* Metadata: Read title, description, date and keywords from apple xmp * Metadata: Add testfiles and tests * Metadata: Add support for XMP sidecar CreateDate and Keywords #1151 Co-authored-by: Michael Mayer <michael@lastzero.net>
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package meta
import (
// XmpDocument represents an XMP sidecar file.
type XmpDocument struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"xmpmeta" json:"xmpmeta,omitempty"`
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
X string `xml:"x,attr" json:"x,omitempty"`
Xmptk string `xml:"xmptk,attr" json:"xmptk,omitempty"`
RDF struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Rdf string `xml:"rdf,attr" json:"rdf,omitempty"`
Description struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
About string `xml:"about,attr" json:"about,omitempty"`
Xmp string `xml:"xmp,attr" json:"xmp,omitempty"`
Aux string `xml:"aux,attr" json:"aux,omitempty"`
ExifEX string `xml:"exifEX,attr" json:"exifex,omitempty"`
Photoshop string `xml:"photoshop,attr" json:"photoshop,omitempty"`
XmpMM string `xml:"xmpMM,attr" json:"xmpmm,omitempty"`
Dc string `xml:"dc,attr" json:"dc,omitempty"`
Tiff string `xml:"tiff,attr" json:"tiff,omitempty"`
Exif string `xml:"exif,attr" json:"exif,omitempty"`
XmpRights string `xml:"xmpRights,attr" json:"xmprights,omitempty"`
Iptc4xmpCore string `xml:"Iptc4xmpCore,attr" json:"iptc4xmpcore,omitempty"`
Iptc4xmpExt string `xml:"Iptc4xmpExt,attr" json:"iptc4xmpext,omitempty"`
CreatorTool string `xml:"CreatorTool"` // ELE-L29
ModifyDate string `xml:"ModifyDate"` // 2020-01-01T17:28:23.89961...
CreateDate string `xml:"CreateDate"` // 2020-01-01T17:28:23
MetadataDate string `xml:"MetadataDate"` // 2020-01-01T17:28:23.89961...
Rating string `xml:"Rating"` // 4
Lens string `xml:"Lens"` // HUAWEI P30 Rear Main Came...
LensModel string `xml:"LensModel"` // HUAWEI P30 Rear Main Came...
DateCreated string `xml:"DateCreated"` // 2020-01-01T17:28:25.72962...
ColorMode string `xml:"ColorMode"` // 3
ICCProfile string `xml:"ICCProfile"` // sRGB IEC61966-2.1
AuthorsPosition string `xml:"AuthorsPosition"` // Maintainer
DocumentID string `xml:"DocumentID"` // 2C678C1811D7095FD79CC822B...
InstanceID string `xml:"InstanceID"` // 2C678C1811D7095FD79CC822B...
Format string `xml:"format"` // image/jpeg
Title struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Alt struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"` // Night Shift / Berlin / 20...
Lang string `xml:"lang,attr" json:"lang,omitempty"`
} `xml:"li" json:"li,omitempty"`
} `xml:"Alt" json:"alt,omitempty"`
} `xml:"title" json:"title,omitempty"`
Creator struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Seq struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li string `xml:"li"` // Michael Mayer
} `xml:"Seq" json:"seq,omitempty"`
} `xml:"creator" json:"creator,omitempty"`
Description struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Alt struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"` // Example file for developm...
Lang string `xml:"lang,attr" json:"lang,omitempty"`
} `xml:"li" json:"li,omitempty"`
} `xml:"Alt" json:"alt,omitempty"`
} `xml:"description" json:"description,omitempty"`
Subject struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Bag struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li []string `xml:"li"` // desk, coffee, computer
} `xml:"Bag" json:"bag,omitempty"`
Seq struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li []string `xml:"li"` // desk, coffee, computer
} `xml:"Seq" json:"seq,omitempty"`
} `xml:"subject" json:"subject,omitempty"`
Rights struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Alt struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"` // This is an (edited) legal...
