// Code generated by go generate; DO NOT EDIT. package txt var Countries = map[string]string{ "andorra": "ad", "france": "fr", "frankreich": "fr", "slovakia": "sk", "austria": "at", "wörthersee": "at", "österreich": "at", "vienna": "at", "salzburg": "at", "klagenfurt": "at", "innsbruck": "at", "hungary": "hu", "republic of georgia": "ge", "vatican city": "va", "poland": "pl", "warsaw": "pl", "warschau": "pl", "cambodia": "kh", "vientiane": "la", "lao people's democratic republic": "la", "vietnam": "vn", "denmark": "dk", "myanmar": "mm", "czechia": "cz", "czech": "cz", "zurich": "ch", "zürich": "ch", "st gallen": "ch", "st. gallen": "ch", "basel": "ch", "lucerne": "ch", "luzern": "ch", "switzerland": "ch", "swiss": "ch", "schweiz": "ch", "belgium": "be", "sweden": "se", "sverige": "se", "schweden": "se", "gotland": "se", "öland": "se", "faroe": "fo", "albania": "al", "macedonia": "mk", "montenegro": "me", "finland": "fi", "san marino": "sm", "moldova": "md", "belarus": "by", "brazil": "br", "brasil": "br", "russia": "ru", "ukraine": "ua", "united kingdom": "gb", "london": "gb", "scotland": "gb", "edinburgh": "gb", "england": "gb", "u.k.": "gb", "northern ireland": "gb", "great britain": "gb", "buckingham palace": "gb", "isle of man": "im", "ireland": "ie", "dublin": "ie", "deutsche demokratische": "de", "deutschland": "de", "germany": "de", "aachen": "de", "steglitz": "de", "friedrichshain": "de", "berghain": "de", "raw gelände": "de", "bundestag": "de", "grunewald": "de", "charlottenburg": "de", "wilmersdorf": "de", "tempelhof": "de", "schönefeld": "de", "airport ber": "de", "flughafen ber": "de", "reichstag": "de", "kreuzberg": "de", "ostsee": "de", "nordsee": "de", "wannsee": "de", "berlin": "de", "pfalz": "de", "mannheim": "de", "heidelberg": "de", "stuttgart": "de", "bisingen": "de", "balingen": "de", "hechingen": "de", "swabian jura": "de", "schwäbische alb": "de", "albtrauf": "de", "münchen": "de", "württemberg": "de", "bayern": "de", "erfurt": "de", "leipzig": "de", "schwerin": "de", "greifswald": "de", "dresden": "de", "nürnberg": "de", "munich": "de", "frankfurt": "de", "brandenburg": "de", "hamburg": "de", "tübingen": "de", "tubingen": "de", "köln": "de", "dortmund": "de", "düsseldorf": "de", "cologne": "de", "saarland": "de", "saarbrücken": "de", "latvia": "lv", "lettland": "lv", "lithuania": "lt", "litauen": "lt", "estonia": "ee", "australia": "au", "melbourne": "au", "perth": "au", "tasmania": "au", "tasmanien": "au", "sydney": "au", "capetown": "za", "durban": "za", "pretoria": "za", "kapstadt": "za", "johannesburg": "za", "south africa": "za", "republic of south africa": "za", "eswatini": "sz", "kingdom of eswatini": "sz", "swaziland": "sz", "romania": "ro", "ecuador": "ec", "mexico": "mx", "colombia": "co", "california": "us", "washington": "us", "the white house": "us", "new york": "us", "nyc": "us", "florida": "us", "cape canaveral": "us", "san francisco": "us", "oakland": "us", "san diego": "us", "los angeles": "us", 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