Michael Mayer a974b3a7ea People: Improve Facial Recognition Accuracy, Command, and UI #22
Work in progress. Performed refactoring along the way.
2021-08-13 20:04:59 +02:00

312 lines
6.7 KiB

package face
import (
_ "embed"
_ "image/jpeg"
pigo ""
//go:embed cascade/facefinder
var cascadeFile []byte
//go:embed cascade/puploc
var puplocFile []byte
var (
classifier *pigo.Pigo
plc *pigo.PuplocCascade
flpcs map[string][]*FlpCascade
func init() {
var err error
p := pigo.NewPigo()
// Unpack the binary file. This will return the number of cascade trees,
// the tree depth, the threshold and the prediction from tree's leaf nodes.
classifier, err = p.Unpack(cascadeFile)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s", err)
pl := pigo.NewPuplocCascade()
plc, err = pl.UnpackCascade(puplocFile)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s", err)
flpcs, err = ReadCascadeDir(pl, "cascade/lps")
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s", err)
var (
eyeCascades = []string{"lp46", "lp44", "lp42", "lp38", "lp312"}
mouthCascades = []string{"lp93", "lp84", "lp82", "lp81"}
// Detector struct contains Pigo face detector general settings.
type Detector struct {
minSize int
maxSize int
angle float64
shiftFactor float64
scaleFactor float64
iouThreshold float64
scoreThreshold float32
perturb int
// Detect runs the detection algorithm over the provided source image.
func Detect(fileName string) (faces Faces, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s (panic)\nstack: %s", r, debug.Stack())
fd := &Detector{
minSize: 20,
maxSize: 1000,
angle: 0.0,
shiftFactor: 0.1,
scaleFactor: 1.1,
iouThreshold: 0.2,
scoreThreshold: 9.0,
perturb: 63,
if !fs.FileExists(fileName) {
return faces, fmt.Errorf("faces: file '%s' not found", txt.Quote(filepath.Base(fileName)))
det, params, err := fd.Detect(fileName)
if err != nil {
return faces, fmt.Errorf("faces: %v (detect faces)", err)
if det == nil {
return faces, fmt.Errorf("faces: no result")
faces, err = fd.Faces(det, params)
if err != nil {
return faces, fmt.Errorf("faces: %s", err)
return faces, nil
// Detect runs the detection algorithm over the provided source image.
func (fd *Detector) Detect(fileName string) (faces []pigo.Detection, params pigo.CascadeParams, err error) {
var srcFile io.Reader
file, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return faces, params, err
defer file.Close()
srcFile = file
src, err := pigo.DecodeImage(srcFile)
if err != nil {
return faces, params, err
pixels := pigo.RgbToGrayscale(src)
cols, rows := src.Bounds().Max.X, src.Bounds().Max.Y
imageParams := &pigo.ImageParams{
Pixels: pixels,
Rows: rows,
Cols: cols,
Dim: cols,
if rows > 800 || cols > 800 {
fd.scoreThreshold += 9.0
params = pigo.CascadeParams{
MinSize: fd.minSize,
MaxSize: fd.maxSize,
ShiftFactor: fd.shiftFactor,
ScaleFactor: fd.scaleFactor,
ImageParams: *imageParams,
// Run the classifier over the obtained leaf nodes and return the Face results.
// The result contains quadruplets representing the row, column, scale and Face score.
faces = classifier.RunCascade(params, fd.angle)
// Calculate the intersection over union (IoU) of two clusters.
faces = classifier.ClusterDetections(faces, fd.iouThreshold)
return faces, params, nil
// Faces adds landmark coordinates to detected faces and returns the results.
func (fd *Detector) Faces(det []pigo.Detection, params pigo.CascadeParams) (results Faces, err error) {
var maxQ float32
// Sort by quality.
sort.Slice(det, func(i, j int) bool {
return det[i].Q > det[j].Q
for _, face := range det {
var eyesCoords []Point
var landmarkCoords []Point
var puploc *pigo.Puploc
if face.Q < fd.scoreThreshold {
if maxQ < face.Q {
maxQ = face.Q
} else if maxQ >= 20 && face.Q < 15 {
faceCoord := NewPoint(
if face.Scale > 50 {
// Find left eye.
puploc = &pigo.Puploc{
Row: face.Row - int(0.075*float32(face.Scale)),
Col: face.Col - int(0.175*float32(face.Scale)),
Scale: float32(face.Scale) * 0.25,
Perturbs: fd.perturb,
leftEye := plc.RunDetector(*puploc, params.ImageParams, fd.angle, false)
if leftEye.Row > 0 && leftEye.Col > 0 {
eyesCoords = append(eyesCoords, NewPoint(
// Find right eye.
puploc = &pigo.Puploc{
Row: face.Row - int(0.075*float32(face.Scale)),
Col: face.Col + int(0.185*float32(face.Scale)),
Scale: float32(face.Scale) * 0.25,
Perturbs: fd.perturb,
rightEye := plc.RunDetector(*puploc, params.ImageParams, fd.angle, false)
if rightEye.Row > 0 && rightEye.Col > 0 {
eyesCoords = append(eyesCoords, NewPoint(
if leftEye != nil && rightEye != nil {
for _, eye := range eyeCascades {
for _, flpc := range flpcs[eye] {
if flpc == nil {
flp := flpc.GetLandmarkPoint(leftEye, rightEye, params.ImageParams, fd.perturb, false)
if flp.Row > 0 && flp.Col > 0 {
landmarkCoords = append(landmarkCoords, NewPoint(
flp = flpc.GetLandmarkPoint(leftEye, rightEye, params.ImageParams, fd.perturb, true)
if flp.Row > 0 && flp.Col > 0 {
landmarkCoords = append(landmarkCoords, NewPoint(
// Find mouth.
for _, mouth := range mouthCascades {
for _, flpc := range flpcs[mouth] {
if flpc == nil {
flp := flpc.GetLandmarkPoint(leftEye, rightEye, params.ImageParams, fd.perturb, false)
if flp.Row > 0 && flp.Col > 0 {
landmarkCoords = append(landmarkCoords, NewPoint(
flpc := flpcs["lp84"][0]
if flpc != nil {
flp := flpc.GetLandmarkPoint(leftEye, rightEye, params.ImageParams, fd.perturb, true)
if flp.Row > 0 && flp.Col > 0 {
landmarkCoords = append(landmarkCoords, NewPoint(
results = append(results, Face{
Rows: params.ImageParams.Rows,
Cols: params.ImageParams.Cols,
Score: int(face.Q),
Face: faceCoord,
Eyes: eyesCoords,
Landmarks: landmarkCoords,
return results, nil