Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@liquidbytes.net>
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819 lines
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package photoprism
import (
// MediaFile represents a single photo, video or sidecar file.
type MediaFile struct {
fileName string
fileType fs.FileType
mimeType string
takenAt time.Time
takenAtSrc string
hash string
checksum string
width int
height int
metaData meta.Data
metaDataOnce sync.Once
location *entity.Location
// NewMediaFile returns a new media file.
func NewMediaFile(fileName string) (*MediaFile, error) {
if !fs.FileExists(fileName) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s does not exist", filepath.Base(fileName))
instance := &MediaFile{
fileName: fileName,
fileType: fs.TypeOther,
return instance, nil
// Stat returns the media file size and modification time.
func (m *MediaFile) Stat() (size int64, mod time.Time) {
s, err := os.Stat(m.FileName())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: unknown size (%s)", err)
return -1, time.Now()
return s.Size(), s.ModTime().Round(time.Second)
// FileSize returns the media file size.
func (m *MediaFile) FileSize() (size int64) {
s, err := os.Stat(m.FileName())
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: unknown size (%s)", err)
return -1
return s.Size()
// DateCreated returns only the date on which the media file was probably taken in UTC.
func (m *MediaFile) DateCreated() time.Time {
takenAt, _ := m.TakenAt()
return takenAt
// TakenAt returns the date on which the media file was taken in UTC and the source of this information.
func (m *MediaFile) TakenAt() (time.Time, string) {
if !m.takenAt.IsZero() {
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
m.takenAt = time.Now().UTC()
data := m.MetaData()
if data.Error == nil && !data.TakenAt.IsZero() && data.TakenAt.Year() > 1000 {
m.takenAt = data.TakenAt.UTC()
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcMeta
log.Infof("mediafile: %s was taken at %s (%s)", filepath.Base(m.fileName), m.takenAt.String(), m.takenAtSrc)
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
if nameTime := txt.Time(m.fileName); !nameTime.IsZero() {
m.takenAt = nameTime
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcName
log.Infof("mediafile: %s was taken at %s (%s)", filepath.Base(m.fileName), m.takenAt.String(), m.takenAtSrc)
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
m.takenAtSrc = entity.SrcAuto
fileInfo, err := times.Stat(m.FileName())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("mediafile: %s (file stat)", err.Error())
log.Infof("mediafile: %s was taken at %s (now)", filepath.Base(m.fileName), m.takenAt.String())
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
if fileInfo.HasBirthTime() {
m.takenAt = fileInfo.BirthTime().UTC()
log.Infof("mediafile: %s was taken at %s (file birth time)", filepath.Base(m.fileName), m.takenAt.String())
} else {
m.takenAt = fileInfo.ModTime().UTC()
log.Infof("mediafile: %s was taken at %s (file mod time)", filepath.Base(m.fileName), m.takenAt.String())
return m.takenAt, m.takenAtSrc
func (m *MediaFile) HasTimeAndPlace() bool {
data := m.MetaData()
result := !data.TakenAt.IsZero() && data.Lat != 0 && data.Lng != 0
return result
// CameraModel returns the camera model with which the media file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) CameraModel() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.CameraModel
// CameraMake returns the make of the camera with which the file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) CameraMake() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.CameraMake
// LensModel returns the lens model of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) LensModel() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.LensModel
// LensMake returns the make of the Lens.
func (m *MediaFile) LensMake() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.LensMake
// FocalLength return the length of the focal for a file.
func (m *MediaFile) FocalLength() int {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.FocalLength
// FNumber returns the F number with which the media file was created.
func (m *MediaFile) FNumber() float32 {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.FNumber
// Iso returns the iso rating as int.
func (m *MediaFile) Iso() int {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.Iso
// Exposure returns the exposure time as string.
func (m *MediaFile) Exposure() string {
data := m.MetaData()
return data.Exposure
// CanonicalName returns the canonical name of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalName() string {
return fs.CanonicalName(m.DateCreated(), m.Checksum())
// CanonicalNameFromFile returns the canonical name of a file derived from the image name.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalNameFromFile() string {
basename := filepath.Base(m.FileName())
if end := strings.Index(basename, "."); end != -1 {
return basename[:end] // Length of canonical name: 16 + 12
return basename
// CanonicalNameFromFileWithDirectory gets the canonical name for a MediaFile
// including the directory.
