import assert from "assert"; import Photo from "model/photo"; describe("model/photo", () => { it("should get photo entity name", () => { const values = {id: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getEntityName(); assert.equal(result, "Crazy Cat"); }); it("should get photo id", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoUUID: 789}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getId(); assert.equal(result, 5); }); it("should get photo title", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoUUID: 789}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getTitle(); assert.equal(result, "Crazy Cat"); }); it("should get photo color brown", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoColor: "brown"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getColor(); assert.equal(result, "grey lighten-2"); }); it("should get photo color grey", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoColor: "grey"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getColor(); assert.equal(result, "grey lighten-2"); }); it("should get photo color pink", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoColor: "pink"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getColor(); assert.equal(result, "pink lighten-4"); }); it("should get photo maps link", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoLat: 36.442881666666665, PhotoLong: 28.229493333333334}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getGoogleMapsLink(); assert.equal(result, ",28.229493333333334"); }); it("should get photo thumbnail url", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileHash: 345982}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getThumbnailUrl("tile500"); assert.equal(result, "/api/v1/thumbnails/345982/tile500"); }); it("should get photo download url", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileHash: 345982}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getDownloadUrl(); assert.equal(result, "/api/v1/download/345982"); }); it("should get photo thumbnail src set", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileHash: 345982}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getThumbnailSrcset(); assert.equal(result, "/api/v1/thumbnails/345982/fit_720 720w, /api/v1/thumbnails/345982/fit_1280 1280w, /api/v1/thumbnails/345982/fit_1920 1920w, /api/v1/thumbnails/345982/fit_2560 2560w, /api/v1/thumbnails/345982/fit_3840 3840w"); }); it("should calculate photo size", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileWidth: 500, FileHeight: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(500, 200); assert.equal(result.width, 500); assert.equal(result.height, 200); }); it("should calculate photo size with srcAspectRatio < maxAspectRatio", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileWidth: 500, FileHeight: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(300, 50); assert.equal(result.width, 125); assert.equal(result.height, 50); }); it("should calculate photo size with srcAspectRatio > maxAspectRatio", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileWidth: 500, FileHeight: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.calculateSize(400, 300); assert.equal(result.width, 400); assert.equal(result.height, 160); }); it("should get thumbnail sizes", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", FileWidth: 500, FileHeight: 200}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getThumbnailSizes(); assert.equal(result, "(min-width: 2560px) 3840px, (min-width: 1920px) 2560px, (min-width: 1280px) 1920px, (min-width: 720px) 1280px, 720px"); }); it("should get date string", () => { const t = "2009-11-17 20:34:58.651387237 +0000 UTC"; const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", TakenAt: t}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getDateString(); assert.equal(result, "November 17, 2009 8:34 PM"); }); it("should test whether photo has location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoLat: 36.442881666666665, PhotoLong: 28.229493333333334}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.hasLocation(); assert.equal(result, true); }); it("should test whether photo has location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", PhotoLat: 0, PhotoLong: 0}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.hasLocation(); assert.equal(result, false); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", LocationID: 6, LocType: "viewpoint", LocName: "Cape Point", LocCountry: "Africa"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Cape Point, Africa"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", LocationID: 6, LocType: "viewpoint", LocCountry: "Africa", LocCity: "Cape Town", LocCounty: "County", LocState: "State"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Cape Town, State, Africa"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", LocType: "viewpoint", LocName: "Cape Point", LocCountry: "Africa", LocCity: "Cape Town", LocCounty: "County", LocState: "State"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa", LocCity: "Cape Town"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Africa"); }); it("should get full location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", LocationID: 55, LocName: "Cape Point", LocCountry: "Africa", LocCity: "Cape Town", LocCounty: "County", LocState: "State", LocPostcode: 12345}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getFullLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Cape Point, Cape Town, 12345, County, State, Africa"); }); it("should get full location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", CountryName: "Africa"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getFullLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Africa"); }); it("should get full location", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", LocCity: "Cape Town"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getFullLocation(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get camera", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat", CameraModel: "EOSD10", CameraMake: "Canon"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getCamera(); assert.equal(result, "Canon EOSD10"); }); it("should get camera", () => { const values = {ID: 5, PhotoTitle: "Crazy Cat"}; const photo = new Photo(values); const result = photo.getCamera(); assert.equal(result, "Unknown"); }); it("should get collection resource", () => { const result = Photo.getCollectionResource(); assert.equal(result, "photos"); }); it("should get model name", () => { const result = Photo.getModelName(); assert.equal(result, "Photo"); }); });