Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@photoprism.app>
318 lines
11 KiB
318 lines
11 KiB
package query
import (
// UpdateAlbumDefaultCovers updates default album cover thumbs.
func UpdateAlbumDefaultCovers() (err error) {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
var res *gorm.DB
condition := gorm.Expr("album_type = ? AND thumb_src = ?", entity.AlbumManual, entity.SrcAuto)
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
res = Db().Exec(`UPDATE albums LEFT JOIN (
SELECT p2.album_uid, f.file_hash FROM files f, (
SELECT pa.album_uid, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
JOIN photos_albums pa ON pa.photo_uid = p.photo_uid AND pa.hidden = 0 AND pa.missing = 0
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY pa.album_uid) p2 WHERE p2.photo_id = f.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
) b ON b.album_uid = albums.album_uid
SET thumb = b.file_hash WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition)
case SQLite3:
res = Db().Table(entity.Album{}.TableName()).
UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT f.file_hash FROM files f
JOIN photos_albums pa ON pa.album_uid = albums.album_uid AND pa.photo_uid = f.photo_uid AND pa.hidden = 0 AND pa.missing = 0
JOIN photos p ON p.id = f.photo_id AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.photo_quality > 0
WHERE f.deleted_at IS NULL AND f.file_missing = 0 AND f.file_hash <> '' AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
ORDER BY p.taken_at DESC LIMIT 1
) WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition))
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
return nil
err = res.Error
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("covers: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "album", "albums"), time.Since(start))
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Error 1054") {
log.Errorf("covers: failed updating albums, potentially incompatible database version")
log.Errorf("%s see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25362", err)
return nil
return err
// UpdateAlbumFolderCovers updates folder album cover thumbs.
func UpdateAlbumFolderCovers() (err error) {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
var res *gorm.DB
condition := gorm.Expr("album_type = ? AND thumb_src = ?", entity.AlbumFolder, entity.SrcAuto)
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
res = Db().Exec(`UPDATE albums LEFT JOIN (
SELECT p2.photo_path, f.file_hash FROM files f, (
SELECT p.photo_path, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY p.photo_path) p2 WHERE p2.photo_id = f.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
) b ON b.photo_path = albums.album_path
SET thumb = b.file_hash WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition)
case SQLite3:
res = Db().Table(entity.Album{}.TableName()).UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT f.file_hash FROM files f,(
SELECT p.photo_path, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY p.photo_path
) b
WHERE f.photo_id = b.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
AND b.photo_path = albums.album_path LIMIT 1)
WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition))
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
return nil
err = res.Error
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("covers: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "folder", "folders"), time.Since(start))
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Error 1054") {
log.Errorf("covers: failed updating folders, potentially incompatible database version")
log.Errorf("%s see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25362", err)
return nil
return err
// UpdateAlbumMonthCovers updates month album cover thumbs.
func UpdateAlbumMonthCovers() (err error) {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
var res *gorm.DB
condition := gorm.Expr("album_type = ? AND thumb_src = ?", entity.AlbumMonth, entity.SrcAuto)
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
res = Db().Exec(`UPDATE albums LEFT JOIN (
SELECT p2.photo_year, p2.photo_month, f.file_hash FROM files f, (
SELECT p.photo_year, p.photo_month, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY p.photo_year, p.photo_month) p2 WHERE p2.photo_id = f.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
) b ON b.photo_year = albums.album_year AND b.photo_month = albums.album_month
SET thumb = b.file_hash WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition)
case SQLite3:
res = Db().Table(entity.Album{}.TableName()).UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT f.file_hash FROM files f,(
SELECT p.photo_year, p.photo_month, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY p.photo_year, p.photo_month
) b
WHERE f.photo_id = b.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
AND b.photo_year = albums.album_year AND b.photo_month = albums.album_month LIMIT 1)
WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition))
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
return nil
err = res.Error
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("covers: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "month", "months"), time.Since(start))
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Error 1054") {
log.Errorf("covers: failed updating calendar, potentially incompatible database version")
log.Errorf("%s see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25362", err)
return nil
return err
// UpdateAlbumCovers updates album cover thumbs.
func UpdateAlbumCovers() (err error) {
// Update Default Albums.
if err = UpdateAlbumDefaultCovers(); err != nil {
return err
// Update Folder Albums.
if err = UpdateAlbumFolderCovers(); err != nil {
return err
// Update Monthly Albums.
if err = UpdateAlbumMonthCovers(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateLabelCovers updates label cover thumbs.