func (m *MediaFile) CanonicalNameFromFileWithDirectory() string {
return m.Directory() + string(os.PathSeparator) + m.CanonicalNameFromFile()
// Hash returns the SHA1 hash of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Hash() string {
if len(m.hash) == 0 {
m.hash = fs.Hash(m.FileName())
return m.hash
// Checksum returns the CRC32 checksum of a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Checksum() string {
if len(m.checksum) == 0 {
m.checksum = fs.Checksum(m.FileName())
return m.checksum
// EditedName When editing photos, iPhones create additional files like IMG_E12345.JPG
func (m *MediaFile) EditedName() string {
basename := filepath.Base(m.fileName)
if strings.ToUpper(basename[:4]) == "IMG_" && strings.ToUpper(basename[:5]) != "IMG_E" {
if filename := filepath.Dir(m.fileName) + string(os.PathSeparator) + basename[:4] + "E" + basename[4:]; fs.FileExists(filename) {
return filename
return ""
// RelatedFiles returns files which are related to this file.
func (m *MediaFile) RelatedFiles(stripSequence bool) (result RelatedFiles, err error) {
baseFilename := m.AbsBase(stripSequence)
// escape any meta characters in the file name
baseFilename = regexp.QuoteMeta(baseFilename)
matches, err := filepath.Glob(baseFilename + "*")
if err != nil {
return result, err
if filename := m.EditedName(); filename != "" {
matches = append(matches, filename)
for _, filename := range matches {
resultFile, err := NewMediaFile(filename)
if err != nil {
if result.Main == nil && resultFile.IsJpeg() {
result.Main = resultFile
} else if resultFile.IsRaw() {
result.Main = resultFile
} else if resultFile.IsHEIF() {
result.Main = resultFile
} else if resultFile.IsJpeg() && len(result.Main.FileName()) > len(resultFile.FileName()) {
result.Main = resultFile
} else if resultFile.IsImageOther() {
result.Main = resultFile
} else if resultFile.IsVideo() {
result.Main = resultFile
result.Files = append(result.Files, resultFile)
// Add hidden JPEG if exists.
if !result.ContainsJpeg() && result.Main != nil {
if jpegName := fs.TypeJpeg.FindSub(result.Main.FileName(), fs.HiddenPath, stripSequence); jpegName != "" {
if resultFile, err := NewMediaFile(jpegName); err == nil {
result.Files = append(result.Files, resultFile)
return result, nil
// FileName returns the filename.
func (m *MediaFile) FileName() string {
return m.fileName
// SetFileName sets the filename to the given string.
func (m *MediaFile) SetFileName(fileName string) {
m.fileName = fileName
// RelativeName returns the relative filename.
func (m *MediaFile) RelativeName(directory string) string {
return fs.RelativeName(m.fileName, directory)
// RelativePath returns the relative path without filename.
func (m *MediaFile) RelativePath(directory string) string {
pathname := m.fileName
if i := strings.Index(pathname, directory); i == 0 {
if i := strings.LastIndex(directory, string(os.PathSeparator)); i == len(directory)-1 {
pathname = pathname[len(directory):]
} else if i := strings.LastIndex(directory, string(os.PathSeparator)); i != len(directory) {
pathname = pathname[len(directory)+1:]
if end := strings.LastIndex(pathname, string(os.PathSeparator)); end != -1 {
pathname = pathname[:end]
} else if end := strings.LastIndex(pathname, string(os.PathSeparator)); end == -1 {
pathname = ""
// Remove hidden sub directory if exists.
if path.Base(pathname) == fs.HiddenPath {
pathname = path.Dir(pathname)
// Use empty string for current / root directory.
if pathname == "." || pathname == "/" {
pathname = ""
return pathname
// RelativeBase returns the relative filename.
func (m *MediaFile) RelativeBase(directory string, stripSequence bool) string {
if relativePath := m.RelativePath(directory); relativePath != "" {
return filepath.Join(relativePath, m.Base(stripSequence))
return m.Base(stripSequence)
// Directory returns the directory
func (m *MediaFile) Directory() string {
return filepath.Dir(m.fileName)
// Base returns the filename base without any extensions and path.
func (m *MediaFile) Base(stripSequence bool) string {
return fs.Base(m.FileName(), stripSequence)
// AbsBase returns the directory and base filename without any extensions.
func (m *MediaFile) AbsBase(stripSequence bool) string {
return fs.AbsBase(m.FileName(), stripSequence)
// HiddenName returns the a filename with the same base name and a given extension in a hidden sub directory.
func (m *MediaFile) HiddenName(fileExt string, stripSequence bool) string {
return fs.SubFileName(m.FileName(), fs.HiddenPath, fileExt, stripSequence)
// RelatedName returns the a filename with the same base name and a given extension in the same directory.
