This commit also adds an /api/v1/oauth/logout endpoint that allows clients to delete their sessions (access tokens) as needed. Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@photoprism.app>
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package api
import (
// GetVideo streams video content.
// The request parameters are:
// - hash: string The photo or video file hash as returned by the search API
// - type: string Video format
// GET /api/v1/videos/:hash/:token/:type
func GetVideo(router *gin.RouterGroup) {
router.GET("/videos/:hash/:token/:format", func(c *gin.Context) {
if InvalidPreviewToken(c) {
c.Data(http.StatusForbidden, "image/svg+xml", brokenIconSvg)
fileHash := clean.Token(c.Param("hash"))
formatName := clean.Token(c.Param("format"))
format, ok := video.Types[formatName]
if !ok {
log.Errorf("video: invalid format %s", clean.Log(formatName))
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", videoIconSvg)
f, err := query.FileByHash(fileHash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("video: requested file not found (%s)", err)
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", videoIconSvg)
if !f.FileVideo {
f, err = query.VideoByPhotoUID(f.PhotoUID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("video: no playable file found (%s)", err)
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", videoIconSvg)
if f.FileError != "" {
log.Errorf("video: file has error %s", f.FileError)
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", videoIconSvg)
} else if f.FileHash == "" {
log.Errorf("video: file hash missing in index")
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", videoIconSvg)
// Get app config.
conf := get.Config()
// Get video bitrate, codec, and file type.
videoBitrate := f.Bitrate()
videoCodec := f.FileCodec
videoFileType := f.FileType
videoFileName := photoprism.FileName(f.FileRoot, f.FileName)
// If the file has a hybrid photo/video format, try to find and send the embedded video data.
if f.MediaType == entity.MediaLive {
if info, videoErr := video.ProbeFile(videoFileName); info.VideoOffset < 0 || !info.Compatible || videoErr != nil {
logError("video", videoErr)
log.Warnf("video: no embedded media found in %s", clean.Log(f.FileName))
AddContentTypeHeader(c, video.ContentTypeAVC)
} else if reader, readErr := video.NewReader(videoFileName, info.VideoOffset); readErr != nil {
log.Errorf("video: failed to read media embedded in %s (%s)", clean.Log(f.FileName), readErr)
AddContentTypeHeader(c, video.ContentTypeAVC)
} else if c.Request.Header.Get("Range") == "" && info.VideoCodec == format.Codec {
defer reader.Close()
AddVideoCacheHeader(c, conf.CdnVideo())
c.DataFromReader(http.StatusOK, info.VideoSize(), info.VideoContentType(), reader, nil)
} else if cacheName, cacheErr := fs.CacheFile(filepath.Join(conf.MediaFileCachePath(f.FileHash), f.FileHash+info.VideoFileExt()), reader); cacheErr != nil {
log.Errorf("video: failed to cache %s embedded in %s (%s)", strings.ToUpper(videoFileType), clean.Log(f.FileName), cacheErr)
AddContentTypeHeader(c, video.ContentTypeAVC)
} else {
// Serve embedded videos from cache to allow streaming and transcoding.
videoBitrate = info.VideoBitrate()
videoCodec = info.VideoCodec.String()
videoFileType = info.VideoFileType().String()
videoFileName = cacheName
log.Debugf("video: streaming %s encoded %s in %s from cache", strings.ToUpper(videoCodec), strings.ToUpper(videoFileType), clean.Log(f.FileName))
// Check video format support.
supported := videoCodec != "" && videoCodec == format.Codec.String() || format.Codec == video.CodecUnknown && videoFileType == format.FileType.String()
// Check video bitrate against the configured limit.
transcode := !supported || conf.FFmpegEnabled() && conf.FFmpegBitrateExceeded(videoBitrate)
if mediaFile, mediaErr := photoprism.NewMediaFile(videoFileName); mediaErr != nil {
// Set missing flag so that the file doesn't show up in search results anymore.
logError("video", f.Update("FileMissing", true))
// Log error and default to 404.mp4
log.Errorf("video: file %s is missing", clean.Log(f.FileName))
videoFileName = get.Config().StaticFile("video/404.mp4")
AddContentTypeHeader(c, video.ContentTypeAVC)
} else if transcode {
if videoCodec != "" {
log.Debugf("video: %s is %s encoded and cannot be streamed directly, average bitrate %.1f MBit/s", clean.Log(f.FileName), strings.ToUpper(videoCodec), videoBitrate)
} else {
log.Debugf("video: %s cannot be streamed directly, average bitrate %.1f MBit/s", clean.Log(f.FileName), videoBitrate)
conv := get.Convert()
if avcFile, avcErr := conv.ToAvc(mediaFile, get.Config().FFmpegEncoder(), false, false); avcFile != nil && avcErr == nil {
videoFileName = avcFile.FileName()
} else {
// Log error and default to 404.mp4
log.Errorf("video: failed to transcode %s", clean.Log(f.FileName))
videoFileName = get.Config().StaticFile("video/404.mp4")
AddContentTypeHeader(c, video.ContentTypeAVC)
} else {
if videoCodec != "" && videoCodec != videoFileType {
log.Debugf("video: %s is %s encoded and requires no transcoding, average bitrate %.1f MBit/s", clean.Log(f.FileName), strings.ToUpper(videoCodec), videoBitrate)
AddContentTypeHeader(c, fmt.Sprintf("%s; codecs=\"%s\"", f.FileMime, clean.Codec(videoCodec)))
} else {
log.Debugf("video: %s is streamed directly, average bitrate %.1f MBit/s", clean.Log(f.FileName), videoBitrate)
AddContentTypeHeader(c, f.FileMime)
// Add HTTP cache header.
AddVideoCacheHeader(c, conf.CdnVideo())
// Return requested content.
if c.Query("download") != "" {
c.FileAttachment(videoFileName, f.DownloadName(DownloadName(c), 0))
} else {