9.5 KiB
[Features] [Dependencies] [Installation] [Post Install] [Usage] [Issues and Workarounds] [TODO] [Thanks]
This is the home of my fetch script! This script gathers info
about your system and prints it to the terminal next to an image of your choice!
- Supports Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (Cygwin)!
- If the script isn't working on your system open an issue.
- It's Fast
- The script makes heavy use of bash builtins and <br >string manipulation.
- Display an image next to the info. (or not)
- The script can use your wallpaper, shuffle through a directory or just <br >display an image.
- The wallpaper function on linux uses feh, It's hard to add support <br > for other wallpaper setters as they don't provide a way of getting <br > current wallpaper from the cli.
- The script can use your wallpaper, shuffle through a directory or just <br >display an image.
- Highly Customizable
- You can customize almost everything.
- See Usage below or lines 23-233 in script
- You can customize almost everything.
- Take a screenshot at the end.
- It's disabled by default and you can specify the cmd <br >to use with
--scrotcmd cmd
at launch or by <br >changing the value of$scrotcmd
in the script.
- It's disabled by default and you can specify the cmd <br >to use with
- Smart crop (or Waifu crop)
These are the script's required dependencies
- Bash 4.0+
- For those of you on OS X not wanting to update bash, the script <br >also works with zsh. All you have to do is change the shebang at <br >the top to
- For those of you on OS X not wanting to update bash, the script <br >also works with zsh. All you have to do is change the shebang at <br >the top to
- Text formatting, dynamic image size and padding: tput
- Uptime detection: procps or procps-ng
These are the script's optional dependencies:
- Displaying Images: w3m
- You may also need w3m-img
- Image Cropping: ImageMagick
- Display Wallpaper: feh
- Current Song: mpc
- Resolution Detection: xorg-xdpyinfo
- Window manager detection: wmctrl
- This is used as a fallback to parsing
- This is used as a fallback to parsing
- Take a screenshot on script finish: scrot
- You can change this to another program with a
and an in script option.
- You can change this to another program with a
- Install
from the aur.
- Download the latest source at https://github.com/dylanaraps/fetch
- Make the file executable using chmod.
chmod +x /path/to/fetch
- Move the script to somewhere in your $PATH or just run it from where it is.
Post Install
NOTE: For the images to be sized correctly you need to set the $font_width
If you don't know your font width in pixels keep trying values until the image is sized correctly.
You can also use the launch flag --font_width
to set it on the fly.
You can customize what info to print by editing the info array near the top of the script. The array looks like this:
"OS: getdistro"
"Kernel: getkernel"
"Uptime: getuptime"
"Packages: getpackages"
See these comments inside the script for more info: https://github.com/dylanaraps/fetch/blob/master/fetch#L29
If you don't want to edit the script you can customize everything using flags at launch!
Here's what my fetch alias looks like:
alias fetch2="fetch \
--block_range 1 8 \
--line_wrap off \
--bold off \
--uptime_shorthand on \
--gtk_shorthand on \
--exclude 'Icons: getgtkicons' \
--exclude 'Resolution: getresolution' \
--colors 4 1 8 8 8 7 \
usage: ${0##*/} [--colors 1 2 3 4 5] [--kernel "\$\(uname -rs\)"]
--exclude "OS: getos" Disable an info line at launch
--title string Change the title at the top
--distro string/cmd Manually set the distro
--kernel string/cmd Manually set the kernel
--uptime string/cmd Manually set the uptime
--uptime_shorthand on/off --v
Shorten the output of uptime
--packages string/cmd Manually set the package count
--shell string/cmd Manually set the shell
--winman string/cmd Manually set the window manager
--use_wmctrl on/off Use wmctrl for a more accurate reading
--gtk_shorthand on/off Shorten output of gtk theme/icons
--cpu string/cmd Manually set the cpu name
--memory string/cmd Manually set the memory
--speed_type Change the type of cpu speed to get
Possible values: current, min, max
--song string/cmd Manually set the current song
Text Colors:
--colors 1 2 3 4 5 Change the color of text
(title, subtitle, colon, underline, info)
--title_color num Change the color of the title
--subtitle_color num Change the color of the subtitle
--colon_color num Change the color of the colons
--underline_color num Change the color of the underlines
--info_color num Change the color of the info
Text Formatting:
--underline on/off Enable/Disable title underline
--underline_char char Character to use when underlineing title
--line_wrap on/off Enable/Disable line wrapping
--bold on/off Enable/Disable bold text
--prompt_height num Set this to your prompt height to fix
issues with the text going off screen at the top
Color Blocks:
--color_blocks on/off Enable/Disable the color blocks
--block_width num Width of color blocks
--block_range start end --v
Range of colors to print as blocks
--image Image source. Where and what image we display.
Possible values: wall, shuffle, /path/to/img, off
--shuffledir Which directory to shuffle for an image.
--font_width px Used to automatically size the image
--image_position Where to display the image: (Left/Right)
--split_size num Width of img/text splits
A value of 2 makes each split half the terminal
width and etc
--crop_mode Which crop mode to use
Takes the values: normal, fit, fill
--crop_offset value Change the crop offset for normal mode.
Possible values: northwest, north, northeast,
west, center, east, southwest, south, southeast
--xoffset px How close the image will be
to the left edge of the window
--yoffset px How close the image will be
to the top edge of the window
--gap num Gap between image and text right side
to the top edge of the window
--clean Remove all cropped images
--scrot Take a screenshot
--scrotdir Directory to save the scrot
--scrotfile File name of scrot
--scrotcmd Screenshot program to launch
--clear on/off Whether or not to clear the terminal
before printing.
--help Print this text and exit
Issues and Workarounds
The image is rendering with black lines in Urxvt while using an xft font.
This is an issue with w3mimgdisplay and not the script. You can find a workaround here:
The text is too long for my terminal window and wraps to the next line causing the image to not render correctly.
There are a few ways to fix this.
Disable line wrapping with
$line_wrap off
in the script or with the launch flag--line_wrap off
The uptime and gtk info lines each have a shorthand option that makes their output smaller. You can <br > enable them by changing these variables or using these flags.
# In script options
$uptime_shorthand on
$gtk_shorthand on
# Launch flags
--uptime_shorthand on
--gtk_shorthand on
Edit the info array to make the subtitles shorter
Resizing the terminal so that the lines don't wrap.
[Linux] The script hangs and doesn't display anything
This is caused by the getwallpaper function failing to find your current wallpaper and <br > imagemagick trying to crop a nonexistent image. You can fix this by installing feh and using it<br > to set your wallpaper or by changing the image source.
You can change the source by editing the $image
variable or by launching the script with --image
The possible values are:
- wall - Use the current wallpaper. (Default)
- shuffle - Shuffle through images in a directory. See
- path/to/img.png - Select an image to display.
- off - Disable images
Here's what's on my todo list
Add Windows resolution detection
Look into iterm2 image rendering
Cleanup of info array handling
Imagemagick optimizations
More info outputs. Now that it's easy to customize what's printed and<br > everything is a function we can add optional support for pretty much anything.
- Resolution (Done!)
- GTK themes (Done!)
- Terminal Font
- IP
- etc
Thanks to:
metakirby5: Providing great feedback as well as ideas for the script.
Screenfetch: I've used some snippets as a base for a few functions in this script.
@jrgz: Helping me test the Mac OS X version.
@xDemonessx: Helping me test the Windows version.