package config import ( "errors" "io/ioutil" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "time" "" _ "" _ "" "" "" ) // DatabaseDriver returns the database driver name. func (c *Config) DatabaseDriver() string { switch strings.ToLower(c.params.DatabaseDriver) { case MySQL, "mariadb": c.params.DatabaseDriver = MySQL case SQLite, "sqlite", "sqllite", "test", "file", "": c.params.DatabaseDriver = SQLite case "tidb": log.Warnf("config: database driver 'tidb' is deprecated, using sqlite") c.params.DatabaseDriver = SQLite c.params.DatabaseDsn = "" default: log.Warnf("config: unsupported database driver %s, using sqlite", c.params.DatabaseDriver) c.params.DatabaseDriver = SQLite c.params.DatabaseDsn = "" } return c.params.DatabaseDriver } // DatabaseDsn returns the database data source name (DSN). func (c *Config) DatabaseDsn() string { if c.params.DatabaseDsn == "" { switch c.DatabaseDriver() { case MySQL: return "photoprism:photoprism@tcp(photoprism-db:3306)/photoprism?parseTime=true" case SQLite: return filepath.Join(c.StoragePath(), "index.db") default: log.Errorf("config: empty database dsn") return "" } } return c.params.DatabaseDsn } // DatabaseConns returns the maximum number of open connections to the database. func (c *Config) DatabaseConns() int { limit := c.params.DatabaseConns if limit <= 0 { limit = (runtime.NumCPU() * 2) + 16 } if limit > 1024 { limit = 1024 } return limit } // DatabaseConnsIdle returns the maximum number of idle connections to the database (equal or less than open). func (c *Config) DatabaseConnsIdle() int { limit := c.params.DatabaseConnsIdle if limit <= 0 { limit = runtime.NumCPU() + 8 } if limit > c.DatabaseConns() { limit = c.DatabaseConns() } return limit } // Db returns the db connection. func (c *Config) Db() *gorm.DB { if c.db == nil { log.Fatal("config: database not connected") } return c.db } // CloseDb closes the db connection (if any). func (c *Config) CloseDb() error { if c.db != nil { if err := c.db.Close(); err == nil { c.db = nil } else { return err } } return nil } // InitDb will initialize the database connection and schema. func (c *Config) InitDb() { entity.SetDbProvider(c) entity.MigrateDb() entity.Admin.InitPassword(c.AdminPassword()) go entity.SaveErrorMessages() } // InitTestDb drops all tables in the currently configured database and re-creates them. func (c *Config) InitTestDb() { entity.SetDbProvider(c) entity.ResetTestFixtures() entity.Admin.InitPassword(c.AdminPassword()) go entity.SaveErrorMessages() } // connectDb establishes a database connection. func (c *Config) connectDb() error { mutex.Db.Lock() defer mutex.Db.Unlock() dbDriver := c.DatabaseDriver() dbDsn := c.DatabaseDsn() if dbDriver == "" { return errors.New("config: database driver not specified") } if dbDsn == "" { return errors.New("config: database DSN not specified") } db, err := gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn) if err != nil || db == nil { for i := 1; i <= 12; i++ { db, err = gorm.Open(dbDriver, dbDsn) if db != nil && err == nil { break } time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) } if err != nil || db == nil { log.Fatal(err) } } db.LogMode(false) db.SetLogger(log) db.DB().SetMaxOpenConns(c.DatabaseConns()) db.DB().SetMaxIdleConns(c.DatabaseConnsIdle()) db.DB().SetConnMaxLifetime(10 * time.Minute) c.db = db return err } // ImportSQL imports a file to the currently configured database. func (c *Config) ImportSQL(filename string) { contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { log.Error(err) return } statements := strings.Split(string(contents), ";\n") q := c.Db().Unscoped() for _, stmt := range statements { // Skip empty lines and comments if len(stmt) < 3 || stmt[0] == '#' || stmt[0] == ';' { continue } var result struct{} q.Raw(stmt).Scan(&result) } }