Daniel <daniel@littlesaigon.homedns.org> some functions for users is not implemented.(ex:user_info ... etc) the ...DataBase.create(" ... ") don't work !!!! to create a database, use the open() function if the database don't exist automatically created. to drop DataBase 1) open this Database 2) use ...DataBase.Remove(... full path + name of the DataBase opened ex:/var/lib/firebird2/data/MyDataBase.fdb ...) !!!! case sensitive!!!! to compile this package firebird-dev and ibpp 2.4... library is need. you can download ibpp from www.ibpp.org. (if you want to use ibpp 2.3.5 (not <), go to the code and change all int64_t in long int) daniel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This package uses libibpp, whihc is now included in the component and not an external library anymore. Benoit.