523 lines
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523 lines
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package search
import (
// Photos searches for photos based on a Form and returns PhotoResults ([]Photo).
func Photos(f form.SearchPhotos) (results PhotoResults, count int, err error) {
start := time.Now()
if err := f.ParseQueryString(); err != nil {
return PhotoResults{}, 0, err
s := UnscopedDb()
// s = s.LogMode(true)
// Base query.
s = s.Table("photos").
Select(`photos.*, photos.id AS composite_id,
files.id AS file_id, files.file_uid, files.instance_id, files.file_primary, files.file_sidecar,
files.file_portrait,files.file_video, files.file_missing, files.file_name, files.file_root, files.file_hash,
files.file_codec, files.file_type, files.file_mime, files.file_width, files.file_height,
files.file_aspect_ratio, files.file_orientation, files.file_main_color, files.file_colors, files.file_luminance,
files.file_chroma, files.file_projection, files.file_diff, files.file_duration, files.file_size,
cameras.camera_make, cameras.camera_model,
lenses.lens_make, lenses.lens_model,
places.place_label, places.place_city, places.place_state, places.place_country`).
Joins("JOIN files ON photos.id = files.photo_id AND files.file_missing = 0 AND files.deleted_at IS NULL").
Joins("LEFT JOIN cameras ON photos.camera_id = cameras.id").
Joins("LEFT JOIN lenses ON photos.lens_id = lenses.id").
Joins("LEFT JOIN places ON photos.place_id = places.id")
// Limit result count.
if f.Count > 0 && f.Count <= MaxResults {
s = s.Limit(f.Count).Offset(f.Offset)
} else {
s = s.Limit(MaxResults).Offset(f.Offset)
// Set sort order.
switch f.Order {
case entity.SortOrderEdited:
s = s.Where("edited_at IS NOT NULL").Order("edited_at DESC, photos.photo_uid, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderRelevance:
if f.Label != "" {
s = s.Order("photo_quality DESC, photos_labels.uncertainty ASC, taken_at DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
} else {
s = s.Order("photo_quality DESC, taken_at DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderNewest:
s = s.Order("taken_at DESC, photos.photo_uid, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderOldest:
s = s.Order("taken_at, photos.photo_uid, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderAdded:
s = s.Order("photos.id DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderSimilar:
s = s.Where("files.file_diff > 0")
s = s.Order("photos.photo_color, photos.cell_id, files.file_diff, taken_at DESC, files.file_primary DESC")
case entity.SortOrderName:
s = s.Order("photos.photo_path, photos.photo_name, files.file_primary DESC")
s = s.Order("taken_at DESC, photos.photo_uid, files.file_primary DESC")
// Include hidden files?
if !f.Hidden {
s = s.Where("files.file_type = 'jpg' OR files.file_video = 1")
if f.Error {
s = s.Where("files.file_error <> ''")
} else {
s = s.Where("files.file_error = ''")
// Return primary files only.
if f.Primary {
s = s.Where("files.file_primary = 1")
if f.UID != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.UID), txt.Or))
// Take shortcut?
if f.Album == "" && f.Query == "" {
s = s.Order("files.file_primary DESC")
if result := s.Scan(&results); result.Error != nil {
return results, 0, result.Error
log.Debugf("photos: found %s for %s [%s]", english.Plural(len(results), "result", "results"), f.SerializeAll(), time.Since(start))
if f.Merged {
return results.Merged()
return results, len(results), nil
// Filter by label, label category and keywords.
var categories []entity.Category
var labels []entity.Label
var labelIds []uint
if f.Label != "" {
if err := Db().Where(AnySlug("label_slug", f.Label, txt.Or)).Or(AnySlug("custom_slug", f.Label, txt.Or)).Find(&labels).Error; len(labels) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Debugf("search: label %s not found", txt.LogParamLower(f.Label))
return PhotoResults{}, 0, nil
} else {
for _, l := range labels {
labelIds = append(labelIds, l.ID)
Db().Where("category_id = ?", l.ID).Find(&categories)
log.Infof("search: label %s includes %d categories", txt.LogParamLower(l.LabelName), len(categories))
for _, category := range categories {
labelIds = append(labelIds, category.LabelID)
s = s.Joins("JOIN photos_labels ON photos_labels.photo_id = photos.id AND photos_labels.uncertainty < 100 AND photos_labels.label_id IN (?)", labelIds).
