PhotoPrism for Cloud Servers running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) =================================================================== Attention: This config example is under development, and not stable yet! Run this script to install PhotoPrism on a cloud server e.g. at DigitalOcean: bash <(curl -s This may take a while to complete. Then open http://:2342/ in a Web browser to log in using the initial admin password "insecure". Please immediately change it in Settings to protect your new PhotoPrism installation. All files related to PhotoPrism can be found in /photoprism. The server will be running as "photoprism" (UID 1000). There should be no need to change defaults unless other services are running on the same server and there are conflicts. ## System Requirements ## We recommend hosting PhotoPrism on a server with at least 2 cores and 4 GB of memory. Beyond these minimum requirements, the amount of RAM should match the number of cores. Indexing large photo and video collections significantly benefits from fast, local SSD storage.