Add failing test case for #236

This commit is contained in:
Junegunn Choi 2015-05-28 12:50:41 +09:00
parent 2ed1f27aa2
commit 025f314144

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@ -244,3 +244,26 @@ Execute (#184: Duplicate entries in &rtp):
Log &rtp
AssertEqual 3, len(filter(split(&rtp, ','), 'stridx(v:val, "plugged") >= 0'))
Execute (#236: Plugin removed from &rtp when .vimrc is reloaded):
unlet! g:loaded_easy_align_plugin
silent! delc EasyAlign
call ReloadPlug()
call plug#begin('$TMPDIR/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': 'EasyAlign' }
call plug#end()
PlugInstall | q
Assert &rtp !~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should not be in &rtp'
Assert &rtp =~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should be in &rtp'
call plug#begin('$TMPDIR/plugged')
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align', { 'on': 'EasyAlign' }
call plug#end()
redir => out
silent command EasyAlign
redir END
Assert &rtp =~ '/vim-easy-align', 'Plugin should still be in &rtp'