Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@photoprism.app>
262 lines
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262 lines
7.5 KiB
package query
import (
// MarkerByUID returns a Marker based on the UID.
func MarkerByUID(uid string) (*entity.Marker, error) {
result := entity.Marker{}
err := UnscopedDb().Where("marker_uid = ?", uid).First(&result).Error
return &result, err
// Markers finds a list of file markers filtered by type, embeddings, and sorted by id.
func Markers(limit, offset int, markerType string, embeddings, subjects bool, matchedBefore time.Time) (result entity.Markers, err error) {
db := Db()
if markerType != "" {
db = db.Where("marker_type = ?", markerType)
if embeddings {
db = db.Where("embeddings_json <> ''")
if subjects {
db = db.Where("subj_uid <> ''")
if !matchedBefore.IsZero() {
db = db.Where("matched_at IS NULL OR matched_at < ?", matchedBefore)
db = db.Order("matched_at, marker_uid").Limit(limit).Offset(offset)
err = db.Find(&result).Error
return result, err
// UnmatchedFaceMarkers finds all currently unmatched face markers.
func UnmatchedFaceMarkers(limit, offset int, matchedBefore *time.Time) (result entity.Markers, err error) {
db := Db().
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace).
Where("marker_invalid = 0").
Where("embeddings_json <> ''")
if matchedBefore == nil {
db = db.Where("matched_at IS NULL")
} else if !matchedBefore.IsZero() {
db = db.Where("matched_at IS NULL OR matched_at < ?", matchedBefore)
db = db.Order("matched_at, marker_uid").Limit(limit).Offset(offset)
err = db.Find(&result).Error
return result, err
// FaceMarkers returns all face markers sorted by id.
func FaceMarkers(limit, offset int) (result entity.Markers, err error) {
err = Db().
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace).
return result, err
// Embeddings returns existing face embeddings.
func Embeddings(single, unclustered bool, size, score int) (result face.Embeddings, err error) {
var col []string
stmt := Db().
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace).
Where("marker_invalid = 0").
Where("embeddings_json <> ''").
if size > 0 {
stmt = stmt.Where("size >= ?", size)
if score > 0 {
stmt = stmt.Where("score >= ?", score)
if unclustered {
stmt = stmt.Where("face_id = ''")
if err := stmt.Pluck("embeddings_json", &col).Error; err != nil {
return result, err
for _, embeddingsJson := range col {
if embeddingsJson == "" {
} else if embeddings, err := face.UnmarshalEmbeddings(embeddingsJson); err != nil {
log.Warnf("faces: %s", err)
} else if !embeddings.Empty() {
if single {
// Single embedding per face detected.
result = append(result, embeddings[0])
} else {
// Return all embedding otherwise.
result = append(result, embeddings...)
return result, nil
// RemoveInvalidMarkerReferences removes face and subject references from invalid markers.
func RemoveInvalidMarkerReferences() (removed int64, err error) {
result := Db().
Where("marker_invalid = 1 AND (subj_uid <> '' OR face_id <> '')").
UpdateColumns(entity.Map{"subj_uid": "", "face_id": "", "face_dist": -1.0, "matched_at": nil})
return result.RowsAffected, result.Error
// RemoveNonExistentMarkerFaces removes non-existent face IDs from the markers table.
func RemoveNonExistentMarkerFaces() (removed int64, err error) {
result := Db().
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("face_id <> '' AND face_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM %s)", entity.Face{}.TableName())).
UpdateColumns(entity.Map{"face_id": "", "face_dist": -1.0, "matched_at": nil})
return result.RowsAffected, result.Error
// RemoveNonExistentMarkerSubjects removes non-existent subject UIDs from the markers table.
func RemoveNonExistentMarkerSubjects() (removed int64, err error) {
result := Db().
Where(fmt.Sprintf("subj_uid <> '' AND subj_uid NOT IN (SELECT subj_uid FROM %s)", entity.Subject{}.TableName())).
UpdateColumns(entity.Map{"subj_uid": "", "matched_at": nil})
return result.RowsAffected, result.Error
// FixMarkerReferences repairs invalid or non-existent references in the markers table.
func FixMarkerReferences() (removed int64, err error) {
if r, err := RemoveInvalidMarkerReferences(); err != nil {
return removed, err
} else {
removed += r
if r, err := RemoveNonExistentMarkerFaces(); err != nil {
return removed, err
} else {
removed += r
if r, err := RemoveNonExistentMarkerSubjects(); err != nil {
return removed, err
} else {
removed += r
return removed, nil
// MarkersWithNonExistentReferences finds markers with non-existent face or subject references.
func MarkersWithNonExistentReferences() (faces entity.Markers, subjects entity.Markers, err error) {
// Find markers with invalid face IDs.
if res := Db().
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("face_id <> '' AND face_id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM %s)", entity.Face{}.TableName())).
Find(&faces); res.Error != nil {
err = res.Error
// Find markers with invalid subject UIDs.
if res := Db().
Where(fmt.Sprintf("subj_uid <> '' AND subj_uid NOT IN (SELECT subj_uid FROM %s)", entity.Subject{}.TableName())).
Find(&subjects); res.Error != nil {
err = res.Error
return faces, subjects, err
// MarkersWithSubjectConflict finds markers with conflicting subjects.
func MarkersWithSubjectConflict() (results entity.Markers, err error) {
faces := gorm.Expr(entity.Face{}.TableName())
markers := gorm.Expr(entity.Marker{}.TableName())
hasSubj := gorm.Expr("(?.subj_uid <> '' OR ?.subj_src <> '')", markers, markers)
err = Db().
Joins("JOIN ? f ON f.id = face_id AND f.subj_uid <> ?.subj_uid AND ?", faces, markers, hasSubj).
return results, err
// ResetFaceMarkerMatches removes automatically added subject and face references from the markers table.
func ResetFaceMarkerMatches() (removed int64, err error) {
res := Db().Model(&entity.Marker{}).
Where("subj_src = ? AND marker_type = ?", entity.SrcAuto, entity.MarkerFace).
UpdateColumns(entity.Map{"marker_name": "", "subj_uid": "", "subj_src": "", "face_id": "", "face_dist": -1.0, "matched_at": nil})
return res.RowsAffected, res.Error
// CountUnmatchedFaceMarkers counts the number of unmatched face markers in the index.
func CountUnmatchedFaceMarkers() (n int) {
q := Db().Model(&entity.Markers{}).
Where("matched_at IS NULL AND marker_invalid = 0 AND embeddings_json <> ''").
Where("marker_type = ?", entity.MarkerFace)
if err := q.Count(&n).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s (count unmatched markers)", err)
return n
// CountMarkers counts the number of face markers in the index.
func CountMarkers(markerType string) (n int) {
q := Db().Model(&entity.Markers{})
if markerType != "" {
q = q.Where("marker_type = ?", markerType)
if err := q.Count(&n).Error; err != nil {
log.Errorf("faces: %s (count markers)", err)
return n
// RemoveOrphanMarkers removes markers without an existing file.
func RemoveOrphanMarkers() (removed int64, err error) {
where := fmt.Sprintf("file_uid NOT IN (SELECT file_uid FROM %s)", entity.File{}.TableName())
if res := UnscopedDb().
Delete(&entity.Marker{}, where); res.Error != nil {
return removed, fmt.Errorf("markers: %s (purge orphans)", res.Error)
} else {
removed += res.RowsAffected
return removed, nil