Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <michael@liquidbytes.net>
577 lines
13 KiB
577 lines
13 KiB
package config
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/sqlite"
gc "github.com/patrickmn/go-cache"
tensorflow "github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/go"
var log = event.Log
type Config struct {
db *gorm.DB
cache *gc.Cache
config *Params
func initLogger(debug bool) {
DisableColors: false,
FullTimestamp: true,
if debug {
} else {
func findExecutable(configBin, defaultBin string) (result string) {
if configBin == "" {
result = defaultBin
} else {
result = configBin
if path, err := exec.LookPath(result); err == nil {
result = path
if !util.Exists(result) {
result = ""
return result
func NewConfig(ctx *cli.Context) *Config {
c := &Config{
config: NewParams(ctx),
return c
// CreateDirectories creates all the folders that photoprism needs. These are:
// OriginalsPath
// ThumbnailsPath
// ImportPath
// ExportPath
func (c *Config) CreateDirectories() error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.OriginalsPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.ImportPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.ExportPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.ThumbnailsPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.ResourcesPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.SqlServerPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.TensorFlowModelPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(c.HttpStaticBuildPath(), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(c.PIDFilename()), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(c.LogFilename()), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// connectToDatabase establishes a database connection.
// When used with the internal driver, it may create a new database server instance.
// It tries to do this 12 times with a 5 second sleep interval in between.
func (c *Config) connectToDatabase(ctx context.Context) error {
dbDriver := c.DatabaseDriver()
dbDsn := c.DatabaseDsn()
if dbDriver == "" {
return errors.New("can't connect: database driver not specified")
if dbDsn == "" {
return errors.New("can't connect: database DSN not specified")
isTiDB := false
initSuccess := false
if dbDriver == DbTiDB {
isTiDB = true
dbDriver = DbMySQL
db, err := gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn)
if err != nil || db == nil {
if isTiDB {
log.Infof("starting database server at %s:%d\n", c.SqlServerHost(), c.SqlServerPort())
go tidb.Start(ctx, c.SqlServerPath(), c.SqlServerPort(), c.SqlServerHost(), c.Debug())
for i := 1; i <= 12; i++ {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
db, err = gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn)
if db != nil && err == nil {
if isTiDB && !initSuccess {
err = tidb.InitDatabase(c.SqlServerPort(), c.SqlServerPassword())
if err != nil {
} else {
initSuccess = true
if err != nil || db == nil {
c.db = db
return err
// Name returns the application name.
func (c *Config) Name() string {
return c.config.Name
// Version returns the application version.
func (c *Config) Version() string {
return c.config.Version
// TensorFlowVersion returns the TenorFlow framework version.
func (c *Config) TensorFlowVersion() string {
return tensorflow.Version()
// Copyright returns the application copyright.
func (c *Config) Copyright() string {
return c.config.Copyright
// Debug returns true if Debug mode is on.
func (c *Config) Debug() bool {
return c.config.Debug
// Public returns true if app requires no authentication.
func (c *Config) Public() bool {
return c.config.Public
// ReadOnly returns true if photo directories are write protected.
func (c *Config) ReadOnly() bool {
return c.config.ReadOnly
// AdminPassword returns the admin password.
func (c *Config) AdminPassword() string {
if c.config.AdminPassword == "" {
return "photoprism"
return c.config.AdminPassword
// LogLevel returns the logrus log level.
func (c *Config) LogLevel() logrus.Level {
if c.Debug() {
c.config.LogLevel = "debug"
if logLevel, err := logrus.ParseLevel(c.config.LogLevel); err == nil {
return logLevel
} else {
return logrus.InfoLevel
// ConfigFile returns the config file name.
func (c *Config) ConfigFile() string {
return c.config.ConfigFile
// SettingsFile returns the user settings file name.
func (c *Config) SettingsFile() string {
return c.ConfigPath() + "/settings.yml"
// ConfigPath returns the config path.
func (c *Config) ConfigPath() string {
if c.config.ConfigPath == "" {
return c.AssetsPath() + "/config"
return c.config.ConfigPath
// PIDFilename returns the filename for storing the server process id (pid).
func (c *Config) PIDFilename() string {
if c.config.PIDFilename == "" {
return c.AssetsPath() + "/photoprism.pid"
return c.config.PIDFilename
// LogFilename returns the filename for storing server logs.
func (c *Config) LogFilename() string {
if c.config.LogFilename == "" {
return c.AssetsPath() + "/photoprism.log"
return c.config.LogFilename
// DetachServer returns true if server should detach from console (daemon mode).
func (c *Config) DetachServer() bool {
return c.config.DetachServer
// SqlServerHost returns the built-in SQL server host name or IP address (empty for all interfaces).
func (c *Config) SqlServerHost() string {
if c.config.SqlServerHost == "" {
return ""
return c.config.SqlServerHost
// SqlServerPort returns the built-in SQL server port.
func (c *Config) SqlServerPort() uint {
if c.config.SqlServerPort == 0 {
return 4000
return c.config.SqlServerPort
// SqlServerPath returns the database storage path for TiDB.
func (c *Config) SqlServerPath() string {
if c.config.SqlServerPath == "" {
return c.ResourcesPath() + "/database"
return c.config.SqlServerPath
// SqlServerPassword returns the password for the built-in database server.
func (c *Config) SqlServerPassword() string {
return c.config.SqlServerPassword
// HttpServerHost returns the built-in HTTP server host name or IP address (empty for all interfaces).
func (c *Config) HttpServerHost() string {
if c.config.HttpServerHost == "" {
return ""
return c.config.HttpServerHost
// HttpServerPort returns the built-in HTTP server port.
