#!/usr/bin/env bash :<<'info' shellnotes - bash_update.sh (C) Dimitris Marakomihelakis Released under the "All rights reserved" category. See the RIGHTS.txt file in /docs/github/ for its full text. info dir="$(pwd)" #Update script only for bash users. See supported shells for installation: help.txt > lines 88-95. if [ -e ~/.shellnotes/ver/.shellnotes_version ]; then #Get the current version. VER=$(cat ~/.shellnotes/ver/.shellnotes_version) #Get the newer version of the source code from the github repository. NEW_VER=$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmarakom6/shellnotes/master/ver/.shellnotes_version) else echo "Shellnotes is not installed. Try running 'sh install.sh'." cd ~/.shellnotes/util/failed g++ ufailed.cpp -o ufailed ~/.shellnotes/util/failed/ufailed rm -f ufailed cd $dir return 0 fi clear #colours RED='\033[0;31m' LRED='\033[1;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' LGREEN='\033[1;32m' ORANGE='\033[0;33m' YELLOW='\033[1;33m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color #Compare versions if [ "$VER" = "$NEW_VER" ]; then echo "No new update found." echo -e "Shellnotes is up to date (version $GREEN$VER$NC)." else echo "Good news!" echo "A new shellnotes update is available." read -n 1 -p "Would you like to update?[Y/n] " input case $input in y|Y|YES|Yes|yes ) echo echo -e "Current version: $RED$VER$NC" echo -e "Version to install: $LGREEN$NEW_VER$NC" echo -ne "Preparing to update..." ## spinner takes the pid of the process as the first argument and # string to display as second argument (default provided) and spins # until the process completes. spinner() { local delay="0.1" tput civis # hide cursor i="$(date +%s)" j="$(( i + 3 ))" while [ $i -lt $j ]; do printf '\033[s\033[u[ / ] %s\033[u'; sleep "$delay" printf '\033[s\033[u[ — ] %s\033[u'; sleep "$delay" printf '\033[s\033[u[ \ ] %s\033[u'; sleep "$delay" printf '\033[s\033[u[ | ] %s\033[u'; sleep "$delay" i="$(date +%s)" done printf "" # return to normal tput cnorm # restore cursor } spinner $! echo -ne "Updating..." echo #(Fake)Progress bar echo -ne " $RED[0%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne "> $RED[5%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>> $RED[10%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>> $RED[15%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>> $LRED[20%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>> $LRED[25%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>> $LRED[30%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>> $LRED[35%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>> $ORANGE[40%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>> $ORANGE[45%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>> $ORANGE[60%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>> $ORANGE[65%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>> $YELLOW[70%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>> $YELLOW[75%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $YELLOW[80%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $GREEN[85%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $GREEN[90%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $GREEN[95%]$NC\r" sleep 0.15 echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$GREEN[100%]$NC" echo -ne "Finishing..." spinner $1 cd ~/.shellnotes/ wget -q -O master.zip "https://github.com/dmarakom6/shellnotes/archive/master.zip" if [ -e master.zip ]; then unzip -qqo master.zip rm -rf master.zip cp shellnotes-master/* shellnotes-master/.* . 2> /dev/null mv -f shellnotes.sh .shellnotes.sh sleep 0.5 echo -ne "\r" echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$LGREEN[done]$NC " else echo -ne ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$RED[failed]$NC " cd ~/.shellnotes/util/failed g++ ufailed.cpp -o ufailed ~/.shellnotes/util/failed/ufailed rm -f ufailed return 0 fi echo -ne '\n' #ASCII Art (Don't judge it's still cool) echo -e "${ORANGE} _____ __ __________ __ _ ______ _________________" echo -e ' / ___/ / / / / ____/ / / / / | / / __ \/_ __/ ____/ ___/' echo -e ' \__ \ / /_/ / __/ / / / / / |/ / / / / / / / __/ \__ \' echo -e ' ___/ / __ / /___/ /___/ /___/ /| / /_/ / / / / /___ ___/ / ' echo -e "/____/_/ /_/_____/_____/_____/_/ |_/\____/ /_/ /_____//____/ $NC" echo echo -e "Shellnotes has been updated to the latest version $GREEN$NEW_VER$NC" echo "Please restart your terminal to complete the update." echo "Have fun taking notes!" cd $dir esac fi