Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@liquidbytes.net>
452 lines
11 KiB
452 lines
11 KiB
package query
import (
// PhotoResult contains found photos and their main file plus other meta data.
type PhotoResult struct {
// Photo
ID uint
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt time.Time
TakenAt time.Time
TakenAtLocal time.Time
TimeZone string
PhotoUUID string
PhotoPath string
PhotoName string
PhotoTitle string
PhotoYear int
PhotoMonth int
PhotoCountry string
PhotoFavorite bool
PhotoPrivate bool
PhotoSensitive bool
PhotoStory bool
PhotoLat float64
PhotoLng float64
PhotoAltitude int
PhotoIso int
PhotoFocalLength int
PhotoFNumber float64
PhotoExposure string
Merged bool
// Camera
CameraID uint
CameraModel string
CameraMake string
// Lens
LensID uint
LensModel string
LensMake string
// Location
LocationID string
PlaceID string
LocLabel string
LocCity string
LocState string
LocCountry string
// File
FileID uint
FileUUID string
FilePrimary bool
FileMissing bool
FileName string
FileHash string
FileType string
FileMime string
FileWidth int
FileHeight int
FileOrientation int
FileAspectRatio float64
FileColors string // todo: remove from result?
FileChroma uint8 // todo: remove from result?
FileLuminance string // todo: remove from result?
FileDiff uint32 // todo: remove from result?
Files []entity.File
type PhotoResults []PhotoResult
func (m PhotoResults) Merged() (PhotoResults, int, error) {
count := len(m)
merged := make([]PhotoResult, 0, count)
var lastId uint
var i int
for _, res := range m {
file := entity.File{}
if err := deepcopier.Copy(&file).From(res); err != nil {
return merged, count, err
file.ID = res.FileID
if lastId == res.ID && i > 0 {
merged[i-1].Files = append(merged[i-1].Files, file)
merged[i-1].Merged = true
lastId = res.ID
res.Files = append(res.Files, file)
merged = append(merged, res)
return merged, count, nil
func (m *PhotoResult) ShareFileName() string {
var name string
if m.PhotoTitle != "" {
name = strings.Title(slug.MakeLang(m.PhotoTitle, "en"))
} else {
name = m.PhotoUUID
taken := m.TakenAtLocal.Format("20060102-150405")
token := rnd.Token(3)
result := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s.%s", taken, name, token, m.FileType)
return result
// Photos searches for photos based on a Form and returns a PhotoResult slice.
func (q *Query) Photos(f form.PhotoSearch) (results PhotoResults, count int, err error) {
if err := f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return results, 0, err
defer log.Debug(capture.Time(time.Now(), fmt.Sprintf("photos: %+v", f)))
s := q.db.NewScope(nil).DB()
// s.LogMode(true)
s = s.Table("photos").
files.id AS file_id, files.file_uuid, files.file_primary, files.file_missing, files.file_name, files.file_hash,
files.file_type, files.file_mime, files.file_width, files.file_height, files.file_aspect_ratio,
files.file_orientation, files.file_main_color, files.file_colors, files.file_luminance, files.file_chroma,
cameras.camera_make, cameras.camera_model,
lenses.lens_make, lenses.lens_model,
places.loc_label, places.loc_city, places.loc_state, places.loc_country
Joins("JOIN files ON files.photo_id = photos.id AND files.file_type = 'jpg' AND files.file_missing = 0 AND files.deleted_at IS NULL").
Joins("JOIN cameras ON cameras.id = photos.camera_id").
Joins("JOIN lenses ON lenses.id = photos.lens_id").
Joins("JOIN places ON photos.place_id = places.id").
Joins("LEFT JOIN photos_labels ON photos_labels.photo_id = photos.id AND photos_labels.uncertainty < 100").
Group("photos.id, files.id")
if f.ID != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uuid = ?", f.ID)
s = s.Order("files.file_primary DESC")
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, 0, result.Error
if f.Merged {
return results.Merged()
return results, len(results), nil
var categories []entity.Category
var label entity.Label
var labelIds []uint
if f.Label != "" {
slugString := strings.ToLower(f.Label)
if result := q.db.First(&label, "label_slug =? OR custom_slug = ?", slugString, slugString); result.Error != nil {
log.Errorf("search: label \"%s\" not found", f.Label)
return results, 0, fmt.Errorf("label \"%s\" not found", f.Label)
} else {
labelIds = append(labelIds, label.ID)
q.db.Where("category_id = ?", label.ID).Find(&categories)
for _, category := range categories {
labelIds = append(labelIds, category.LabelID)
s = s.Where("photos_labels.label_id IN (?)", labelIds)
if f.Location == true {
s = s.Where("location_id > 0")
if f.Query != "" {
s = s.Joins("LEFT JOIN photos_keywords ON photos_keywords.photo_id = photos.id").
Joins("LEFT JOIN keywords ON photos_keywords.keyword_id = keywords.id").
Where("keywords.keyword LIKE ?", strings.ToLower(f.Query)+"%")
} else if f.Query != "" {
if len(f.Query) < 2 {
return results, 0, fmt.Errorf("query too short")
slugString := slug.Make(f.Query)
lowerString := strings.ToLower(f.Query)
likeString := lowerString + "%"
s = s.Joins("LEFT JOIN photos_keywords ON photos_keywords.photo_id = photos.id").
