.\" Manpage for shellnotes-listnotes. .\" Contact dmarakom@gmail.com to correct errors or typos. .TH listnotes 1 .SH NAME shellnotes-listnotes \- list your notes from wherever you are. .SH SYNOPSIS .PP .B listnotes [\fIOPTION\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .B listnotes uses ls (do "man ls") to list all your notes in different ways. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-d ", " \--dynamic Dynamic view of all your notes and their content. .TP .BR \-n ", " \--number Count the number of notes in your notes folder. .TP .BR \-f ", " \--folder Show the current default notes folder. .SH BUGS .\".TP .\".BR \- .\".PP .SH AUTHOR Dimitris Marakomihelakis (dmarakom@gmail.com)