package api import ( "net/http" "path/filepath" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // StartIndexing indexes media files in the "originals" folder. // // POST /api/v1/index func StartIndexing(router *gin.RouterGroup) { router.POST("/index", func(c *gin.Context) { s := Auth(c, acl.ResourcePhotos, acl.ActionUpdate) if s.Abort(c) { return } conf := get.Config() settings := conf.Settings() if !settings.Features.Library { AbortFeatureDisabled(c) return } start := time.Now() var f form.IndexOptions if err := c.BindJSON(&f); err != nil { AbortBadRequest(c) return } // Configure index options. path := conf.OriginalsPath() convert := settings.Index.Convert && conf.SidecarWritable() skipArchived := settings.Index.SkipArchived indOpt := photoprism.NewIndexOptions(filepath.Clean(f.Path), f.Rescan, convert, true, false, skipArchived) indOpt.SetUser(s.User()) if len(indOpt.Path) > 1 { event.InfoMsg(i18n.MsgIndexingFiles, clean.Log(indOpt.Path)) } else { event.InfoMsg(i18n.MsgIndexingOriginals) } ind := get.Index() lastRun, lastFound := ind.LastRun() indexStart := time.Now() // Update file index. found, indexed := ind.Start(indOpt) // Only run purge and moments if necessary. forceUpdate := indOpt.Rescan || indexed > 0 || lastRun.IsZero() updateIndex := forceUpdate || len(found) != lastFound log.Infof("index: updated %s [%s]", english.Plural(indexed, "file", "files"), time.Since(indexStart)) // Update index? if updateIndex { event.Publish("index.updating", event.Data{ "uid": indOpt.UID, "action": indOpt.Action, "step": "folders", }) RemoveFromFolderCache(entity.RootOriginals) event.Publish("index.updating", event.Data{ "uid": indOpt.UID, "action": indOpt.Action, "step": "purge", }) // Get purge worker instance. w := get.Purge() // Purge worker options. opt := photoprism.PurgeOptions{ Path: filepath.Clean(f.Path), Ignore: found, Force: forceUpdate, } // Start purge to remove missing files from search results. if files, photos, updated, err := w.Start(opt); err != nil { c.AbortWithStatusJSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": txt.UpperFirst(err.Error())}) return } else if updated > 0 { event.InfoMsg(i18n.MsgRemovedFilesAndPhotos, len(files), len(photos)) forceUpdate = true } } // Delete orphaned index entries, sidecar files and thumbnails? if f.Cleanup && s.User().IsAdmin() { event.Publish("index.updating", event.Data{ "uid": indOpt.UID, "action": indOpt.Action, "step": "cleanup", }) // Get cleanup worker instance. w := get.CleanUp() // Cleanup worker options. opt := photoprism.CleanUpOptions{ Dry: false, } // Start index and cache cleanup. cleanupStart := time.Now() if thumbnails, _, sidecars, err := w.Start(opt); err != nil { log.Errorf("cleanup: %s", err) } else if total := thumbnails + sidecars; total > 0 { log.Infof("cleanup: deleted %s in total [%s]", english.Plural(total, "file", "files"), time.Since(cleanupStart)) } } // Update moments? if forceUpdate { event.Publish("index.updating", event.Data{ "uid": indOpt.UID, "action": indOpt.Action, "step": "moments", }) moments := get.Moments() if err := moments.Start(); err != nil { log.Warnf("moments: %s", err) } } elapsed := int(time.Since(start).Seconds()) msg := i18n.Msg(i18n.MsgIndexingCompletedIn, elapsed) event.Success(msg) event.Publish("index.completed", event.Data{ "uid": indOpt.UID, "action": indOpt.Action, "path": path, "seconds": elapsed, }) UpdateClientConfig() c.JSON(http.StatusOK, i18n.Response{Code: http.StatusOK, Msg: msg}) }) } // CancelIndexing stops indexing media files in the "originals" folder. // // DELETE /api/v1/index func CancelIndexing(router *gin.RouterGroup) { router.DELETE("/index", func(c *gin.Context) { s := Auth(c, acl.ResourcePhotos, acl.ActionUpdate) if s.Abort(c) { return } conf := get.Config() if !conf.Settings().Features.Library { AbortFeatureDisabled(c) return } ind := get.Index() ind.Cancel() c.JSON(http.StatusOK, i18n.NewResponse(http.StatusOK, i18n.MsgIndexingCanceled)) }) }