.\" Manpage for shellnotes-newnote. .\" Contact dmarakom@gmail.com to correct errors or typos. .TH newnote 1 .SH NAME shellnotes-newnote \- write a new note using your text editor. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B newnote .IR [FILE...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B newnote uses your default text-editor to write a new note and saves it into your notes folder when finished. .\" .SH OPTIONS .SH BUGS .TP .BR \-noSaveBug ", " \-nsBug ", " \110 If the text editor is closed without saving the new file, newnote diplays "Note saved...", but the file is not really saved. .SH AUTHOR Dimitris Marakomihelakis (dmarakom@gmail.com)