@echo off Rem With Docker up and running, change to the directory where you want to install PhotoPrism, Rem and then run the following commands in a terminal (command prompt) to download our Rem configuration examples and start PhotoPrism on your local PC: Rem Rem curl.exe -o install.bat https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/install.bat Rem install.bat echo If you don't have Docker installed yet, please follow this guide to download echo and install Docker Desktop before you proceed: echo: echo https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/ timeout /t 10 echo: echo Checking Docker version... docker --version docker compose version echo: echo Downloading config files... curl.exe -s -o docker-compose.yml https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/docker-compose.yml curl.exe -s -o start.bat https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/start.bat curl.exe -s -o stop.bat https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/stop.bat curl.exe -s -o uninstall.bat https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/uninstall.bat curl.exe -s -o update.bat https://dl.photoprism.app/docker/windows/update.bat echo: echo Pulling Docker images... docker compose pull echo: echo Starting PhotoPrism and MariaDB... docker compose up -d timeout /t 20 echo: echo You should now be able to log in with the user "admin" when navigating to the following URL: echo: echo http://localhost:2342/ echo: echo The initial password is "insecure" or the value specified with PHOTOPRISM_ADMIN_PASSWORD in your echo docker-compose.yml file. Please change it under Settings ^> Account before you proceed. START http://localhost:2342/