Lang string `xml:"lang,attr" json:"lang,omitempty"`
} `xml:"li" json:"li,omitempty"`
} `xml:"Alt" json:"alt,omitempty"`
} `xml:"rights" json:"rights,omitempty"`
ImageWidth string `xml:"ImageWidth"` // 3648
ImageLength string `xml:"ImageLength"` // 2736
BitsPerSample struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Seq struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li []string `xml:"li"` // 8
} `xml:"Seq" json:"seq,omitempty"`
} `xml:"BitsPerSample" json:"bitspersample,omitempty"`
PhotometricInterpretation string `xml:"PhotometricInterpretation"` // 2
Orientation string `xml:"Orientation"` // 0
SamplesPerPixel string `xml:"SamplesPerPixel"` // 3
YCbCrPositioning string `xml:"YCbCrPositioning"` // 1
XResolution string `xml:"XResolution"` // 72/1
YResolution string `xml:"YResolution"` // 72/1
ResolutionUnit string `xml:"ResolutionUnit"` // 2
Make string `xml:"Make"` // HUAWEI
Model string `xml:"Model"` // ELE-L29
ExifVersion string `xml:"ExifVersion"` // 0210
FlashpixVersion string `xml:"FlashpixVersion"` // 0100
ColorSpace string `xml:"ColorSpace"` // 1
ComponentsConfiguration struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Seq struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li []string `xml:"li"` // 1, 2, 3, 0
} `xml:"Seq" json:"seq,omitempty"`
} `xml:"ComponentsConfiguration" json:"componentsconfiguration,omitempty"`
CompressedBitsPerPixel string `xml:"CompressedBitsPerPixel"` // 95/100
PixelXDimension string `xml:"PixelXDimension"` // 3648
PixelYDimension string `xml:"PixelYDimension"` // 2736
DateTimeOriginal string `xml:"DateTimeOriginal"` // 2020-01-01T17:28:23
ExposureTime string `xml:"ExposureTime"` // 20000000/1000000000
FNumber string `xml:"FNumber"` // 180/100
ExposureProgram string `xml:"ExposureProgram"` // 2
ISOSpeedRatings struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Seq struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li string `xml:"li"` // 200
} `xml:"Seq" json:"seq,omitempty"`
} `xml:"ISOSpeedRatings" json:"isospeedratings,omitempty"`
ShutterSpeedValue string `xml:"ShutterSpeedValue"` // 298973/10000
ApertureValue string `xml:"ApertureValue"` // 1695994/1000000
BrightnessValue string `xml:"BrightnessValue"` // 0/1
ExposureBiasValue string `xml:"ExposureBiasValue"` // 0/10
MaxApertureValue string `xml:"MaxApertureValue"` // 169/100
MeteringMode string `xml:"MeteringMode"` // 5
LightSource string `xml:"LightSource"` // 1
Flash struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
ParseType string `xml:"parseType,attr" json:"parsetype,omitempty"`
Fired string `xml:"Fired"` // False
Return string `xml:"Return"` // 0
Mode string `xml:"Mode"` // 0
Function string `xml:"Function"` // False
RedEyeMode string `xml:"RedEyeMode"` // False
} `xml:"Flash" json:"flash,omitempty"`
FocalLength string `xml:"FocalLength"` // 5580/1000
SensingMethod string `xml:"SensingMethod"` // 2
FileSource string `xml:"FileSource"` // 3
SceneType string `xml:"SceneType"` // 1
CustomRendered string `xml:"CustomRendered"` // 1
ExposureMode string `xml:"ExposureMode"` // 0
WhiteBalance string `xml:"WhiteBalance"` // 0
DigitalZoomRatio string `xml:"DigitalZoomRatio"` // 100/100
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm string `xml:"FocalLengthIn35mmFilm"` // 27
SceneCaptureType string `xml:"SceneCaptureType"` // 0
GainControl string `xml:"GainControl"` // 0
Contrast string `xml:"Contrast"` // 0
Saturation string `xml:"Saturation"` // 0
Sharpness string `xml:"Sharpness"` // 0
SubjectDistanceRange string `xml:"SubjectDistanceRange"` // 0
SubSecTime string `xml:"SubSecTime"` // 899614
SubSecTimeOriginal string `xml:"SubSecTimeOriginal"` // 899614
SubSecTimeDigitized string `xml:"SubSecTimeDigitized"` // 899614
GPSVersionID string `xml:"GPSVersionID"` //
GPSLatitude string `xml:"GPSLatitude"` // 52,27.5814N
GPSLongitude string `xml:"GPSLongitude"` // 13,19.3099E
GPSAltitudeRef string `xml:"GPSAltitudeRef"` // 1
GPSAltitude string `xml:"GPSAltitude"` // 0/100
GPSTimeStamp string `xml:"GPSTimeStamp"` // 2020-01-01T16:28:22Z
Marked string `xml:"Marked"` // False
WebStatement string `xml:"WebStatement"` // http://docs.photoprism.or...
