* 📝 Tweak name for Custom Types * ✏️ Fix broken internal links in CLI Option autocompletion * 📝 Update main page docs, remove colors as that renders badly in README * 📝 Update README, sync with index.md, remove colors for GitHub and PyPI
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site_name: Typer
site_description: Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
site_url: https://typer.tiangolo.com/
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- Typer: index.md
- Features: features.md
- Tutorial - User Guide:
- Tutorial - User Guide - Intro: tutorial/index.md
- First Steps: tutorial/first-steps.md
- Printing and Colors: tutorial/printing.md
- Terminating: tutorial/terminating.md
- CLI Arguments:
- CLI Arguments Intro: tutorial/arguments/index.md
- Optional CLI Arguments: tutorial/arguments/optional.md
- CLI Arguments with Default: tutorial/arguments/default.md
- CLI Arguments with Help: tutorial/arguments/help.md
- CLI Arguments with Environment Variables: tutorial/arguments/envvar.md
- Other uses: tutorial/arguments/other-uses.md
- CLI Options:
- CLI Options Intro: tutorial/options/index.md
- CLI Options with Help: tutorial/options/help.md
- Required CLI Options: tutorial/options/required.md
- CLI Option Prompt: tutorial/options/prompt.md
- Password CLI Option and Confirmation Prompt: tutorial/options/password.md
- CLI Option Name: tutorial/options/name.md
- CLI Option Callback and Context: tutorial/options/callback-and-context.md
- Version CLI Option, is_eager: tutorial/options/version.md
- Commands:
- Commands Intro: tutorial/commands/index.md
- Command CLI Arguments: tutorial/commands/arguments.md
- Command CLI Options: tutorial/commands/options.md
- Command Help: tutorial/commands/help.md
- Custom Command Name: tutorial/commands/name.md
- Typer Callback: tutorial/commands/callback.md
- One or Multiple Commands: tutorial/commands/one-or-multiple.md
- Using the Context: tutorial/commands/context.md
- CLI Option autocompletion: tutorial/options-autocompletion.md
- CLI Parameter Types:
- CLI Parameter Types Intro: tutorial/parameter-types/index.md
- Number: tutorial/parameter-types/number.md
- Boolean CLI Options: tutorial/parameter-types/bool.md
- UUID: tutorial/parameter-types/uuid.md
- DateTime: tutorial/parameter-types/datetime.md
- Enum - Choices: tutorial/parameter-types/enum.md
- Path: tutorial/parameter-types/path.md
- File: tutorial/parameter-types/file.md
- Custom Types: tutorial/parameter-types/custom-types.md
- SubCommands - Command Groups:
- SubCommands - Command Groups - Intro: tutorial/subcommands/index.md
- Add Typer: tutorial/subcommands/add-typer.md
- SubCommands in a Single File: tutorial/subcommands/single-file.md
- Nested SubCommands: tutorial/subcommands/nested-subcommands.md
- Sub-Typer Callback Override: tutorial/subcommands/callback-override.md
- SubCommand Name and Help: tutorial/subcommands/name-and-help.md
- Multiple Values:
- Multiple Values Intro: tutorial/multiple-values/index.md
- Multiple CLI Options: tutorial/multiple-values/multiple-options.md
- CLI Options with Multiple Values: tutorial/multiple-values/options-with-multiple-values.md
- CLI Arguments with Multiple Values: tutorial/multiple-values/arguments-with-multiple-values.md
- Ask with Prompt: tutorial/prompt.md
- Progress Bar: tutorial/progressbar.md
- CLI Application Directory: tutorial/app-dir.md
- Launching Applications: tutorial/launch.md
- Testing: tutorial/testing.md
- Using Click: tutorial/using-click.md
- Building a Package: tutorial/package.md
- tutorial/exceptions.md
- Typer CLI - completion for small scripts: typer-cli.md
- Alternatives, Inspiration and Comparisons: alternatives.md
- Help Typer - Get Help: help-typer.md
- Development - Contributing: contributing.md
- Release Notes: release-notes.md
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