Michael Mayer 3edf30ab3a Reduce location precision to float32
This is the practical limit of commercial data and should be more than enough for our use case while ideally providing better index performance.

Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2020-04-26 11:41:54 +02:00

102 lines
2.8 KiB

package entity
import (
// File represents an image or sidecar file that belongs to a photo
type File struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
Photo *Photo
PhotoID uint `gorm:"index;"`
PhotoUUID string `gorm:"type:varbinary(36);index;"`
FileUUID string `gorm:"type:varbinary(36);unique_index;"`
FileName string `gorm:"type:varbinary(600);unique_index"`
OriginalName string `gorm:"type:varbinary(600);"`
FileHash string `gorm:"type:varbinary(128);index"`
FileModified time.Time
FileSize int64
FileType string `gorm:"type:varbinary(32)"`
FileMime string `gorm:"type:varbinary(64)"`
FilePrimary bool
FileSidecar bool
FileVideo bool
FileMissing bool
FileDuplicate bool
FilePortrait bool
FileWidth int
FileHeight int
FileOrientation int
FileAspectRatio float32 `gorm:"type:FLOAT;"`
FileMainColor string `gorm:"type:varbinary(16);index;"`
FileColors string `gorm:"type:binary(9);"`
FileLuminance string `gorm:"type:binary(9);"`
FileDiff uint32
FileChroma uint8
FileNotes string `gorm:"type:text"`
FileError string `gorm:"type:varbinary(512)"`
Share []FileShare
Sync []FileSync
Links []Link `gorm:"foreignkey:ShareUUID;association_foreignkey:FileUUID"`
CreatedAt time.Time
CreatedIn int64
UpdatedAt time.Time
UpdatedIn int64
DeletedAt *time.Time `sql:"index"`
// FirstFileByHash gets a file in db from its hash
func FirstFileByHash(db *gorm.DB, fileHash string) (File, error) {
var file File
q := db.Unscoped().First(&file, "file_hash = ?", fileHash)
return file, q.Error
// BeforeCreate computes a random UUID when a new file is created in database
func (m *File) BeforeCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) error {
return scope.SetColumn("FileUUID", rnd.PPID('f'))
// ShareFileName returns a meaningful file name useful for sharing.
func (m *File) ShareFileName() string {
if m.Photo == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", m.FileHash, m.FileType)
var name string
if m.Photo.PhotoTitle != "" {
name = strings.Title(slug.MakeLang(m.Photo.PhotoTitle, "en"))
} else {
name = m.PhotoUUID
taken := m.Photo.TakenAtLocal.Format("20060102-150405")
token := rnd.Token(3)
result := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s.%s", taken, name, token, m.FileType)
return result
// Changed returns true if new and old file size or modified time are different.
func (m File) Changed(fileSize int64, fileModified time.Time) bool {
if m.FileSize != fileSize {
return true
if m.FileModified.Round(time.Second).Equal(fileModified.Round(time.Second)) {
return false
return true