblock_read(tfile.name)
line = '' if G_IS_WIN else nonblock_read(tfile.name)
if line:
@ -1268,7 +1267,10 @@ class Command(object):
def terminate(self):
""" Terminate process and cleanup. """
if self.alive:
os.killpg(self.proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
if G_IS_WIN:
os.kill(self.proc.pid, signal.SIGINT)
os.killpg(self.proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM)
class Plugin(object):
@ -1419,10 +1421,9 @@ def main():
nthreads = int(vim.eval('s:update.threads'))
plugs = vim.eval('s:update.todo')
mac_gui = vim.eval('s:mac_gui') == '1'
is_win = vim.eval('s:is_win') == '1'
lock = thr.Lock()
buf = Buffer(lock, len(plugs), G_PULL, is_win)
buf = Buffer(lock, len(plugs), G_PULL)
buf_q, work_q = queue.Queue(), queue.Queue()
for work in plugs.items():
@ -1479,16 +1480,20 @@ function! s:update_ruby()
def killall pid
pids = [pid]
unless `which pgrep 2> /dev/null`.empty?
children = pids
until children.empty?
children = children.map { |pid|
`pgrep -P #{pid}`.lines.map { |l| l.chomp }
pids += children
if /mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'INT', pid.to_i rescue nil }
unless `which pgrep 2> /dev/null`.empty?
children = pids
until children.empty?
children = children.map { |pid|
`pgrep -P #{pid}`.lines.map { |l| l.chomp }
pids += children
pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'TERM', pid.to_i rescue nil }
pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'TERM', pid.to_i rescue nil }
require 'thread'
@ -1514,7 +1519,7 @@ function! s:update_ruby()
$curbuf[1] = "#{pull ? 'Updating' : 'Installing'} plugins (#{cnt}/#{tot})"
$curbuf[2] = '[' + bar.ljust(tot) + ']'
VIM::command('normal! 2G')
VIM::command('redraw') unless iswin
where = proc { |name| (1..($curbuf.length)).find { |l| $curbuf[l] =~ /^[-+x*] #{name}:/ } }
log = proc { |name, result, type|