Keywordsstring`form:"keywords" example:"keywords:\"buffalo&water\"" notes:"Keywords can be combined with & and |"`// Filter by keyword(s)
Labelstring`form:"label" example:"label:cat|dog" notes:"OR search with |"`// Label name
Categorystring`form:"category"`// Moments
Countrystring`form:"country" example:"country:\"de|us\"" notes:"OR search with |"`// Moments
Statestring`form:"state" example:"state:\"Baden-Württemberg\"" notes:"OR search with |"`// Moments
Yearstring`form:"year" example:"year:1990|2003" notes:"OR search with |"`// Moments
Monthstring`form:"month" example:"month:7|10" notes:"OR search with |"`// Moments
Daystring`form:"day" example:"day:3|13" notes:"OR search with |"`// Moments
Facestring`form:"face"`// UIDs
Subjectstring`form:"subject" example:"subject:\"Jane Doe & John Doe\"" notes:"Same as person, only exact matches, names can be combined with & and |"`// UIDs
Personstring`form:"person" example:"person:\"Jane Doe & John Doe\"" notes:"Same as subject, only exact matches, names can be combined with & and |"`// Alias for Subject
Subjectsstring`form:"subjects" example:"subjects:\"Jane & John\"" notes:"Same as people, names can be combined with & and |"`// People names
Peoplestring`form:"people" example:"people:\"Jane & John\"" notes:"Same as subjects, names can be combined with & and |"`// Alias for Subjects
Albumstring`form:"album" example:"album:berlin" notes:"Single name with * wildcard"`// Album UIDs or name
Albumsstring`form:"albums" example:"albums:\"South Africa & Birds\"" notes:"Album names can be combined with & and |"`// Multi search with and/or
Colorstring`form:"color" example:"color:\"red|blue\"" notes:"Options: purple, magenta, pink, red, orange, gold, yellow, lime, green, teal, cyan, blue, brown, white, grey, black; OR search with |"`// Main color
Facesstring`form:"faces" example:"faces:yes faces:3" notes:"A number performs a minimum search"`// Find or exclude faces if detected.