Improved documentation

This commit is contained in:
Michael Mayer 2018-09-18 10:41:47 +02:00
parent a204b21cda
commit c5c5b0836b

View file

@ -72,6 +72,59 @@ go run cmd/photoprism/photoprism.go start
See [Quick and easy guide for migrating to Go 1.11 modules]( for an introduction to Go Modules and Makefiles.
Directory Layout
The directory layout is loosely based on
Assets like photos, built JavaScript/CSS files and HTML templates are located in `assets/` by default. You can configure individual paths in the config file, using environment variables or command flags.
Example configuration files can be found in `configs/`.
The frontend code is located in `frontend/`. Developers run `npm run dev` to watch files and automatically re-build them when changed.
All other paths contain Go source code and scripts used for building the application.
Command-line Interface
Running `photoprism` without arguments displays usage hints:
PhotoPrism - Digital Photo Archive
photoprism [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
config Displays global configuration values
start Starts web server
migrate-db Automatically migrates / initializes database
import Imports photos
index Re-indexes all originals
convert Converts RAW originals to JPEG
thumbnails Creates thumbnails
export Exports photos as JPEG
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug run in debug mode [$PHOTOPRISM_DEBUG]
--config-file FILENAME, -c FILENAME load configuration from FILENAME (default: "/etc/photoprism/photoprism.yml") [$PHOTOPRISM_CONFIG_FILE]
--darktable-cli FILENAME darktable command-line executable FILENAME (default: "/usr/bin/darktable-cli") [$PHOTOPRISM_DARKTABLE_CLI]
--originals-path PATH originals PATH (default: "/var/photoprism/photos/originals") [$PHOTOPRISM_ORIGINALS_PATH]
--thumbnails-path PATH thumbnails PATH (default: "/var/photoprism/photos/thumbnails") [$PHOTOPRISM_THUMBNAILS_PATH]
--import-path PATH import PATH (default: "/var/photoprism/photos/import") [$PHOTOPRISM_IMPORT_PATH]
--export-path PATH export PATH (default: "/var/photoprism/photos/export") [$PHOTOPRISM_EXPORT_PATH]
--assets-path PATH assets PATH (default: "/var/photoprism") [$PHOTOPRISM_ASSETS_PATH]
--database-driver DRIVER database DRIVER (mysql, mssql, postgres or sqlite) (default: "mysql") [$PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DRIVER]
--database-dsn DSN database data source name (DSN) (default: "photoprism:photoprism@tcp(localhost:3306)/photoprism") [$PHOTOPRISM_DATABASE_DSN]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
A more detailed documentation will follow. Please ask if you have any questions.