Michael Mayer 3edf30ab3a Reduce location precision to float32
This is the practical limit of commercial data and should be more than enough for our use case while ideally providing better index performance.

Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2020-04-26 11:41:54 +02:00

406 lines
13 KiB

package entity
import (
// Photo represents a photo, all its properties, and link to all its images and sidecar files.
type Photo struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
TakenAt time.Time `gorm:"type:datetime;index:idx_photos_taken_uuid;" json:"TakenAt"`
TakenSrc string `gorm:"type:varbinary(8);" json:"TakenSrc"`
PhotoUUID string `gorm:"type:varbinary(36);unique_index;index:idx_photos_taken_uuid;"`
PhotoPath string `gorm:"type:varbinary(512);index;"`
PhotoName string `gorm:"type:varbinary(255);"`
PhotoTitle string `gorm:"type:varchar(200);" json:"PhotoTitle"`
TitleSrc string `gorm:"type:varbinary(8);" json:"TitleSrc"`
PhotoQuality int `gorm:"type:SMALLINT" json:"PhotoQuality"`
PhotoResolution int `gorm:"type:SMALLINT" json:"PhotoResolution"`
PhotoFavorite bool `json:"PhotoFavorite"`
PhotoPrivate bool `json:"PhotoPrivate"`
PhotoStory bool `json:"PhotoStory"`
PhotoLat float32 `gorm:"type:FLOAT;index;" json:"PhotoLat"`
PhotoLng float32 `gorm:"type:FLOAT;index;" json:"PhotoLng"`
PhotoAltitude int `json:"PhotoAltitude"`
PhotoIso int `json:"PhotoIso"`
PhotoFocalLength int `json:"PhotoFocalLength"`
PhotoFNumber float32 `gorm:"type:FLOAT;" json:"PhotoFNumber"`
PhotoExposure string `gorm:"type:varbinary(64);" json:"PhotoExposure"`
CameraID uint `gorm:"index:idx_photos_camera_lens;" json:"CameraID"`
CameraSerial string `gorm:"type:varbinary(128);" json:"CameraSerial"`
CameraSrc string `gorm:"type:varbinary(8);" json:"CameraSrc"`
LensID uint `gorm:"index:idx_photos_camera_lens;" json:"LensID"`
PlaceID string `gorm:"type:varbinary(16);index;default:'zz'" json:"PlaceID"`
LocationID string `gorm:"type:varbinary(16);index;" json:"LocationID"`
LocationSrc string `gorm:"type:varbinary(8);" json:"LocationSrc"`
PhotoCountry string `gorm:"type:varbinary(2);index:idx_photos_country_year_month;default:'zz'" json:"PhotoCountry"`
PhotoYear int `gorm:"index:idx_photos_country_year_month;"`
PhotoMonth int `gorm:"index:idx_photos_country_year_month;"`
TimeZone string `gorm:"type:varbinary(64);" json:"TimeZone"`
TakenAtLocal time.Time `gorm:"type:datetime;"`
Description Description `json:"Description"`
DescriptionSrc string `gorm:"type:varbinary(8);" json:"DescriptionSrc"`
Camera *Camera `json:"Camera"`
Lens *Lens `json:"Lens"`
Location *Location `json:"Location"`
Place *Place `json:"-"`
Links []Link `gorm:"foreignkey:ShareUUID;association_foreignkey:PhotoUUID"`
Keywords []Keyword `json:"-"`
Albums []Album `json:"-"`
Files []File
Labels []PhotoLabel
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
EditedAt *time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`
// SavePhotoForm updates a model using form data and persists it in the database.
func SavePhotoForm(model Photo, form form.Photo, db *gorm.DB, geoApi string) error {
locChanged := model.PhotoLat != form.PhotoLat || model.PhotoLng != form.PhotoLng
if err := deepcopier.Copy(&model).From(form); err != nil {
return err
if form.Description.PhotoID == model.ID {
if err := deepcopier.Copy(&model.Description).From(form.Description); err != nil {
return err
model.Description.PhotoKeywords = strings.Join(txt.UniqueKeywords(model.Description.PhotoKeywords), ", ")
if model.HasLatLng() && locChanged && model.LocationSrc == SrcManual {
locKeywords, labels := model.UpdateLocation(db, geoApi)
model.AddLabels(labels, db)
w := txt.UniqueKeywords(model.Description.PhotoKeywords)
w = append(w, locKeywords...)