func (m *MediaFile) RelatedName(fileExt string, stripSequence bool) string {
return m.AbsBase(stripSequence) + fileExt
// MimeType returns the mime type.
func (m *MediaFile) MimeType() string {
if m.mimeType != "" {
return m.mimeType
m.mimeType = fs.MimeType(m.FileName())
return m.mimeType
func (m *MediaFile) openFile() (*os.File, error) {
handle, err := os.Open(m.fileName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return handle, nil
// Exists checks if a media file exists by filename.
func (m *MediaFile) Exists() bool {
return fs.FileExists(m.FileName())
// Remove a media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Remove() error {
return os.Remove(m.FileName())
// HasSameName compares a media file with another media file and returns if
// their filenames are matching or not.
func (m *MediaFile) HasSameName(f *MediaFile) bool {
if f == nil {
return false
return m.FileName() == f.FileName()
// Move file to a new destination with the filename provided in parameter.
func (m *MediaFile) Move(newFilename string) error {
if err := os.Rename(m.fileName, newFilename); err != nil {
log.Debugf("could not rename file, falling back to copy and delete: %s", err.Error())
} else {
m.fileName = newFilename
return nil
if err := m.Copy(newFilename); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.Remove(m.fileName); err != nil {
return err
m.fileName = newFilename
return nil
// Copy a MediaFile to another file by destinationFilename.
func (m *MediaFile) Copy(destinationFilename string) error {
file, err := m.openFile()
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
destination, err := os.OpenFile(destinationFilename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
defer destination.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(destination, file)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Extension returns the filename extension of this media file.
func (m *MediaFile) Extension() string {
return strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(m.fileName))
// IsJpeg return true if this media file is a JPEG image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsJpeg() bool {
// Don't import/use existing thumbnail files (we create our own)
if m.Extension() == ".thm" {
return false
return m.MimeType() == fs.MimeTypeJpeg
// IsJson return true if this media file is a json sidecar file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsJson() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.TypeJson)
// FileType returns the file type (jpg, gif, tiff,...).
func (m *MediaFile) FileType() fs.FileType {
return fs.GetFileType(m.fileName)
// MediaType returns the media type (video, image, raw, sidecar,...).
func (m *MediaFile) MediaType() fs.MediaType {
return fs.GetMediaType(m.fileName)
// HasFileType returns true if this is the given type.
func (m *MediaFile) HasFileType(t fs.FileType) bool {
if t == fs.TypeJpeg {
return m.IsJpeg()
return m.FileType() == t
// IsRaw returns true if this is a RAW file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsRaw() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.TypeRaw)
// IsPng returns true if this is a PNG file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsPng() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.TypePng)
// IsTiff returns true if this is a TIFF file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsTiff() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.TypeTiff)
// IsImageOther returns true if this is a PNG, GIF, BMP or TIFF file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsImageOther() bool {
switch m.FileType() {
case fs.TypeBitmap:
return true
case fs.TypeGif:
return true
case fs.TypePng:
return true
case fs.TypeTiff:
return true
return false
// IsHEIF returns true if this is a High Efficiency Image File Format file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsHEIF() bool {
return m.HasFileType(fs.TypeHEIF)
// IsXMP returns true if this is a XMP sidecar file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsXMP() bool {
return m.FileType() == fs.TypeXMP
// IsSidecar returns true if this is a sidecar file (containing metadata).
func (m *MediaFile) IsSidecar() bool {
return m.MediaType() == fs.MediaSidecar
// IsVideo returns true if this is a video file.
func (m *MediaFile) IsVideo() bool {
return m.MediaType() == fs.MediaVideo
// IsPlayableVideo returns true if this is a supported video file format.
func (m *MediaFile) IsPlayableVideo() bool {
return m.MediaType() == fs.MediaVideo && m.HasFileType(fs.TypeMP4)
// IsPhoto returns true if this file is a photo / image.
func (m *MediaFile) IsPhoto() bool {
return m.IsJpeg() || m.IsRaw() || m.IsHEIF() || m.IsImageOther()
// IsMedia returns true if this is a media file (photo or video, not sidecar or other).
func (m *MediaFile) IsMedia() bool {
return m.IsJpeg() || m.IsVideo() || m.IsRaw() || m.IsHEIF() || m.IsImageOther()
// Jpeg returns a the JPEG version of the media file (if exists).
