Michael Mayer 842da9f09b Backend: Query package refactoring
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2020-05-08 15:41:01 +02:00

88 lines
2.6 KiB

package query
import (
// Geo searches for photos based on a Form and returns a PhotoResult slice.
func Geo(f form.GeoSearch) (results []GeoResult, err error) {
if err := f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return results, err
defer log.Debug(capture.Time(time.Now(), fmt.Sprintf("search: %+v", f)))
s := UnscopedDb()
s = s.Table("photos").
Select(`, photos.photo_uuid, photos.photo_lat, photos.photo_lng, photos.photo_title,
photos.photo_favorite, photos.taken_at, files.file_hash, files.file_width, files.file_height`).
Joins(`JOIN files ON files.photo_id =
AND files.file_missing = 0 AND files.file_primary AND files.deleted_at IS NULL`).
Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL").
Where("photos.photo_lat <> 0").
f.Query = txt.Clip(f.Query, txt.ClipKeyword)
if f.Query != "" {
s = s.Joins("LEFT JOIN photos_keywords ON photos_keywords.photo_id =").
Joins("LEFT JOIN keywords ON photos_keywords.keyword_id =").
Where("keywords.keyword LIKE ?", strings.ToLower(f.Query)+"%")
if f.Review {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality < 3")
} else if f.Quality != 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality >= ?", f.Quality)
if f.Favorite {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_favorite = 1")
if f.S2 != "" {
s2Min, s2Max := s2.Range(f.S2, 7)
s = s.Where("photos.location_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", s2Min, s2Max)
} else if f.Olc != "" {
s2Min, s2Max := s2.Range(pluscode.S2(f.Olc), 7)
s = s.Where("photos.location_id BETWEEN ? AND ?", s2Min, s2Max)
} else {
// Inaccurate distance search, but probably 'good enough' for now
if f.Lat > 0 {
latMin := f.Lat - SearchRadius*float32(f.Dist)
latMax := f.Lat + SearchRadius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lat BETWEEN ? AND ?", latMin, latMax)
if f.Lng > 0 {
lngMin := f.Lng - SearchRadius*float32(f.Dist)
lngMax := f.Lng + SearchRadius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lng BETWEEN ? AND ?", lngMin, lngMax)
if !f.Before.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at <= ?", f.Before.Format("2006-01-02"))
if !f.After.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at >= ?", f.After.Format("2006-01-02"))
s = s.Order("taken_at, photos.photo_uuid")
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, result.Error
return results, nil