:<<'info' shellnotes - au.sh (C) Dimitris Marakomihelakis Released under the "All rights reserved" category. See the RIGHTS.txt file in /docs/github/ for its full text. info case $1 in -au|--auto-update ) if grep -q 'ChUpd.sh' ~/.shellnotes/.shellnotes.sh; then echo "auto-update feature is enabled." echo -n "Disable it? [Y/N]: " && read input case $input in Yes|y|Y|yes|YES ) sed -i '/ChUpd.sh/d' ~/.shellnotes/.shellnotes.sh echo "auto-update feature is now disabled." echo "To enable, run 'shellnotes -au' again." esac else echo "auto-update feature is disabled." echo -n "Enable it? [Y/N]: " && read input case $input in Yes|y|Y|yes|YES ) long=$(grep -n "#The lines below must NOT be changed." ~/.shellnotes/.shellnotes.sh) short=$(echo "${long}" | head -c1) short=$((short+1)) file=$(eval echo "~/.shellnotes/util/ChUpd.sh") sed -i "$short i\. $file" ~/.shellnotes/.shellnotes.sh echo "auto-update feature is now enabled." echo "To disable, run 'shellnotes -au' again." esac fi esac