site_name: Typer site_description: Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints. site_url: theme: name: 'material' palette: primary: 'black' accent: 'teal' logo: 'img/icon-white.svg' favicon: 'img/favicon.png' repo_name: tiangolo/typer repo_url: edit_uri: '' google_analytics: - 'UA-155009830-1' - 'auto' nav: - Typer: '' - Features: '' - Tutorial - User Guide: - Tutorial - User Guide - Intro: 'tutorial/' - First Steps: 'tutorial/' - Printing and Colors: 'tutorial/' - Terminating: 'tutorial/' - CLI Arguments: 'tutorial/' - CLI Options: - CLI Options Intro: 'tutorial/options/' - CLI Options with Help: 'tutorial/options/' - Required CLI Options: 'tutorial/options/' - CLI Option Prompt: 'tutorial/options/' - CLI Option Name: 'tutorial/options/' - Commands: - Commands Intro: 'tutorial/commands/' - Command CLI Arguments: 'tutorial/commands/' - Command CLI Options: 'tutorial/commands/' - Command Help: 'tutorial/commands/' - Custom Command Name: 'tutorial/commands/' - One or Multiple Commands: 'tutorial/commands/' - CLI Parameter Types: - CLI Parameter Types Intro: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - Number: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - UUID: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - DateTime: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - Enum - Choices: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - Path: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - File: 'tutorial/parameter-types/' - Ask with Prompt: 'tutorial/' - Progress Bar: 'tutorial/' - CLI Application Directory: 'tutorial/' - Launching Applications: 'tutorial/' - Alternatives, Inspiration and Comparisons: '' - Help Typer - Get Help: '' - Development - Contributing: '' - Release Notes: markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: true - markdown.extensions.codehilite: guess_lang: false - markdown_include.include: base_path: docs - admonition - codehilite - extra extra: social: - type: 'github' link: '' - type: 'twitter' link: '' - type: 'linkedin' link: '' - type: 'rss' link: '' - type: 'medium' link: '' - type: 'globe' link: '' extra_css: - 'css/termynal.css' - 'css/custom.css' extra_javascript: - 'js/termynal.js' - 'js/custom.js'