.\" May be distributed under the GNU General Public License .TH FIDENTIFY 8 @TESTDISKDATE@ "Administration Tools" .SH NAME fidentify \- Determine file type using PhotoRec database .SH SYNOPSIS .BI "fidentify [--check] [directory|file] .sp .BI "fidentify --version .sp .SH DESCRIPTION \fBfidentify\fP identify the file type, the "extension", by using the same database than PhotoRec. When a file or directory is specified, fidentify will output the type of file, or files under the specified directory. If given no arguments, fidentify will output type of files under current directory. fidentify is similar to file(1). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B --check check the file format like PhotoRec does by default .SH SEE ALSO .BR photorec(8), testdisk(8), file(1) .BR .SH AUTHOR PhotoRec @VERSION@, Data Recovery Utility, @TESTDISKDATE@ .br Christophe GRENIER .br http://www.cgsecurity.org