/* Package i18n contains PhotoPrism status and error message strings. Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Michael Mayer This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . PhotoPrismâ„¢ is a registered trademark of Michael Mayer. You may use it as required to describe our software, run your own server, for educational purposes, but not for offering commercial goods, products, or services without prior written permission. In other words, please ask. Feel free to send an e-mail to hello@photoprism.org if you have questions, want to support our work, or just want to say hello. Additional information can be found in our Developer Guide: https://docs.photoprism.org/developer-guide/ */ package i18n import ( "errors" "fmt" "strings" ) type Message int type MessageMap map[Message]string func Msg(id Message, params ...interface{}) string { return LangMsg(id, Lang, params...) } func LangMsg(id Message, lang Language, params ...interface{}) string { msgs, ok := Languages[lang] if !ok && lang != Default { msgs, ok = Languages[Default] } msg, ok := msgs[id] if !ok { msg, ok = Languages[Default][id] } if !ok { return fmt.Sprintf("i18n: unknown message id %d", id) } if strings.Contains(msg, "%") { msg = fmt.Sprintf(msg, params...) } return msg } func DefaultMsg(id Message, params ...interface{}) string { return LangMsg(id, Default, params...) } func Error(id Message, params ...interface{}) error { return errors.New(Msg(id, params...)) } func LangError(id Message, lang Language, params ...interface{}) error { return errors.New(LangMsg(id, lang, params...)) } func DefaultError(id Message, params ...interface{}) error { return LangError(id, Default, params...) } /* func JsonBadRequest(id Message) gin.H { return JsonError(http.StatusBadRequest, msg) } func JsonForbidden(id Message) gin.H { return JsonError(http.StatusForbidden, msg) } */