func (m *MediaFile) Jpeg() (*MediaFile, error) {
if m.IsJpeg() {
if !fs.FileExists(m.FileName()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("jpeg file should exist, but does not: %s", m.FileName())
return m, nil
jpegFilename := fs.TypeJpeg.FindSub(m.FileName(), fs.HiddenPath, false)
if jpegFilename == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no jpeg found for %s", m.FileName())
return NewMediaFile(jpegFilename)
// ContainsJpeg returns true if this file has or is a jpeg media file.
func (m *MediaFile) HasJpeg() bool {
if m.IsJpeg() {
return true
return fs.TypeJpeg.FindSub(m.FileName(), fs.HiddenPath, false) != ""
// HasJson returns true if this file has or is a json sidecar file.
func (m *MediaFile) HasJson() bool {
if m.IsJson() {
return true
return fs.TypeJson.FindSub(m.FileName(), fs.HiddenPath, false) != ""
func (m *MediaFile) decodeDimensions() error {
if !m.IsPhoto() {
return fmt.Errorf("not a photo: %s", m.FileName())
var width, height int
data := m.MetaData()
if data.Error == nil {
width = data.Width
height = data.Height
if m.IsJpeg() {
file, err := os.Open(m.FileName())
if err != nil || file == nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
size, _, err := image.DecodeConfig(file)
if err != nil {
return err
width = size.Width
height = size.Height
if m.Orientation() > 4 {
m.width = height
m.height = width
} else {
m.width = width
m.height = height
return nil
// Width return the width dimension of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) Width() int {
if !m.IsPhoto() {
return 0
if m.width <= 0 {
if err := m.decodeDimensions(); err != nil {
return m.width
// Height returns the height dimension of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) Height() int {
if !m.IsPhoto() {
return 0
if m.height <= 0 {
if err := m.decodeDimensions(); err != nil {
return m.height
// AspectRatio returns the aspect ratio of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) AspectRatio() float32 {
width := float64(m.Width())
height := float64(m.Height())
if width <= 0 || height <= 0 {
return 0
aspectRatio := float32(width / height)
return aspectRatio
// Orientation returns the orientation of a MediaFile.
func (m *MediaFile) Orientation() int {
if data := m.MetaData(); data.Error == nil {
return data.Orientation
return 1
// Thumbnail returns a thumbnail filename.
func (m *MediaFile) Thumbnail(path string, typeName string) (filename string, err error) {
thumbType, ok := thumb.Types[typeName]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("mediafile: invalid type %s", typeName)
return "", fmt.Errorf("mediafile: invalid type %s", typeName)
thumbnail, err := thumb.FromFile(m.FileName(), m.Hash(), path, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: could not create thumbnail (%s)", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("mediafile: could not create thumbnail (%s)", err)
return thumbnail, nil
// Thumbnail returns a resampled image of the file.
func (m *MediaFile) Resample(path string, typeName string) (img image.Image, err error) {
filename, err := m.Thumbnail(path, typeName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return imaging.Open(filename, imaging.AutoOrientation(true))
func (m *MediaFile) ResampleDefault(thumbPath string, force bool) (err error) {
count := 0
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
switch count {
case 0:
log.Info(capture.Time(start, fmt.Sprintf("mediafile: no new thumbnails created for %s", m.Base(false))))
case 1:
log.Info(capture.Time(start, fmt.Sprintf("mediafile: one thumbnail created for %s", m.Base(false))))
log.Info(capture.Time(start, fmt.Sprintf("mediafile: %d thumbnails created for %s", count, m.Base(false))))
hash := m.Hash()
var originalImg image.Image
var sourceImg image.Image
var sourceImgType string
for _, name := range thumb.DefaultTypes {
thumbType := thumb.Types[name]
if thumbType.OnDemand() {
// Skip, size exceeds limit
if fileName, err := thumb.Filename(hash, thumbPath, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...); err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: could not create %s (%s)", txt.Quote(name), err)
return err
} else {
if !force && fs.FileExists(fileName) {
if originalImg == nil {
img, err := imaging.Open(m.FileName(), imaging.AutoOrientation(true))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: can't open %s (%s)", txt.Quote(m.FileName()), err.Error())
return err
originalImg = img
if thumbType.Source != "" {
if thumbType.Source == sourceImgType && sourceImg != nil {
_, err = thumb.Create(sourceImg, fileName, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...)
} else {
_, err = thumb.Create(originalImg, fileName, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...)
} else {
sourceImg, err = thumb.Create(originalImg, fileName, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...)
sourceImgType = name
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("mediafile: could not create %s (%s)", txt.Quote(name), err)
return err
return nil