package query import ( "path/filepath" "" "" ) // FoldersByPath returns a slice of folders in a given directory incl sub directories in recursive mode. func FoldersByPath(rootName, rootPath, path string, recursive bool) (folders entity.Folders, err error) { dirs, err := fs.Dirs(filepath.Join(rootPath, path), recursive, true) if err != nil { return folders, err } folders = make(entity.Folders, len(dirs)) for i, dir := range dirs { newFolder := entity.NewFolder(rootName, filepath.Join(path, dir), fs.BirthTime(filepath.Join(rootPath, dir))) if err := newFolder.Create(); err == nil { folders[i] = newFolder } else if folder := entity.FindFolder(rootName, filepath.Join(path, dir)); folder != nil { folders[i] = *folder } else { log.Errorf("folders: %s (create folder)", err) } } return folders, nil } // AlbumFolders returns folders that should be added as album. func AlbumFolders(threshold int) (folders entity.Folders, err error) { db := UnscopedDb().Table("folders"). Select("folders.path, folders.root, folders.folder_uid, folders.folder_title, folders.folder_country, folders.folder_year, folders.folder_month, COUNT( AS photo_count"). Joins("JOIN photos ON photos.photo_path = folders.path AND photos.deleted_at IS NULL AND photos.photo_quality >= 3"). Group("folders.path, folders.root, folders.folder_uid, folders.folder_title, folders.folder_country, folders.folder_year, folders.folder_month"). Having("photo_count >= ?", threshold) if err := db.Scan(&folders).Error; err != nil { return folders, err } return folders, nil } // UpdateFolderDates updates folder year, month and day based on indexed photo metadata. func UpdateFolderDates() error { switch DbDialect() { case MySQL: return UnscopedDb().Exec(`UPDATE folders INNER JOIN (SELECT photo_path, MAX(taken_at_local) AS taken_max FROM photos WHERE taken_src = 'meta' AND photos.photo_quality >= 3 AND photos.deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY photo_path) AS p ON folders.path = p.photo_path SET folders.folder_year = YEAR(taken_max), folders.folder_month = MONTH(taken_max), folders.folder_day = DAY(taken_max) WHERE p.taken_max IS NOT NULL`).Error default: return nil } }