import PhotoSwipe from 'photoswipe' import PhotoSwipeUI_Default from 'photoswipe/dist/photoswipe-ui-default.js' class Gallery { constructor() { = []; this.el = null; } photosWithSizes() { return; } createPhotoSizes(photo) { const createPhotoSize = height => ({ src: photo.getThumbnailUrl('fit', height), w: photo.calculateWidth(height), h: height, title: photo.PhotoTitle }); return { xxs: createPhotoSize(320), xs: createPhotoSize(500), s: createPhotoSize(720), m: createPhotoSize(1280), l: createPhotoSize(1920), xl: createPhotoSize(2560), xxl: createPhotoSize(3840) } } getEl() { if(!this.el) { const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp'); if(elements.length !== 1) { let err = "There should be only one PhotoSwipe element"; console.log(err, elements); throw err; } this.el = elements[0]; } return this.el; } show(photos, index = 0) { if (!Array.isArray(photos) || photos.length === 0 || index >= photos.length) { console.log("Array passed to gallery was empty:", photos); return } = photos; const options = { index: index, history: false, preload: true, focus: true, modal: true, closeEl: true, captionEl: true, fullscreenEl: true, zoomEl: true, shareEl: false, counterEl: false, arrowEl: true, preloaderEl: true, }; let photosWithSizes = this.photosWithSizes(); let gallery = new PhotoSwipe(this.getEl(), PhotoSwipeUI_Default, photosWithSizes, options); let realViewportWidth; let realViewportHeight; let previousSize; let nextSize; let firstResize = true; let photoSrcWillChange; gallery.listen('beforeResize', () => { realViewportWidth = gallery.viewportSize.x * window.devicePixelRatio; realViewportHeight = gallery.viewportSize.y * window.devicePixelRatio; if (!previousSize) { previousSize = 'm' } nextSize = this.constructor.mapViewportToImageSize(realViewportWidth, realViewportHeight, photosWithSizes[index]) if (nextSize !== previousSize) { photoSrcWillChange = true } if (photoSrcWillChange && !firstResize) { gallery.invalidateCurrItems(); } if (firstResize) { firstResize = false; } photoSrcWillChange = false; }); gallery.listen('gettingData', function (index, item) { item.src = item[nextSize].src; item.w = item[nextSize].w; item.h = item[nextSize].h; item.title = item[nextSize].title; previousSize = nextSize; }); gallery.init(); } static mapViewportToImageSize(viewportWidth, viewportHeight, item) { for (const [sizeKey, photo] of Object.entries(item)) { if (photo.w > viewportWidth || photo.h > viewportHeight) { return sizeKey } } } } export default Gallery;