2020-12-12 08:14:44 +01:00

238 lines
7.2 KiB

package entity
import (
// EstimateCountry updates the photo with an estimated country if possible.
func (m *Photo) EstimateCountry() {
if m.HasLatLng() || m.HasLocation() || m.HasPlace() || m.HasCountry() && m.PlaceSrc != SrcAuto && m.PlaceSrc != SrcEstimate {
// Do nothing.
unknown := UnknownCountry.ID
countryCode := unknown
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoTitle); code != unknown {
countryCode = code
if countryCode == unknown {
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoName); code != unknown && !fs.IsGenerated(m.PhotoName) {
countryCode = code
} else if code := txt.CountryCode(m.PhotoPath); code != unknown {
countryCode = code
if countryCode == unknown && m.OriginalName != "" && !fs.IsGenerated(m.OriginalName) {
if code := txt.CountryCode(m.OriginalName); code != UnknownCountry.ID {
countryCode = code
if countryCode != unknown {
m.PhotoCountry = countryCode
m.PlaceSrc = SrcEstimate
log.Debugf("photo: probable country for %s is %s", m, txt.Quote(m.CountryName()))
// EstimatePlace updates the photo with an estimated place and country if possible.
func (m *Photo) EstimatePlace() {
if m.HasLatLng() || m.HasLocation() || m.HasPlace() && m.PlaceSrc != SrcAuto && m.PlaceSrc != SrcEstimate {
// Do nothing.
var recentPhoto Photo
var dateExpr string
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
dateExpr = "ABS(DATEDIFF(taken_at, ?)) ASC"
case SQLite:
dateExpr = "ABS(JulianDay(taken_at) - JulianDay(?)) ASC"
log.Errorf("photo: unknown sql dialect %s", DbDialect())
if err := UnscopedDb().
Where("place_id <> '' AND place_id <> 'zz' AND place_src <> '' AND place_src <> ?", SrcEstimate).
Order(gorm.Expr(dateExpr, m.TakenAt)).
Preload("Place").First(&recentPhoto).Error; err != nil {
log.Debugf("photo: can't estimate place at %s", m.TakenAt)
} else {
if hours := recentPhoto.TakenAt.Sub(m.TakenAt) / time.Hour; hours < -36 || hours > 36 {
log.Debugf("photo: can't estimate position of %s, %d hours time difference", m, hours)
} else if recentPhoto.HasPlace() {
m.Place = recentPhoto.Place
m.PlaceID = recentPhoto.PlaceID
m.PhotoCountry = recentPhoto.PhotoCountry
m.PlaceSrc = SrcEstimate
log.Debugf("photo: approximate position of %s is %s (id %s)", m, txt.Quote(m.CountryName()), recentPhoto.PlaceID)
} else if recentPhoto.HasCountry() {
m.PhotoCountry = recentPhoto.PhotoCountry
m.PlaceSrc = SrcEstimate
log.Debugf("photo: probable country for %s is %s", m, txt.Quote(m.CountryName()))
} else {
// Optimize photo data, improve if possible.
func (m *Photo) Optimize(mergeMeta, mergeUuid bool) (updated bool, merged Photos, err error) {
if !m.HasID() {
return false, merged, errors.New("photo: can't maintain, id is empty")
current := *m
if m.HasLatLng() && !m.HasLocation() {
if merged, err = m.Merge(mergeMeta, mergeUuid, true); err != nil {
log.Errorf("photo: %s (merge)", err)
labels := m.ClassifyLabels()
if err := m.UpdateTitle(labels); err != nil {
details := m.GetDetails()
w := txt.UniqueWords(txt.Words(details.Keywords))
w = append(w, labels.Keywords()...)
details.Keywords = strings.Join(txt.UniqueWords(w), ", ")
if err := m.IndexKeywords(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("photo: %s", err.Error())
m.PhotoQuality = m.QualityScore()
checked := Timestamp()
if reflect.DeepEqual(*m, current) {
return false, merged, m.Update("CheckedAt", &checked)
m.CheckedAt = &checked
return true, merged, m.Save()
// ResolvePrimary ensures there is only one primary file for a photo.