Joins("LEFT JOIN keywords ON photos_keywords.keyword_id = keywords.id")
if result := q.db.First(&label, "label_slug = ? OR custom_slug = ?", slugString, slugString); result.Error != nil {
log.Infof("search: label \"%s\" not found, using fuzzy search", f.Query)
s = s.Where("keywords.keyword LIKE ?", likeString)
} else {
labelIds = append(labelIds, label.ID)
q.db.Where("category_id = ?", label.ID).Find(&categories)
for _, category := range categories {
labelIds = append(labelIds, category.LabelID)
log.Infof("search: label \"%s\" includes %d categories", label.LabelName, len(labelIds))
s = s.Where("photos_labels.label_id IN (?) OR keywords.keyword LIKE ?", labelIds, likeString)
if f.Archived {
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NOT NULL")
} else {
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL")
if f.Error {
s = s.Where("files.file_error <> ''")
if f.Album != "" {
s = s.Joins("JOIN photos_albums ON photos_albums.photo_uuid = photos.photo_uuid").Where("photos_albums.album_uuid = ?", f.Album)
if f.Camera > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.camera_id = ?", f.Camera)
if f.Lens > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.lens_id = ?", f.Lens)
if f.Year > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_year = ?", f.Year)
if f.Month > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_month = ?", f.Month)
if f.Color != "" {
s = s.Where("files.file_main_color = ?", strings.ToLower(f.Color))
if f.Favorites {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_favorite = 1")
if f.Public {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_private = 0")
if f.Safe {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_nsfw = 0")
if f.Nsfw {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_nsfw = 1")
if f.Story {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_story = 1")
if f.Country != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_country = ?", f.Country)
if f.Title != "" {
s = s.Where("LOWER(photos.photo_title) LIKE ?", fmt.Sprintf("%%%s%%", strings.ToLower(f.Title)))
if f.Hash != "" {
s = s.Where("files.file_hash = ?", f.Hash)
if f.Duplicate {
s = s.Where("files.file_duplicate = 1")
if f.Portrait {
s = s.Where("files.file_portrait = 1")
if f.Mono {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma = 0")
} else if f.Chroma > 9 {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma > ?", f.Chroma)
} else if f.Chroma > 0 {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma > 0 AND files.file_chroma <= ?", f.Chroma)
if f.Diff != 0 {
s = s.Where("files.file_diff = ?", f.Diff)
if f.Fmin > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_f_number >= ?", f.Fmin)
if f.Fmax > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_f_number <= ?", f.Fmax)
if f.Dist == 0 {
f.Dist = 20
} else if f.Dist > 5000 {
f.Dist = 5000
// Inaccurate distance search, but probably 'good enough' for now
if f.Lat > 0 {
latMin := f.Lat - SearchRadius*float64(f.Dist)
latMax := f.Lat + SearchRadius*float64(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lat BETWEEN ? AND ?", latMin, latMax)
if f.Lng > 0 {
lngMin := f.Lng - SearchRadius*float64(f.Dist)
lngMax := f.Lng + SearchRadius*float64(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lng BETWEEN ? AND ?", lngMin, lngMax)
if !f.Before.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at <= ?", f.Before.Format("2006-01-02"))
if !f.After.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at >= ?", f.After.Format("2006-01-02"))
switch f.Order {
case entity.SortOrderRelevance:
s = s.Order("photo_story DESC, photo_favorite DESC, taken_at DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderNewest:
s = s.Order("taken_at DESC, photos.photo_uuid, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderOldest:
s = s.Order("taken_at, photos.photo_uuid, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderImported:
s = s.Order("photos.id DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderSimilar:
s = s.Order("files.file_main_color, photos.location_id, files.file_diff, taken_at DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
s = s.Order("taken_at DESC, photos.photo_uuid, files.file_primary DESC")
if f.Count > 0 && f.Count <= 1000 {
s = s.Limit(f.Count).Offset(f.Offset)
} else {
s = s.Limit(100).Offset(0)
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, 0, result.Error
if f.Merged {
return results.Merged()
return results, len(results), nil
// PhotoByID returns a Photo based on the ID.
func (q *Query) PhotoByID(photoID uint64) (photo entity.Photo, err error) {
if err := q.db.Unscoped().Where("id = ?", photoID).
Preload("Labels", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("photos_labels.uncertainty ASC, photos_labels.label_id DESC")
First(&photo).Error; err != nil {
return photo, err
return photo, nil
// PhotoByUUID returns a Photo based on the UUID.
func (q *Query) PhotoByUUID(photoUUID string) (photo entity.Photo, err error) {
if err := q.db.Unscoped().Where("photo_uuid = ?", photoUUID).
Preload("Labels", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("photos_labels.uncertainty ASC, photos_labels.label_id DESC")
First(&photo).Error; err != nil {
return photo, err
return photo, nil
// PreloadPhotoByUUID returns a Photo based on the UUID with all dependencies preloaded.
func (q *Query) PreloadPhotoByUUID(photoUUID string) (photo entity.Photo, err error) {
if err := q.db.Unscoped().Where("photo_uuid = ?", photoUUID).
Preload("Labels", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("photos_labels.uncertainty ASC, photos_labels.label_id DESC")
First(&photo).Error; err != nil {
return photo, err
return photo, nil