func (c *Config) HttpServerPort() int {
if c.config.HttpServerPort == 0 {
return 2342
return c.config.HttpServerPort
// HttpServerMode returns the server mode.
func (c *Config) HttpServerMode() string {
if c.config.HttpServerMode == "" {
if c.Debug() {
return "debug"
return "release"
return c.config.HttpServerMode
// HttpServerPassword returns the password for the user interface (optional).
func (c *Config) HttpServerPassword() string {
return c.config.HttpServerPassword
// OriginalsPath returns the originals.
func (c *Config) OriginalsPath() string {
return c.config.OriginalsPath
// ImportPath returns the import directory.
func (c *Config) ImportPath() string {
return c.config.ImportPath
// ExportPath returns the export directory.
func (c *Config) ExportPath() string {
return c.config.ExportPath
// SipsBin returns the sips binary file name.
func (c *Config) SipsBin() string {
return findExecutable(c.config.SipsBin, "sips")
// DarktableBin returns the darktable-cli binary file name.
func (c *Config) DarktableBin() string {
return findExecutable(c.config.DarktableBin, "darktable-cli")
// HeifConvertBin returns the heif-convert binary file name.
func (c *Config) HeifConvertBin() string {
return findExecutable(c.config.HeifConvertBin, "heif-convert")
// ExifToolBin returns the exiftool binary file name.
func (c *Config) ExifToolBin() string {
return findExecutable(c.config.ExifToolBin, "exiftool")
// DatabaseDriver returns the database driver name.
func (c *Config) DatabaseDriver() string {
if c.config.DatabaseDriver == "" {
return DbTiDB
return c.config.DatabaseDriver
// DatabaseDsn returns the database data source name (DSN).
func (c *Config) DatabaseDsn() string {
if c.config.DatabaseDsn == "" {
return "root:photoprism@tcp(localhost:4000)/photoprism?parseTime=true"
return c.config.DatabaseDsn
// CachePath returns the path to the cache.
func (c *Config) CachePath() string {
return c.config.CachePath
// ThumbnailsPath returns the path to the cached thumbnails.
func (c *Config) ThumbnailsPath() string {
return c.CachePath() + "/thumbnails"
// AssetsPath returns the path to the assets.
func (c *Config) AssetsPath() string {
return c.config.AssetsPath
// ResourcesPath returns the path to the app resources like static files.
func (c *Config) ResourcesPath() string {
if c.config.ResourcesPath == "" {
return c.AssetsPath() + "/resources"
return c.config.ResourcesPath
// ExamplesPath returns the example files path.
func (c *Config) ExamplesPath() string {
return c.ResourcesPath() + "/examples"
// TensorFlowModelPath returns the tensorflow model path.
func (c *Config) TensorFlowModelPath() string {
return c.ResourcesPath() + "/nasnet"
// HttpTemplatesPath returns the server templates path.
func (c *Config) HttpTemplatesPath() string {
return c.ResourcesPath() + "/templates"
// HttpFaviconsPath returns the favicons path.
func (c *Config) HttpFaviconsPath() string {
return c.HttpStaticPath() + "/favicons"
// HttpStaticPath returns the static server assets path (//server/static/*).
func (c *Config) HttpStaticPath() string {
return c.ResourcesPath() + "/static"
// HttpStaticBuildPath returns the static build path (//server/static/build/*).
func (c *Config) HttpStaticBuildPath() string {
return c.HttpStaticPath() + "/build"
// Cache returns the in-memory cache.
func (c *Config) Cache() *gc.Cache {
if c.cache == nil {
c.cache = gc.New(336*time.Hour, 30*time.Minute)
return c.cache
// Db returns the db connection.
func (c *Config) Db() *gorm.DB {
if c.db == nil {
log.Fatal("database not initialised.")
return c.db
// CloseDb closes the db connection (if any).
func (c *Config) CloseDb() error {
if c.db != nil {
if err := c.db.Close(); err == nil {
c.db = nil
} else {
return err
return nil
// MigrateDb will start a migration process.
func (c *Config) MigrateDb() {
db := c.Db()
// db.LogMode(true)
// ClientConfig returns a loaded and set configuration entity.
func (c *Config) ClientConfig() ClientConfig {
db := c.Db()
var cameras []*models.Camera
var albums []*models.Album
type country struct {
LocCountry string
LocCountryCode string
var countries []country
db.Model(&models.Location{}).Select("DISTINCT loc_country_code, loc_country").Scan(&countries)
db.Where("deleted_at IS NULL").Limit(1000).Order("camera_model").Find(&cameras)
db.Where("deleted_at IS NULL AND album_favorite = 1").Limit(20).Order("album_name").Find(&albums)
jsHash := util.Hash(c.HttpStaticBuildPath() + "/app.js")
cssHash := util.Hash(c.HttpStaticBuildPath() + "/app.css")
result := ClientConfig{
"name": c.Name(),
"version": c.Version(),
"copyright": c.Copyright(),
"debug": c.Debug(),
"readonly": c.ReadOnly(),
"public": c.Public(),
"albums": albums,
"cameras": cameras,
"countries": countries,
"thumbnails": Thumbnails,
"jsHash": jsHash,
"cssHash": cssHash,
"settings": c.Settings(),
return result
// Init initialises the Database.
func (c *Config) Init(ctx context.Context) error {
return c.connectToDatabase(ctx)
// Shutdown closes open database connections.
func (c *Config) Shutdown() {
if err := c.CloseDb(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not close database connection: %s", err)
} else {
log.Info("closed database connection")
// Settings returns the current user settings.
func (c *Config) Settings() *Settings {
s := NewSettings()
p := c.SettingsFile()
if err := s.SetValuesFromFile(p); err != nil {
return s