model.Description.PhotoKeywords = strings.Join(txt.UniqueWords(w), ", ")
if err := model.UpdateTitle(model.ClassifyLabels()); err != nil {
log.Warnf("%s (%s)", err.Error(), model.PhotoUUID)
if err := model.IndexKeywords(db); err != nil {
log.Warnf("%s (%s)", err.Error(), model.PhotoUUID)
edited := time.Now().UTC()
model.EditedAt = &edited
model.PhotoQuality = model.QualityScore()
return db.Unscoped().Save(&model).Error
// Save stored the entity in the database.
func (m *Photo) Save(db *gorm.DB) error {
labels := m.ClassifyLabels()
if err := m.UpdateTitle(labels); err != nil {
log.Warnf("%s (%s)", err.Error(), m.PhotoUUID)
if m.DescriptionLoaded() {
w := txt.UniqueKeywords(m.Description.PhotoKeywords)
w = append(w, labels.Keywords()...)
m.Description.PhotoKeywords = strings.Join(txt.UniqueWords(w), ", ")
if err := m.IndexKeywords(db); err != nil {
m.PhotoQuality = m.QualityScore()
return db.Unscoped().Save(m).Error
// ClassifyLabels returns all associated labels as classify.Labels
func (m *Photo) ClassifyLabels() classify.Labels {
result := classify.Labels{}
for _, l := range m.Labels {
result = append(result, l.ClassifyLabel())
return result
// BeforeCreate computes a unique UUID, and set a default takenAt before indexing a new photo
func (m *Photo) BeforeCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) error {
if err := scope.SetColumn("PhotoUUID", rnd.PPID('p')); err != nil {
return err
if m.TakenAt.IsZero() || m.TakenAtLocal.IsZero() {
now := time.Now()
if err := scope.SetColumn("TakenAt", now); err != nil {
return err
if err := scope.SetColumn("TakenAtLocal", now); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BeforeSave ensures the existence of TakenAt properties before indexing or updating a photo
func (m *Photo) BeforeSave(scope *gorm.Scope) error {
if m.TakenAt.IsZero() || m.TakenAtLocal.IsZero() {
now := time.Now()
if err := scope.SetColumn("TakenAt", now); err != nil {
return err
if err := scope.SetColumn("TakenAtLocal", now); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IndexKeywords adds given keywords to the photo entry
func (m *Photo) IndexKeywords(db *gorm.DB) error {
if !m.DescriptionLoaded() {
return fmt.Errorf("photo: can't index keywords, description not loaded (%s)", m.PhotoUUID)
var keywordIds []uint
var keywords []string
// Add title, description and other keywords
keywords = append(keywords, txt.Keywords(m.PhotoTitle)...)
keywords = append(keywords, txt.Keywords(m.Description.PhotoDescription)...)
keywords = append(keywords, txt.Keywords(m.Description.PhotoKeywords)...)
keywords = append(keywords, txt.Keywords(m.Description.PhotoSubject)...)
keywords = append(keywords, txt.Keywords(m.Description.PhotoArtist)...)
keywords = txt.UniqueWords(keywords)
for _, w := range keywords {
kw := NewKeyword(w).FirstOrCreate(db)
if kw.Skip {
keywordIds = append(keywordIds, kw.ID)
NewPhotoKeyword(m.ID, kw.ID).FirstOrCreate(db)
return db.Where("photo_id = ? AND keyword_id NOT IN (?)", m.ID, keywordIds).Delete(&PhotoKeyword{}).Error
// PreloadFiles prepares gorm scope to retrieve photo file
func (m *Photo) PreloadFiles(db *gorm.DB) {
q := db.NewScope(nil).DB().
Where("files.photo_id = ?", m.ID).
Order("files.file_name DESC")
/* func (m *Photo) PreloadLabels(db *gorm.DB) {
q := db.NewScope(nil).DB().
Joins("JOIN photos_labels ON photos_labels.label_id = AND photos_labels.photo_id = ?", m.ID).
Where("labels.deleted_at IS NULL").
Order("labels.label_name ASC")
} */
// PreloadKeywords prepares gorm scope to retrieve photo keywords
func (m *Photo) PreloadKeywords(db *gorm.DB) {
q := db.NewScope(nil).DB().
Joins("JOIN photos_keywords ON photos_keywords.keyword_id = AND photos_keywords.photo_id = ?", m.ID).
Order("keywords.keyword ASC")
// PreloadAlbums prepares gorm scope to retrieve photo albums
func (m *Photo) PreloadAlbums(db *gorm.DB) {
q := db.NewScope(nil).DB().
Joins("JOIN photos_albums ON photos_albums.album_uuid = albums.album_uuid AND photos_albums.photo_uuid = ?", m.PhotoUUID).