func (m *Photo) ResolvePrimary() error {
var file File
if err := Db().Where("file_primary = 1 AND photo_id = ?", m.ID).First(&file).Error; err == nil && file.ID > 0 {
return file.ResolvePrimary()
return nil
// Identical returns identical photos that can be merged.
func (m *Photo) Identical(findMeta, findUuid, findOlder bool) (identical Photos, err error) {
if !findMeta && !findUuid || m.PhotoSingle || m.DeletedAt != nil {
return identical, nil
op := "<>"
if findOlder {
op = "<"
switch {
case findMeta && findUuid && m.HasLocation() && m.HasLatLng() && m.TakenSrc == SrcMeta && rnd.IsUUID(m.UUID):
if err := Db().
Where("(taken_at = ? AND taken_src = 'meta' AND cell_id = ? AND camera_serial = ? AND camera_id = ?) OR (uuid <> '' AND uuid = ?)",
m.TakenAt, m.CellID, m.CameraSerial, m.CameraID, m.UUID).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("id %s ? AND photo_single = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL AND edited_at IS NULL", op), m.ID).
Order("id ASC").Find(&identical).Error; err != nil {
return identical, err
case findMeta && m.HasLocation() && m.HasLatLng() && m.TakenSrc == SrcMeta:
if err := Db().
Where("taken_at = ? AND taken_src = 'meta' AND cell_id = ? AND camera_serial = ? AND camera_id = ?",
m.TakenAt, m.CellID, m.CameraSerial, m.CameraID).
Where(fmt.Sprintf("id %s ? AND photo_single = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL AND edited_at IS NULL", op), m.ID).
Order("id ASC").Find(&identical).Error; err != nil {
return identical, err
case findUuid && rnd.IsUUID(m.UUID):
if err := Db().
Where(fmt.Sprintf("uuid = ? AND id %s ? AND photo_single = 0 AND deleted_at IS NULL AND edited_at IS NULL", op), m.UUID, m.ID).
Order("id ASC").Find(&identical).Error; err != nil {
return identical, err
return identical, nil
// Merge photo with identical ones.
func (m *Photo) Merge(mergeMeta, mergeUuid, mergeOlder bool) (merged Photos, err error) {
merged, err = m.Identical(mergeMeta, mergeUuid, mergeOlder)
if len(merged) == 0 || err != nil {
return merged, err
for _, photo := range merged {
if photo.DeletedAt != nil || photo.ID == m.ID {
if err := UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE `files` SET photo_id = ?, photo_uid = ?, file_primary = 0 WHERE photo_id = ?", m.ID, m.PhotoUID, photo.ID).Error; err != nil {
return merged, err
switch DbDialect() {
case MySQL:
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE IGNORE `photos_keywords` SET `photo_id` = ? WHERE (photo_id = ?)", m.ID, photo.ID)
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE IGNORE `photos_labels` SET `photo_id` = ? WHERE (photo_id = ?)", m.ID, photo.ID)
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE IGNORE `photos_albums` SET `photo_uid` = ? WHERE (photo_uid = ?)", m.PhotoUID, photo.PhotoUID)
case SQLite:
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE OR IGNORE `photos_keywords` SET `photo_id` = ? WHERE (photo_id = ?)", m.ID, photo.ID)
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE OR IGNORE `photos_labels` SET `photo_id` = ? WHERE (photo_id = ?)", m.ID, photo.ID)
UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE OR IGNORE `photos_albums` SET `photo_uid` = ? WHERE (photo_uid = ?)", m.PhotoUID, photo.PhotoUID)
log.Warnf("photo: unknown SQL dialect (merge)")
deleted := Timestamp()
if err := UnscopedDb().Exec("UPDATE `photos` SET photo_quality = -1, deleted_at = ? WHERE id = ?", Timestamp(), photo.ID).Error; err != nil {
return merged, err
photo.DeletedAt = &deleted
photo.PhotoQuality = -1
return merged, err