* BUG: ImageEditor: Fix a crash that occurs after something having pasted. [EXAMPLES] * NEW: Md2Model example has been redesigned. It now displays a lot of models between six different ones. [INTERPRETER] * BUG: Fix a crash when an error is raised while the startup class is not ready. [GB.GEOM] * BUG: Fix the conversion from Point/PointF to Float that internally uses the Abs() function. [GB.GTK] * NEW: Visible trayicons prevent the eventloop from stopping. [GB.OPENGL.SGE] * NEW: The component sources are now located inside the gb.opengl directory. * NEW: The component interface has been redesigned. [GB.QT4] * NEW: Visible trayicons prevent the eventloop from stopping. [GB.QT4.OPENGL] * BUG: The OpenGL clear color is now taken into account when clearing the area before calling the Draw event handler. git-svn-id: svn://localhost/gambas/trunk@5836 867c0c6c-44f3-4631-809d-bfa615b0a4ec
171 lines
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171 lines
5.9 KiB
(c) 2000-2013 Benoît Minisini <gambas@users.sourceforge.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __GB_IMAGE_H
#define __GB_IMAGE_H
#include "gambas.h"
// Constants used by image data format
#define GB_IMAGE_BGRX 0 // 00000
#define GB_IMAGE_XRGB 1 // 00001
#define GB_IMAGE_RGBX 2 // 00010
#define GB_IMAGE_XBGR 3 // 00011
#define GB_IMAGE_BGR 4 // 00100
#define GB_IMAGE_RGB 5 // 00101
#define GB_IMAGE_BGRA 8 // 01000
#define GB_IMAGE_ARGB 9 // 01001
#define GB_IMAGE_RGBA 10 // 01010
#define GB_IMAGE_ABGR 11 // 01011
#define GB_IMAGE_BGRP 24 // 11000
#define GB_IMAGE_PRGB 25 // 11001
#define GB_IMAGE_RGBP 26 // 11010
#define GB_IMAGE_PBGR 27 // 11011
// Format test functions
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_24_BITS(_format) ((_format) & 4)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_32_BITS(_format) (((_format) & 4) == 0)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_RGBA(_format) ((_format) & 2)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_SWAPPED(_format) ((_format) & 1)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_TRANSPARENT(_format) ((_format) & 8)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_IS_PREMULTIPLIED(_format) ((_format) & 16)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_SET_PREMULTIPLIED(_format) ((_format) | 16)
#define GB_IMAGE_FMT_CLEAR_PREMULTIPLIED(_format) ((_format) & ~16)
// Image owner information
struct GB_IMG;
struct {
const char *name; // owner name (this is the name of the component)
int format; // preferred format
void (*free)(struct GB_IMG *img, void *handle); // free owner handle
void (*release)(struct GB_IMG *img, void *handle); // free temporary handle
void *(*temp)(struct GB_IMG *img); // create a temporary handle for an image and returns it
void (*sync)(struct GB_IMG *img); // synchronize the data. Called only if the GB_IMG.sync flag is set
// Gambas image
struct GB_IMG {
unsigned char *data; // points at the image data
int width; // image width in pixels
int height; // image height in pixels
int format; // image format (RGB, BGR, RGBA...)
GB_IMG_OWNER *owner; // owner of the data, NULL means gb.image
void *owner_handle; // handle for the owner
GB_IMG_OWNER *temp_owner; // owner of the temporary handle that does not own the data
void *temp_handle; // temporary handle
unsigned modified : 1; // data has been modified by gb.image
unsigned sync : 1; // data must be synchronized by calling GB_IMG_OWNER.sync()
unsigned is_void : 1; // void image (no data)
void *GB_IMAGE;
// Pixel color: the color is not premultiplied, and the alpha component is inverted (0 = solid / 255 = transparent)
unsigned int GB_COLOR;
// Split a color into its component. Uninvert the alpha component
#define GB_COLOR_SPLIT(_color, _r, _g, _b, _a) \
({ \
uint _c = (uint)(_color); \
_b = _c & 0xFF; \
_g = (_c >> 8) & 0xFF; \
_r = (_c >> 16) & 0xFF; \
_a = (_c >> 24) ^ 0xFF; \
// Create a GB_COLOR from rgba components
#define GB_COLOR_MAKE(_r, _g, _b, _a) (((_b) & 0xFF) | (((_g) & 0xFF) << 8) | (((_r) & 0xFF) << 16) | ((((_a) & 0xFF) ^ 0xFF) << 24))
// Gambas image component interface
struct {
intptr_t version;
// Create an image
GB_IMG *(*Create)(int width, int height, int format, unsigned char *data);
// Take image ownership by giving the image handle and information
void (*Take)(GB_IMG *img, GB_IMG_OWNER *owner, void *owner_handle, int width, int height, unsigned char *data);
// Create a temporary handle on the image without becoming the owner.
void *(*Check)(GB_IMG *img, GB_IMG_OWNER *temp_owner);
// Synchronize the image data if needed
void (*Synchronize)(GB_IMG *img);
// Return the size of the image data in bytes
int (*Size)(GB_IMG *img);
// Set the default format used when creating images
void (*SetDefaultFormat)(int format);
// Get the default format used when creating images
int (*GetDefaultFormat)(void);
// Get the color of a pixel
GB_COLOR (*GetPixel)(GB_IMG *img, int x, int y);
// Converts an image to one of the following formats: BGRA, RGBA, BGRP, RGBP
void (*Convert)(GB_IMG *img, int format);
// Merge two colors
GB_COLOR (*MergeColor)(GB_COLOR col1, GB_COLOR col2, double weight);
// Make a color lighter
GB_COLOR (*LighterColor)(GB_COLOR col);
// Make a color darker
GB_COLOR (*DarkerColor)(GB_COLOR col);
// Return the image format as a string
const char *(*FormatToString)(int format);
#define GB_IMG_HANDLE(_image) ((_image)->temp_handle)
#define SYNCHRONIZE_IMAGE(_image) (IMAGE.Synchronize(_image))
#define MODIFY_IMAGE(_image) ((_image)->modified = 1)