Michael Mayer 2912ac9464 Security: Refactor cache headers, auth token validation & UI #782 #808
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2024-01-17 14:16:02 +01:00

210 lines
8.3 KiB

package server
import (
gc ""
// Use auth cache to improve WebDAV performance. It has a standard expiration time of about 5 minutes.
var webdavAuthExpiration = 5 * time.Minute
var webdavAuthCache = gc.New(webdavAuthExpiration, webdavAuthExpiration)
var webdavAuthMutex = sync.Mutex{}
var BasicAuthRealm = "Basic realm=\"WebDAV Authorization Required\""
// WebDAVAuth checks authentication and authentication
// before WebDAV requests are processed.
func WebDAVAuth(conf *config.Config) gin.HandlerFunc {
// Helper function that extracts the login information from the request headers.
var basicAuth = func(c *gin.Context) (username, password, cacheKey string, authorized bool) {
// Extract credentials from the HTTP request headers.
username, password, cacheKey = header.BasicAuth(c)
// Fail if the username or password is empty, as
// this is not allowed under any circumstances.
if username == "" || password == "" || cacheKey == "" {
return username, password, "", false
// To improve performance, check the cache for already authorized users.
if user, found := webdavAuthCache.Get(cacheKey); found && user != nil {
// Add user to request context and return to signal successful authentication.
c.Set(gin.AuthUserKey, user.(*entity.User))
// Credentials have already been authorized within the configured
// expiration time of the basic auth cache (about 5 minutes).
return username, password, cacheKey, true
} else {
// Credentials found, but not pre-authorized. If successful, the
// authorization will be cached for the next request.
return username, password, cacheKey, false
// Authentication handler that is called before WebDAV requests are processed.
return func(c *gin.Context) {
if c == nil {
// Set vary response header.
c.Header(header.Vary, header.DefaultVary)
// Get basic authentication credentials, if any.
username, password, cacheKey, authorized := basicAuth(c)
// Allow requests from already authorized users to be processed.
if authorized {
// Get the client IP address from the request headers
// for use in logs and to enforce request rate limits.
clientIp := header.ClientIP(c)
// Get access token, if any.
authToken := header.AuthToken(c)
// Use the value provided in the password field as auth token if no username was provided
// and the format matches auth secrets e.g. "OXiV72-wTtiL9-d04jO7-X7XP4p".
if username != "" && authToken == "" && rnd.IsAuthSecret(password, true) {
authToken = password
// Allow webdav access based on the auth token or secret provided?
if sess, user, sid, cached := WebDAVAuthSession(c, authToken); cached && user != nil {
// Add user to request context and return to signal successful authentication.
c.Set(gin.AuthUserKey, user)
} else if sess == nil {
// Ignore and try basic auth next.
} else if !sess.HasUser() || user == nil {
// Log error if session does not belong to an authorized user account.
event.AuditErr([]string{clientIp, "session %s", "access webdav without user account", "denied"}, sess.RefID)
} else if sess.IsClient() && !sess.HasScope(acl.ResourceWebDAV.String()) {
// Log error if the client is allowed to access webdav based on its scope.
message := "denied"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "client %s", "session %s", "access webdav as %s", message}, clean.Log(sess.AuthID), sess.RefID, clean.LogQuote(user.Username()))
} else if !user.CanUseWebDAV() {
// Log warning if WebDAV is disabled for this account.
message := "webdav access is disabled"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "client %s", "session %s", "access webdav as %s", message}, clean.Log(sess.AuthID), sess.RefID, clean.LogQuote(user.Username()))
} else if username != "" && !strings.EqualFold(clean.Username(username), user.Username()) {
// Log warning if WebDAV is disabled for this account.
message := "basic auth username does not match"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "client %s", "session %s", "access webdav as %s", message}, clean.Log(sess.AuthID), sess.RefID, clean.LogQuote(user.Username()))
} else if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(conf.OriginalsPath(), user.GetUploadPath()), fs.ModeDir); err != nil {
// Log warning if upload path could not be created.
message := "failed to create user upload path"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "client %s", "session %s", "access webdav as %s", message}, clean.Log(sess.AuthID), sess.RefID, clean.LogQuote(user.Username()))
} else {
// Cache authentication to improve performance.
webdavAuthCache.SetDefault(sid, user)
// Add user to request context and return to signal successful authentication.
c.Set(gin.AuthUserKey, user)
// Re-request authentication if credentials are missing or incomplete.
if cacheKey == "" {
// Check the authentication request rate to block the client after
// too many failed attempts (10/req per minute by default).
if limiter.Login.Reject(clientIp) {
defer webdavAuthMutex.Unlock()
// User credentials.
f := form.Login{
UserName: username,
Password: password,
// Check credentials and authorization.
if user, _, err := entity.Auth(f, nil, c); err != nil {
// Abort if authentication has failed.
message := err.Error()
event.AuditErr([]string{clientIp, "webdav login as %s", message}, clean.LogQuote(username))
event.LoginError(clientIp, "webdav", username, api.UserAgent(c), message)
} else if user == nil {
// Abort if account was not found.
message := "account not found"
event.AuditErr([]string{clientIp, "webdav login as %s", message}, clean.LogQuote(username))
event.LoginError(clientIp, "webdav", username, api.UserAgent(c), message)
} else if !user.CanUseWebDAV() {
// Abort if WebDAV is disabled for this account.
message := "webdav access is disabled"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "webdav login as %s", message}, clean.LogQuote(username))
event.LoginError(clientIp, "webdav", username, api.UserAgent(c), message)
} else if err = os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(conf.OriginalsPath(), user.GetUploadPath()), fs.ModeDir); err != nil {
// Abort if upload path could not be created.
message := "failed to create user upload path"
event.AuditWarn([]string{clientIp, "webdav login as %s", message}, clean.LogQuote(username))
event.LoginError(clientIp, "webdav", username, api.UserAgent(c), message)
} else {
// Log successful authentication.
event.AuditInfo([]string{clientIp, "webdav login as %s", "succeeded"}, clean.LogQuote(username))
event.LoginInfo(clientIp, "webdav", username, api.UserAgent(c))
// Cache authentication to improve performance.
webdavAuthCache.SetDefault(cacheKey, user)
// Add user to request context and return to signal successful authentication.
c.Set(gin.AuthUserKey, user)
// Request authentication.
// WebDAVAbortUnauthorized aborts the request with the status unauthorized and requests authentication.
func WebDAVAbortUnauthorized(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("WWW-Authenticate", BasicAuthRealm)
// WebDAVAbortServerError aborts the request with the status internal server error.
func WebDAVAbortServerError(c *gin.Context) {