Michael Mayer 5d92ece264 Albums: Add category filter
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@liquidbytes.net>
2020-05-30 21:11:56 +02:00

113 lines
2.9 KiB

package entity
import (
// Lens represents camera lens (as extracted from UpdateExif metadata)
type Lens struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key" json:"ID" yaml:"ID"`
LensSlug string `gorm:"type:varbinary(255);unique_index;" json:"Slug" yaml:"Slug,omitempty"`
LensName string `gorm:"type:varchar(255);" json:"Name" yaml:"Name"`
LensMake string `json:"Make" yaml:"Make,omitempty"`
LensModel string `json:"Model" yaml:"Model,omitempty"`
LensType string `json:"Type" yaml:"Type,omitempty"`
LensDescription string `gorm:"type:text;" json:"Description,omitempty" yaml:"Description,omitempty"`
LensNotes string `gorm:"type:text;" json:"Notes,omitempty" yaml:"Notes,omitempty"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"-" yaml:"-"`
DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index" json:"-" yaml:"-"`
var UnknownLens = Lens{
LensSlug: "zz",
LensName: "Unknown",
LensMake: "",
LensModel: "Unknown",
// CreateUnknownLens initializes the database with an unknown lens if not exists
func CreateUnknownLens() {
// TableName returns Lens table identifier "lens"
func (Lens) TableName() string {
return "lenses"
// NewLens creates a new lens in database
func NewLens(modelName string, makeName string) *Lens {
modelName = txt.Clip(modelName, txt.ClipDefault)
makeName = txt.Clip(makeName, txt.ClipDefault)
if modelName == "" && makeName == "" {
return &UnknownLens
} else if strings.HasPrefix(modelName, makeName) {
modelName = strings.TrimSpace(modelName[len(makeName):])
if n, ok := CameraMakes[makeName]; ok {
makeName = n
var name []string
if makeName != "" {
name = append(name, makeName)
if modelName != "" {
name = append(name, modelName)
lensName := strings.Join(name, " ")
lensSlug := slug.Make(txt.Clip(lensName, txt.ClipSlug))
result := &Lens{
LensSlug: lensSlug,
LensName: lensName,
LensMake: makeName,
LensModel: modelName,
return result
// Create inserts a new row to the database.
func (m *Lens) Create() error {
return Db().Create(m).Error
// FirstOrCreateLens returns the existing row, inserts a new row or nil in case of errors.
func FirstOrCreateLens(m *Lens) *Lens {
result := Lens{}
if err := Db().Where("lens_slug = ?", m.LensSlug).First(&result).Error; err == nil {
return &result
} else if err := m.Create(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("lens: %s", err)
return nil
if !m.Unknown() {
event.EntitiesCreated("lenses", []*Lens{m})
event.Publish("count.lenses", event.Data{
"count": 1,
return m
// Unknown returns true if the lens is not a known make or model.
func (m *Lens) Unknown() bool {
return m.LensSlug == "" || m.LensSlug == UnknownLens.LensSlug