Group("photos.id, files.id")
// Set search filters based on search terms.
if terms := txt.SearchTerms(f.Query); f.Query != "" && len(terms) == 0 {
if f.Title == "" {
f.Title = fmt.Sprintf("%s*", strings.Trim(f.Query, "%*"))
f.Query = ""
} else if len(terms) > 0 {
switch {
case terms["faces"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "faces", "")
f.Faces = "true"
case terms["people"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "people", "")
f.Faces = "true"
case terms["videos"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "videos", "")
f.Video = true
case terms["video"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "video", "")
f.Video = true
case terms["live"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "live", "")
f.Live = true
case terms["raws"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "raws", "")
f.Raw = true
case terms["favorites"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "favorites", "")
f.Favorite = true
case terms["stacks"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "stacks", "")
f.Stack = true
case terms["panoramas"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "panoramas", "")
f.Panorama = true
case terms["scans"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "scans", "")
f.Scan = true
case terms["monochrome"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "monochrome", "")
f.Mono = true
case terms["mono"]:
f.Query = strings.ReplaceAll(f.Query, "mono", "")
f.Mono = true
// Filter by location?
if f.Geo == true {
s = s.Where("photos.cell_id <> 'zz'")
for _, where := range LikeAnyKeyword("k.keyword", f.Query) {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON k.id = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
} else if f.Query != "" {
if err := Db().Where(AnySlug("custom_slug", f.Query, " ")).Find(&labels).Error; len(labels) == 0 || err != nil {
log.Debugf("search: label %s not found, using fuzzy search", txt.LogParamLower(f.Query))
for _, where := range LikeAnyKeyword("k.keyword", f.Query) {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON k.id = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
} else {
for _, l := range labels {
labelIds = append(labelIds, l.ID)
Db().Where("category_id = ?", l.ID).Find(&categories)
log.Debugf("search: label %s includes %d categories", txt.LogParamLower(l.LabelName), len(categories))
for _, category := range categories {
labelIds = append(labelIds, category.LabelID)
if wheres := LikeAnyKeyword("k.keyword", f.Query); len(wheres) > 0 {
for _, where := range wheres {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON k.id = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?)) OR "+
"photos.id IN (SELECT pl.photo_id FROM photos_labels pl WHERE pl.uncertainty < 100 AND pl.label_id IN (?))", gorm.Expr(where), labelIds)
} else {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT pl.photo_id FROM photos_labels pl WHERE pl.uncertainty < 100 AND pl.label_id IN (?))", labelIds)
// Search for one or more keywords?
if f.Keywords != "" {
for _, where := range LikeAnyWord("k.keyword", f.Keywords) {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT pk.photo_id FROM keywords k JOIN photos_keywords pk ON k.id = pk.keyword_id WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
// Filter by number of faces?
if txt.IsUInt(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces >= ?", txt.Int(f.Faces))
} else if txt.New(f.Faces) && f.Face == "" {
f.Face = f.Faces
f.Faces = ""
} else if txt.Yes(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces > 0")
} else if txt.No(f.Faces) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_faces = 0")
// Filter for specific face clusters? Example: PLJ7A3G4MBGZJRMVDIUCBLC46IAP4N7O
if len(f.Face) >= 32 {
for _, f := range strings.Split(strings.ToUpper(f.Face), txt.And) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 WHERE face_id IN (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), strings.Split(f, txt.Or))
} else if txt.New(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE subj_uid IS NULL OR subj_uid = '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
} else if txt.No(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE face_id IS NULL OR face_id = '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
} else if txt.Yes(f.Face) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 AND m.marker_type = ? WHERE face_id IS NOT NULL AND face_id <> '')",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), entity.MarkerFace)
// Filter for one or more subjects?
if f.Subject != "" {
for _, subj := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Subject), txt.And) {
if subjects := strings.Split(subj, txt.Or); rnd.ContainsUIDs(subjects, 'j') {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 WHERE subj_uid IN (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName()), subjects)
} else {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 JOIN %s s ON s.subj_uid = m.subj_uid WHERE (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName(), entity.Subject{}.TableName()), gorm.Expr(AnySlug("s.subj_slug", subj, txt.Or)))
} else if f.Subjects != "" {
for _, where := range LikeAllNames(Cols{"subj_name", "subj_alias"}, f.Subjects) {
s = s.Where(fmt.Sprintf("photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM files f JOIN %s m ON f.file_uid = m.file_uid AND m.marker_invalid = 0 JOIN %s s ON s.subj_uid = m.subj_uid WHERE (?))",
entity.Marker{}.TableName(), entity.Subject{}.TableName()), gorm.Expr(where))
// Filter by status?
if f.Hidden {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality = -1")
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL")
} else if f.Archived {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality > -1")
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NOT NULL")
} else {
s = s.Where("photos.deleted_at IS NULL")
if f.Private {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_private = 1")
} else if f.Public {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_private = 0")
if f.Review {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality < 3")
} else if f.Quality != 0 && f.Private == false {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_quality >= ?", f.Quality)
// Filter by camera?
if f.Camera > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.camera_id = ?", f.Camera)
// Filter by camera lens?
if f.Lens > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.lens_id = ?", f.Lens)
// Filter by year?
if f.Year != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_year", f.Year, txt.Or, entity.UnknownYear, txt.YearMax))
// Filter by month?
if f.Month != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_month", f.Month, txt.Or, entity.UnknownMonth, txt.MonthMax))
// Filter by day?
if f.Day != "" {
s = s.Where(AnyInt("photos.photo_day", f.Day, txt.Or, entity.UnknownDay, txt.DayMax))
// Filter by main color?
