package api import ( "net/http" "path/filepath" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( folderCover = "folder-cover" ) // GET /api/v1/folders/t/:hash/:token/:type // // Parameters: // uid: string folder uid // token: string url security token, see config // type: string thumb type, see thumb.Types func GetFolderCover(router *gin.RouterGroup) { router.GET("/folders/t/:uid/:token/:type", func(c *gin.Context) { if InvalidPreviewToken(c) { c.Data(http.StatusForbidden, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } start := time.Now() conf := service.Config() uid := c.Param("uid") typeName := c.Param("type") download := c.Query("download") != "" thumbType, ok := thumb.Types[typeName] if !ok { log.Errorf("folder: invalid thumb type %s", txt.Quote(typeName)) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } if thumbType.ExceedsSize() && !conf.ThumbUncached() { typeName, thumbType = thumb.Find(conf.ThumbSize()) if typeName == "" { log.Errorf("folder: invalid thumb size %d", conf.ThumbSize()) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } } cache := service.CoverCache() cacheKey := CacheKey(folderCover, uid, typeName) if cacheData, ok := cache.Get(cacheKey); ok { log.Debugf("api: cache hit for %s [%s]", cacheKey, time.Since(start)) cached := cacheData.(ThumbCache) if !fs.FileExists(cached.FileName) { log.Errorf("%s: %s not found", folderCover, uid) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } AddCoverCacheHeader(c) if download { c.FileAttachment(cached.FileName, cached.ShareName) } else { c.File(cached.FileName) } return } f, err := query.FolderCoverByUID(uid) if err != nil { log.Debugf("%s: no photos yet, using generic image for %s", folderCover, uid) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } fileName := photoprism.FileName(f.FileRoot, f.FileName) if !fs.FileExists(fileName) { log.Errorf("%s: could not find original for %s", folderCover, fileName) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) // Set missing flag so that the file doesn't show up in search results anymore. log.Warnf("%s: %s is missing", folderCover, txt.Quote(f.FileName)) logError(folderCover, f.Update("FileMissing", true)) return } // Use original file if thumb size exceeds limit, see if thumbType.ExceedsSizeUncached() && !download { log.Debugf("%s: using original, size exceeds limit (width %d, height %d)", folderCover, thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height) AddCoverCacheHeader(c) c.File(fileName) return } var thumbnail string if conf.ThumbUncached() || thumbType.OnDemand() { thumbnail, err = thumb.FromFile(fileName, f.FileHash, conf.ThumbPath(), thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, f.FileOrientation, thumbType.Options...) } else { thumbnail, err = thumb.FromCache(fileName, f.FileHash, conf.ThumbPath(), thumbType.Width, thumbType.Height, thumbType.Options...) } if err != nil { log.Errorf("%s: %s", folderCover, err) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } else if thumbnail == "" { log.Errorf("%s: %s has empty thumb name - bug?", folderCover, filepath.Base(fileName)) c.Data(http.StatusOK, "image/svg+xml", folderIconSvg) return } cache.SetDefault(cacheKey, ThumbCache{thumbnail, f.ShareBase(0)}) log.Debugf("cached %s [%s]", cacheKey, time.Since(start)) AddCoverCacheHeader(c) if download { c.FileAttachment(thumbnail, f.DownloadName(DownloadName(c), 0)) } else { c.File(thumbnail) } }) }