CreatorContactInfo struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
ParseType string `xml:"parseType,attr" json:"parsetype,omitempty"`
CiAdrExtadr string `xml:"CiAdrExtadr"` // Zimmermannstr. 37
CiAdrCity string `xml:"CiAdrCity"` // Berlin
CiAdrPcode string `xml:"CiAdrPcode"` // 12163
CiAdrCtry string `xml:"CiAdrCtry"` // Germany
CiTelWork string `xml:"CiTelWork"` // +49123456789
CiEmailWork string `xml:"CiEmailWork"` // hello@photoprism.org
CiUrlWork string `xml:"CiUrlWork"` // https://photoprism.org/
} `xml:"CreatorContactInfo" json:"creatorcontactinfo,omitempty"`
PersonInImage struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Bag struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata" json:"text,omitempty"`
Li string `xml:"li"` // Gopher
} `xml:"Bag" json:"bag,omitempty"`
} `xml:"PersonInImage" json:"personinimage,omitempty"`
} `xml:"Description" json:"description,omitempty"`
} `xml:"RDF" json:"rdf,omitempty"`
// Load parses an XMP file and populates document values with its contents.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Load(filename string) error {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
return xml.Unmarshal(data, doc)
// Title returns the XMP document title.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Title() string {
t := doc.RDF.Description.Title.Alt.Li.Text
t2 := doc.RDF.Description.Title.Text
if t != "" {
return SanitizeTitle(t)
} else if t2 != "" {
return SanitizeTitle(t2)
return ""
// Artist returns the XMP document artist.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Artist() string {
return SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.Creator.Seq.Li)
// Description returns the XMP document description.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Description() string {
d := doc.RDF.Description.Description.Alt.Li.Text
d2 := doc.RDF.Description.Description.Text
if d != "" {
return SanitizeDescription(d)
} else if d2 != "" {
return SanitizeTitle(d2)
return ""
// Copyright returns the XMP document copyright info.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Copyright() string {
return SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.Rights.Alt.Li.Text)
// CameraMake returns the XMP document camera make name.
func (doc *XmpDocument) CameraMake() string {
return SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.Make)
// CameraModel returns the XMP document camera model name.
func (doc *XmpDocument) CameraModel() string {
return SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.Model)
// LensModel returns the XMP document lens model name.
func (doc *XmpDocument) LensModel() string {
return SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.LensModel)
// TakenAt returns the XMP document taken date.
func (doc *XmpDocument) TakenAt() time.Time {
taken := time.Time{} // Unknown
s := SanitizeString(doc.RDF.Description.DateCreated)
if s == "" {
return taken
if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, s); err == nil {
taken = t
} else if t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999", s); err == nil {
taken = t
} else if t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00", s); err == nil {
taken = t
} else if t, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05", s[:19]); err == nil {
taken = t
return taken
// Keywords returns the XMP document keywords.
func (doc *XmpDocument) Keywords() string {
s := doc.RDF.Description.Subject.Seq.Li
return strings.Join(s, ", ")