if f.Color != "" {
s = s.Where("files.file_main_color IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Color), txt.Or))
// Find favorites only?
if f.Favorite {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_favorite = 1")
// Find scans only?
if f.Scan {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_scan = 1")
// Find panoramas only?
if f.Panorama {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_panorama = 1")
// Find portraits only?
if f.Portrait {
s = s.Where("files.file_portrait = 1")
if f.Stackable {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_stack > -1")
} else if f.Unstacked {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_stack = -1")
// Filter by location country?
if f.Country != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_country IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Country), txt.Or))
// Filter by location state?
if f.State != "" {
s = s.Where("places.place_state IN (?)", strings.Split(f.State, txt.Or))
// Filter by location category?
if f.Category != "" {
s = s.Joins("JOIN cells ON photos.cell_id = cells.id").
Where("cells.cell_category IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Category), txt.Or))
// Filter by media type?
if f.Type != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Type), txt.Or))
} else if f.Video {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'video'")
} else if f.Photo {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type IN ('image','raw','live')")
} else if f.Raw {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'raw'")
} else if f.Live {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_type = 'live'")
// Filter by storage path?
if f.Path != "" {
p := f.Path
if strings.HasPrefix(p, "/") {
p = p[1:]
if strings.HasSuffix(p, "/") {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_path = ?", p[:len(p)-1])
} else {
where, values := OrLike("photos.photo_path", p)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by primary file name without path and extension.
if f.Name != "" {
where, names := OrLike("photos.photo_name", f.Name)
// Omit file path and known extensions.
for i := range names {
names[i] = fs.StripKnownExt(path.Base(names[i].(string)))
s = s.Where(where, names...)
// Filter by complete file names?
if f.Filename != "" {
where, values := OrLike("files.file_name", f.Filename)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by original file name?
if f.Original != "" {
where, values := OrLike("photos.original_name", f.Original)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by photo title?
if f.Title != "" {
where, values := OrLike("photos.photo_title", f.Title)
s = s.Where(where, values...)
// Filter by file hash?
if f.Hash != "" {
s = s.Where("files.file_hash IN (?)", strings.Split(strings.ToLower(f.Hash), txt.Or))
if f.Mono {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma = 0 OR file_colors = '111111111'")
} else if f.Chroma > 9 {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma > ?", f.Chroma)
} else if f.Chroma > 0 {
s = s.Where("files.file_chroma > 0 AND files.file_chroma <= ?", f.Chroma)
if f.Diff != 0 {
s = s.Where("files.file_diff = ?", f.Diff)
if f.Fmin > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_f_number >= ?", f.Fmin)
if f.Fmax > 0 {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_f_number <= ?", f.Fmax)
if f.Dist == 0 {
f.Dist = 20
} else if f.Dist > 5000 {
f.Dist = 5000
// Filter by approx distance to coordinates:
if f.Lat != 0 {
latMin := f.Lat - Radius*float32(f.Dist)
latMax := f.Lat + Radius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lat BETWEEN ? AND ?", latMin, latMax)
if f.Lng != 0 {
lngMin := f.Lng - Radius*float32(f.Dist)
lngMax := f.Lng + Radius*float32(f.Dist)
s = s.Where("photos.photo_lng BETWEEN ? AND ?", lngMin, lngMax)
if !f.Before.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at <= ?", f.Before.Format("2006-01-02"))
if !f.After.IsZero() {
s = s.Where("photos.taken_at >= ?", f.After.Format("2006-01-02"))
// Find stacks only?
if f.Stack {
s = s.Where("photos.id IN (SELECT a.photo_id FROM files a JOIN files b ON a.id != b.id AND a.photo_id = b.photo_id AND a.file_type = b.file_type WHERE a.file_type='jpg')")
// Filter by album?
if rnd.IsPPID(f.Album, 'a') {
if f.Filter != "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid NOT IN (SELECT photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa WHERE pa.hidden = 1 AND pa.album_uid = ?)", f.Album)
} else {
s = s.Joins("JOIN photos_albums ON photos_albums.photo_uid = photos.photo_uid").
Where("photos_albums.hidden = 0 AND photos_albums.album_uid = ?", f.Album)
} else if f.Unsorted && f.Filter == "" {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid NOT IN (SELECT photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa WHERE pa.hidden = 0)")
} else if f.Albums != "" || f.Album != "" {
if f.Albums == "" {
f.Albums = f.Album
for _, where := range LikeAnyWord("a.album_title", f.Albums) {
s = s.Where("photos.photo_uid IN (SELECT pa.photo_uid FROM photos_albums pa JOIN albums a ON a.album_uid = pa.album_uid AND pa.hidden = 0 WHERE (?))", gorm.Expr(where))
if err := s.Scan(&results).Error; err != nil {
return results, 0, err
log.Debugf("photos: found %s for %s [%s]", english.Plural(len(results), "result", "results"), f.SerializeAll(), time.Since(start))
if f.Merged {
return results.Merged()
return results, len(results), nil