Michael Mayer 4c516cac38 Auth: Rename database tables and delete temporary tables #98 #782
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@photoprism.app>
2022-10-02 22:09:02 +02:00

205 lines
7.2 KiB

package search
import (
// Albums finds AlbumResults based on the search form without checking rights or permissions.
func Albums(f form.SearchAlbums) (results AlbumResults, err error) {
return UserAlbums(f, nil)
// UserAlbums finds AlbumResults based on the search form and user session.
func UserAlbums(f form.SearchAlbums, sess *entity.Session) (results AlbumResults, err error) {
start := time.Now()
if err = f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
log.Debugf("albums: %s", err)
return AlbumResults{}, err
// Base query.
s := UnscopedDb().Table("albums").
Select("albums.*, cp.photo_count, cl.link_count, CASE WHEN albums.album_year = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS has_year").
Joins("LEFT JOIN (SELECT album_uid, count(photo_uid) AS photo_count FROM photos_albums WHERE hidden = 0 AND missing = 0 GROUP BY album_uid) AS cp ON cp.album_uid = albums.album_uid").
Joins("LEFT JOIN (SELECT share_uid, count(share_uid) AS link_count FROM links GROUP BY share_uid) AS cl ON cl.share_uid = albums.album_uid").
Where("albums.deleted_at IS NULL")
// Check session permissions and apply as needed.
if sess != nil {
user := sess.User()
aclRole := user.AclRole()
// Determine resource to check.
var aclResource acl.Resource
switch f.Type {
case entity.AlbumDefault:
aclResource = acl.ResourceAlbums
case entity.AlbumFolder:
aclResource = acl.ResourceFolders
case entity.AlbumMoment:
aclResource = acl.ResourceMoments
case entity.AlbumMonth:
aclResource = acl.ResourceCalendar
case entity.AlbumState:
aclResource = acl.ResourcePlaces
// Check user permissions.
if acl.Resources.DenyAll(aclResource, aclRole, acl.Permissions{acl.AccessAll, acl.AccessLibrary, acl.AccessShared, acl.AccessOwn}) {
return AlbumResults{}, ErrForbidden
// Limit results by UID, owner and path.
if sess.IsVisitor() || sess.NotRegistered() {
s = s.Where("albums.album_uid IN (?) OR albums.published_at > ?", sess.SharedUIDs(), entity.TimeStamp())
} else if acl.Resources.DenyAll(aclResource, aclRole, acl.Permissions{acl.AccessAll, acl.AccessLibrary}) {
if user.BasePath == "" {
s = s.Where("albums.album_uid IN (?) OR albums.created_by = ? OR albums.published_at > ?", sess.SharedUIDs(), user.UserUID, entity.TimeStamp())
} else {
s = s.Where("albums.album_uid IN (?) OR albums.created_by = ? OR albums.published_at > ? OR albums.album_type = ? AND (albums.album_path = ? OR albums.album_path LIKE ?)",
sess.SharedUIDs(), user.UserUID, entity.TimeStamp(), entity.AlbumFolder, user.BasePath, user.BasePath+"/%")
// Exclude private content?
if acl.Resources.Deny(acl.ResourcePhotos, aclRole, acl.AccessPrivate) || acl.Resources.Deny(aclResource, aclRole, acl.AccessPrivate) {
f.Public = true
f.Private = false
// Set sort order.
switch f.Order {
case entity.SortOrderCount:
s = s.Order("photo_count DESC, albums.album_title, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderRelevance:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.updated_at DESC, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderNewest:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_year DESC, albums.album_month DESC, albums.album_day DESC, albums.album_title, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderOldest:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_year ASC, albums.album_month ASC, albums.album_day ASC, albums.album_title, albums.album_uid ASC")
case entity.SortOrderAdded:
s = s.Order("albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderMoment:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, has_year, albums.album_year DESC, albums.album_month DESC, albums.album_title ASC, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderPlace:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_location, albums.album_title, albums.album_year DESC, albums.album_month ASC, albums.album_day ASC, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderPath:
s = s.Order("albums.album_path, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderCategory:
s = s.Order("albums.album_category, albums.album_title, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderSlug:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_slug ASC, albums.album_uid DESC")
case entity.SortOrderName:
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_title ASC, albums.album_uid DESC")
s = s.Order("albums.album_favorite DESC, albums.album_title ASC, albums.album_uid DESC")
// Find specific UIDs only?
if txt.NotEmpty(f.UID) {
ids := SplitOr(strings.ToLower(f.UID))
if rnd.ContainsUID(ids, entity.AlbumUID) {
s = s.Where("albums.album_uid IN (?)", ids)
// Filter by title or path?
if txt.NotEmpty(f.Query) {
if f.Type != entity.AlbumFolder {
likeString := "%" + f.Query + "%"
s = s.Where("albums.album_title LIKE ? OR albums.album_location LIKE ?", likeString, likeString)
} else {
f.Order = entity.SortOrderPath
p := f.Query
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "/") {
p = p[1:]
if strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
s = s.Where("albums.album_path = ?", p[:len(p)-1])
} else {
p = p + "*"
where, values := OrLike("albums.album_path", p)
if w, v := OrLike("albums.album_title", p); len(v) > 0 {
where = where + " OR " + w
values = append(values, v...)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Albums with public pictures only?
if f.Public {
s = s.Where("albums.album_type <> 'folder' OR albums.album_path IN (SELECT photo_path FROM photos WHERE photo_private = 0 AND photo_quality > -1 AND deleted_at IS NULL)")
} else {
s = s.Where("albums.album_type <> 'folder' OR albums.album_path IN (SELECT photo_path FROM photos WHERE photo_quality > -1 AND deleted_at IS NULL)")
if txt.NotEmpty(f.Type) {
s = s.Where("albums.album_type IN (?)", strings.Split(f.Type, txt.Or))
if txt.NotEmpty(f.Category) {
s = s.Where("albums.album_category IN (?)", strings.Split(f.Category, txt.Or))
if txt.NotEmpty(f.Location) {
s = s.Where("albums.album_location IN (?)", strings.Split(f.Location, txt.Or))
if txt.NotEmpty(f.Country) {
s = s.Where("albums.album_country IN (?)", strings.Split(f.Country, txt.Or))
if f.Favorite {
s = s.Where("albums.album_favorite = 1")
if (f.Year > 0 && f.Year <= txt.YearMax) || f.Year == entity.UnknownYear {
s = s.Where("albums.album_year = ?", f.Year)
if (f.Month >= txt.MonthMin && f.Month <= txt.MonthMax) || f.Month == entity.UnknownMonth {
s = s.Where("albums.album_month = ?", f.Month)
if (f.Day >= txt.DayMin && f.Month <= txt.DayMax) || f.Day == entity.UnknownDay {
s = s.Where("albums.album_day = ?", f.Day)
// Limit result count.
if f.Count > 0 && f.Count <= MaxResults {
s = s.Limit(f.Count).Offset(f.Offset)
} else {
s = s.Limit(MaxResults).Offset(f.Offset)
// Query database.
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, result.Error
// Log number of results.
log.Debugf("albums: found %s [%s]", english.Plural(len(results), "result", "results"), time.Since(start))
return results, nil