.\" Manpage for quickread. .\" Contact dmarakom@gmail.com to correct errors or typos. .TH quickread 1 .SH NAME shellnotes-quickread \- Read new note directly in your terminal. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B notegrep [\fIOPTION\fR] .IR [FILE...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B quickread uses cat (do "man cat") to view a note. It only runs inside your notes folder. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-l ", " \--line =\fIINT\fR Display a specific line of a note. .TP .BR \-r ", " \--reverse =\fISTRING\fR Reverse output of cat, using tac. .TP .BR \-s ", " \--sort =\fISTRING\fR Print output piped to the sort command. .SH BUGS .TP .BR \-FloatBug ", " \-fBug ", " \102 If $line is a float, sed returns en error message. .SH AUTHOR Dimitris Marakomihelakis (dmarakom@gmail.com)