func UpdateLabelCovers() (err error) {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
var res *gorm.DB
condition := gorm.Expr("thumb_src = ?", entity.SrcAuto)
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
res = Db().Exec(`UPDATE labels LEFT JOIN (
SELECT p2.label_id, f.file_hash FROM files f, (
SELECT pl.label_id as label_id, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
JOIN photos_labels pl ON pl.photo_id = p.id AND pl.uncertainty < 100
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY pl.label_id
SELECT c.category_id as label_id, max(p.id) AS photo_id FROM photos p
JOIN photos_labels pl ON pl.photo_id = p.id AND pl.uncertainty < 100
JOIN categories c ON c.label_id = pl.label_id
WHERE p.photo_quality > 0 AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY c.category_id
) p2 WHERE p2.photo_id = f.photo_id AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?) AND f.file_missing = 0
) b ON b.label_id = labels.id
SET thumb = b.file_hash WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition)
case SQLite3:
res = Db().Table(entity.Label{}.TableName()).UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT f.file_hash FROM files f
JOIN photos_labels pl ON pl.label_id = labels.id AND pl.photo_id = f.photo_id AND pl.uncertainty < 100
JOIN photos p ON p.id = f.photo_id AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.photo_quality > 0
WHERE f.deleted_at IS NULL AND f.file_hash <> '' AND f.file_missing = 0 AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
ORDER BY p.photo_quality DESC, pl.uncertainty ASC, p.taken_at DESC LIMIT 1
) WHERE ?`, media.PreviewExpr, condition))
if res.Error == nil {
catRes := Db().Table(entity.Label{}.TableName()).UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT f.file_hash FROM files f
JOIN photos_labels pl ON pl.photo_id = f.photo_id AND pl.uncertainty < 100
JOIN categories c ON c.label_id = pl.label_id AND c.category_id = labels.id
JOIN photos p ON p.id = f.photo_id AND p.photo_private = 0 AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.photo_quality > 0
WHERE f.deleted_at IS NULL AND f.file_hash <> '' AND f.file_missing = 0 AND f.file_primary = 1 AND f.file_error = '' AND f.file_type IN (?)
ORDER BY p.photo_quality DESC, pl.uncertainty ASC, p.taken_at DESC LIMIT 1
) WHERE thumb IS NULL`, media.PreviewExpr))
res.RowsAffected += catRes.RowsAffected
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
return nil
err = res.Error
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("covers: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "label", "labels"), time.Since(start))
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Error 1054") {
log.Errorf("covers: failed updating labels, potentially incompatible database version")
log.Errorf("%s see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25362", err)
return nil
return err
// UpdateSubjectCovers updates subject cover thumbs.
func UpdateSubjectCovers() (err error) {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
start := time.Now()
var res *gorm.DB
subjTable := entity.Subject{}.TableName()
markerTable := entity.Marker{}.TableName()
condition := gorm.Expr(
fmt.Sprintf("%s.subj_type = ? AND thumb_src = ?", subjTable),
entity.SubjPerson, entity.SrcAuto)
// TODO: Avoid using private photos as subject covers.
// See https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/issues/2570#issuecomment-1231690056
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
res = Db().Exec(`UPDATE ? LEFT JOIN (
SELECT m.subj_uid, m.q, MAX(m.thumb) AS marker_thumb FROM ? m
WHERE m.subj_uid <> '' AND m.subj_uid IS NOT NULL
AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.thumb IS NOT NULL AND m.thumb <> ''
GROUP BY m.subj_uid, m.q
) b ON b.subj_uid = subjects.subj_uid
SET thumb = marker_thumb WHERE ?`, gorm.Expr(subjTable), gorm.Expr(markerTable), condition)
case SQLite3:
from := gorm.Expr(fmt.Sprintf("%s m WHERE m.subj_uid = %s.subj_uid ", markerTable, subjTable))
res = Db().Table(entity.Subject{}.TableName()).UpdateColumn("thumb", gorm.Expr(`(
SELECT m.thumb FROM ? AND m.thumb <> '' ORDER BY m.subj_src DESC, m.q DESC LIMIT 1
) WHERE ?`, from, condition))
log.Warnf("sql: unsupported dialect %s", DbDialect())
return nil
err = res.Error
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("covers: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(int(res.RowsAffected), "subject", "subjects"), time.Since(start))
} else if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Error 1054") {
log.Errorf("covers: failed updating subjects, potentially incompatible database version")
log.Errorf("%s see https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-25362", err)
return nil
return err
// UpdateCovers updates album, subject, and label cover thumbs.
func UpdateCovers() (err error) {
log.Debugf("index: updating covers")
// Update Albums.
if err = UpdateAlbumCovers(); err != nil {
return err
// Update Labels.
if err = UpdateLabelCovers(); err != nil {
return err
// Update Subjects.
if err = UpdateSubjectCovers(); err != nil {
return err
return nil