Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@photoprism.app>
177 lines
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177 lines
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package query
import (
// Albums returns a slice of albums.
func Albums(offset, limit int) (results entity.Albums, err error) {
err = UnscopedDb().Table("albums").Select("*").Offset(offset).Limit(limit).Find(&results).Error
return results, err
// AlbumByUID returns a Album based on the UID.
func AlbumByUID(albumUID string) (album entity.Album, err error) {
return entity.CachedAlbumByUID(albumUID)
// AlbumCoverByUID returns an album cover file based on the uid.
func AlbumCoverByUID(uid string, public bool) (file entity.File, err error) {
a := entity.Album{}
// Find album.
if a, err = AlbumByUID(uid); err != nil {
return file, err
} else if a.AlbumType != entity.AlbumDefault { // TODO: Optimize
f := form.SearchPhotos{Album: a.AlbumUID, Filter: a.AlbumFilter, Order: entity.SortOrderRelevance, Count: 1, Offset: 0, Merged: false}
if err = f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return file, err
// Public private only?
if !public {
f.Public = false
if photos, _, err := search.Photos(f); err != nil {
return file, err
} else if len(photos) > 0 {
for _, photo := range photos {
if err := Db().Where("photo_uid = ? AND file_primary = 1", photo.PhotoUID).First(&file).Error; err != nil {
return file, err
} else {
return file, nil
// Automatically hide empty months.
switch a.AlbumType {
case entity.AlbumMonth, entity.AlbumState:
if err := a.Delete(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("%s: %s (hide)", a.AlbumType, err)
} else {
log.Infof("%s: %s hidden", a.AlbumType, clean.Log(a.AlbumTitle))
// Return without album cover.
return file, fmt.Errorf("no cover found")
// Build query.
stmt := Db().Where("files.file_primary = 1 AND files.file_missing = 0 AND files.file_type = 'jpg' AND files.deleted_at IS NULL").
Joins("JOIN albums ON albums.album_uid = ?", uid).
Joins("JOIN photos_albums pa ON pa.album_uid = albums.album_uid AND pa.photo_uid = files.photo_uid AND pa.hidden = 0").
Joins("JOIN photos ON photos.id = files.photo_id AND photos.deleted_at IS NULL")
// Public pictures only?
if public {
stmt = stmt.Where("photos.photo_private = 0")
// Find first picture.
if err := stmt.Order("photos.photo_quality DESC, photos.taken_at DESC").
First(&file).Error; err != nil {
return file, err
return file, nil
// UpdateAlbumDates updates album year, month and day based on indexed photo metadata.
func UpdateAlbumDates() error {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
return UnscopedDb().Exec(`UPDATE albums
(SELECT photo_path, MAX(taken_at_local) AS taken_max
FROM photos WHERE taken_src = 'meta' AND photos.photo_quality >= 3 AND photos.deleted_at IS NULL
GROUP BY photo_path) AS p ON albums.album_path = p.photo_path
SET albums.album_year = YEAR(taken_max), albums.album_month = MONTH(taken_max), albums.album_day = DAY(taken_max)
WHERE albums.album_type = 'folder' AND albums.album_path IS NOT NULL AND p.taken_max IS NOT NULL`).Error
return nil
// UpdateMissingAlbumEntries sets a flag for missing photo album entries.
func UpdateMissingAlbumEntries() error {
defer mutex.Index.Unlock()
switch DbDialect() {
return UnscopedDb().Exec(`UPDATE photos_albums SET missing = 1 WHERE photo_uid IN
(SELECT photo_uid FROM photos WHERE deleted_at IS NOT NULL OR photo_quality < 0)`).Error
// AlbumEntryFound removes the missing flag from album entries.
func AlbumEntryFound(uid string) error {
switch DbDialect() {
return UnscopedDb().Exec(`UPDATE photos_albums SET missing = 0 WHERE photo_uid = ?`, uid).Error
// AlbumsPhotoUIDs returns up to 100000 photo UIDs that belong to the specified albums.
func AlbumsPhotoUIDs(albums []string, includeDefault, includePrivate bool) (photos []string, err error) {
for _, albumUid := range albums {
a, err := AlbumByUID(albumUid)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("query: album %s not found (%s)", albumUid, err.Error())
if a.IsDefault() && !includeDefault {
frm := form.SearchPhotos{
Album: a.AlbumUID,
Filter: a.AlbumFilter,
Count: 100000,
Offset: 0,
Public: !includePrivate,
Hidden: false,
Archived: false,
Quality: 1,
if err := frm.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return photos, err
res, count, err := search.PhotoIds(frm)
if err != nil {
return photos, err
} else if count == 0 {
ids := make([]string, 0, count)
for _, r := range res {
ids = append(ids, r.PhotoUID)
if len(ids) > 0 {
photos = append(photos, ids...)
return photos, nil