Michael Mayer 14fc9cd374 Revert and improve naming of thumbnail config values #294
Signed-off-by: Michael Mayer <>
2020-05-05 17:04:13 +02:00

362 lines
8.1 KiB

package config
import (
func TestNewConfig(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
assert.True(t, ctx.IsSet("assets-path"))
assert.False(t, ctx.Bool("debug"))
c := NewConfig(ctx)
assert.IsType(t, new(Config), c)
assert.Equal(t, fs.Abs("../../assets"), c.AssetsPath())
assert.False(t, c.Debug())
assert.False(t, c.ReadOnly())
func TestConfig_Name(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
name := c.Name()
assert.Equal(t, "config.test", name)
func TestConfig_Version(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
version := c.Version()
assert.Equal(t, "test", version)
func TestConfig_TensorFlowVersion(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
version := c.TensorFlowVersion()
assert.IsType(t, "1.15.0", version)
func TestConfig_TensorFlowDisabled(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
version := c.DisableTensorFlow()
assert.Equal(t, false, version)
func TestConfig_Copyright(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
copyright := c.Copyright()
assert.Equal(t, "", copyright)
func TestConfig_ConfigFile(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
configFile := c.ConfigFile()
assert.Equal(t, "", configFile)
func TestConfig_ConfigPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
configPath := c.ConfigPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", configPath)
func TestConfig_PIDFilename(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
filename := c.PIDFilename()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", filename)
func TestConfig_LogFilename(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
filename := c.LogFilename()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", filename)
func TestConfig_DetachServer(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
detachServer := c.DetachServer()
assert.Equal(t, false, detachServer)
func TestConfig_TidbServerHost(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
host := c.TidbServerHost()
assert.Equal(t, "", host)
func TestConfig_TidbServerPort(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
port := c.TidbServerPort()
assert.Equal(t, uint(2343), port)
func TestConfig_TidbServerPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.TidbServerPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_TidbServerPassword(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
password := c.TidbServerPassword()
assert.Equal(t, "", password)
func TestConfig_HttpServerHost(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
host := c.HttpServerHost()
assert.Equal(t, "", host)
func TestConfig_HttpServerPort(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
port := c.HttpServerPort()
assert.Equal(t, 2342, port)
func TestConfig_HttpServerMode(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
mode := c.HttpServerMode()
assert.Equal(t, "release", mode)
func TestConfig_HttpServerPassword(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
password := c.HttpServerPassword()
assert.Equal(t, "", password)
func TestConfig_OriginalsPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
result := c.OriginalsPath()
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(result, "/"))
assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(result, "assets/testdata/originals"))
func TestConfig_ImportPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
result := c.ImportPath()
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(result, "/"))
assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(result, "assets/testdata/import"))
func TestConfig_SipsBin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
bin := c.SipsBin()
assert.Equal(t, "", bin)
func TestConfig_DarktableBin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
bin := c.DarktableBin()
assert.Equal(t, "/usr/bin/darktable-cli", bin)
func TestConfig_HeifConvertBin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
bin := c.HeifConvertBin()
assert.Equal(t, "/usr/bin/heif-convert", bin)
func TestConfig_ExifToolBin(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
bin := c.ExifToolBin()
assert.Equal(t, "/usr/bin/exiftool", bin)
func TestConfig_DatabaseDriver(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
driver := c.DatabaseDriver()
assert.Equal(t, DriverTidb, driver)
func TestConfig_DatabaseDsn(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
dsn := c.DatabaseDriver()
assert.Equal(t, DriverTidb, dsn)
func TestConfig_CachePath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(c.CachePath(), "assets/testdata/cache"))
func TestConfig_ThumbnailsPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(c.ThumbPath(), "/"))
assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(c.ThumbPath(), "assets/testdata/cache/thumbnails"))
func TestConfig_AssetsPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.AssetsPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_ResourcesPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.ResourcesPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_DetectNSFW(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
result := c.DetectNSFW()
assert.Equal(t, true, result)
func TestConfig_AdminPassword(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
result := c.AdminPassword()
assert.Equal(t, "photoprism", result)
func TestConfig_NSFWModelPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
result := c.NSFWModelPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", result)
func TestConfig_ExamplesPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.ExamplesPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_TensorFlowModelPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.TensorFlowModelPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_HttpTemplatesPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.HttpTemplatesPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_HttpFaviconsPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.HttpFaviconsPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_HttpStaticPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.HttpStaticPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_HttpStaticBuildPath(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
path := c.HttpStaticBuildPath()
assert.Equal(t, "/go/src/", path)
func TestConfig_ClientConfig(t *testing.T) {
c := TestConfig()
cc := c.ClientConfig()
assert.NotEmpty(t, cc)
assert.Contains(t, cc, "name")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "version")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "copyright")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "debug")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "readonly")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "cameras")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "countries")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "thumbnails")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "jsHash")
assert.Contains(t, cc, "cssHash")
func TestConfig_Workers(t *testing.T) {
ctx := CliTestContext()
c := NewConfig(ctx)
assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, c.Workers(), 1)