Where("albums.deleted_at IS NULL").
Order("albums.album_name ASC")
// PreloadMany prepares gorm scope to retrieve photo file, albums and keywords
func (m *Photo) PreloadMany(db *gorm.DB) {
// m.PreloadLabels(db)
// NoLocation checks if the photo has no location
func (m *Photo) NoLocation() bool {
return m.LocationID == ""
// HasLocation checks if the photo has a location
func (m *Photo) HasLocation() bool {
return m.LocationID != ""
// HasLatLng checks if the photo has a latitude and longitude.
func (m *Photo) HasLatLng() bool {
return m.PhotoLat != 0 && m.PhotoLng != 0
// NoLatLng checks if latitude and longitude are missing.
func (m *Photo) NoLatLng() bool {
return !m.HasLatLng()
// NoPlace checks if the photo has no Place
func (m *Photo) NoPlace() bool {
return m.PlaceID == "" || m.PlaceID == UnknownPlace.ID
// HasPlace checks if the photo has a Place
func (m *Photo) HasPlace() bool {
return !m.NoPlace()
// NoTitle checks if the photo has no Title
func (m *Photo) NoTitle() bool {
return m.PhotoTitle == ""
// NoCameraSerial checks if the photo has no CameraSerial
func (m *Photo) NoCameraSerial() bool {
return m.CameraSerial == ""
// HasTitle checks if the photo has a Title
func (m *Photo) HasTitle() bool {
return m.PhotoTitle != ""
// DescriptionLoaded returns true if photo description exists.
func (m *Photo) DescriptionLoaded() bool {
return m.Description.PhotoID == m.ID
// UpdateTitle updated the photo title based on location and labels.
func (m *Photo) UpdateTitle(labels classify.Labels) error {
if m.TitleSrc != SrcAuto && m.HasTitle() {
return errors.New("photo: won't update title, was modified")
m.TitleSrc = SrcAuto
hasLocation := m.Location != nil && m.Location.Place != nil
if hasLocation {
loc := m.Location
if title := labels.Title(loc.Name()); title != "" { // TODO: User defined title format
log.Infof("photo: using label \"%s\" to create photo title", title)
if loc.NoCity() || loc.LongCity() || loc.CityContains(title) {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s / %s", txt.Title(title), loc.CountryName(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s / %s", txt.Title(title), loc.City(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else if loc.Name() != "" && loc.City() != "" {
if len(loc.Name()) > 45 {
m.PhotoTitle = txt.Title(loc.Name())
} else if len(loc.Name()) > 20 || len(loc.City()) > 16 || strings.Contains(loc.Name(), loc.City()) {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s", loc.Name(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s / %s", loc.Name(), loc.City(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else if loc.City() != "" && loc.CountryName() != "" {
if len(loc.City()) > 20 {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s", loc.City(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s / %s", loc.City(), loc.CountryName(), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
if !hasLocation || m.NoTitle() {
if len(labels) > 0 && labels[0].Priority >= -1 && labels[0].Uncertainty <= 85 && labels[0].Name != "" {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s", txt.Title(labels[0].Name), m.TakenAt.Format("2006"))
} else if !m.TakenAtLocal.IsZero() {
m.PhotoTitle = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown / %s", m.TakenAtLocal.Format("2006"))
} else {
m.PhotoTitle = "Unknown"
log.Infof("photo: changed photo title to \"%s\"", m.PhotoTitle)
} else {
log.Infof("photo: new title is \"%s\"", m.PhotoTitle)
return nil
// AddLabels updates the entity with additional or updated label information.
func (m *Photo) AddLabels(labels classify.Labels, db *gorm.DB) {
// TODO: Update classify labels from database
for _, label := range labels {
lm := NewLabel(label.Title(), label.Priority).FirstOrCreate(db)
if lm.New {
event.EntitiesCreated("labels", []*Label{lm})
if label.Priority >= 0 {
event.Publish("count.labels", event.Data{
"count": 1,
if err := lm.Update(label, db); err != nil {
log.Errorf("index: %s", err)
plm := NewPhotoLabel(m.ID, lm.ID, label.Uncertainty, label.Source).FirstOrCreate(db)
if plm.Uncertainty > label.Uncertainty && plm.Uncertainty > 100 {
plm.Uncertainty = label.Uncertainty
plm.LabelSrc = label.Source
if err := db.Save(&plm).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("index: %s", err)
db.Set("gorm:auto_preload", true).Model(m).Related(&m.Labels)