' Gambas class file 'Property TagsX As Integer Private $hPlayer As MediaPlayer Private $hImage As MediaControl Private $hFilter As MediaFilter Private $hOutput As MediaContainer Private $aVisualisation As MediaControl[] Private $fPos As Float Private $fLength As Float Private $iVisualisation As Integer Private $fVolume As Float Private $bSuspend As Boolean Private $bShowTags As Boolean 'Private $iTagsX As Integer Public Sub _new() Application.MainWindow = Me '$iTagsX = - FTags.W End Private Sub AddVisualisation(sType As String, sTitle As String) Dim hVisualisation As MediaControl If sType Then hVisualisation = New MediaControl($hPlayer, sType) hVisualisation.Tag = sTitle Endif $aVisualisation.Add(hVisualisation) Catch Error sType; ": "; Error.Text End Private Sub MakeMediaPlayer() $hPlayer = New MediaPlayer As "MediaPlayer" '$hOutput = New MediaContainer($hPlayer) '$hOutput.Name = "MyOutput" $hFilter = New MediaFilter($hPlayer) $hImage = New MediaControl($hPlayer, "ximagesink") '$hFilter.LinkTo($hImage) '$hOutput.AddInput($hImage) $hPlayer.Video.Output = $hImage $aVisualisation = New MediaControl[] AddVisualisation("", "") AddVisualisation("goom", "Goom") AddVisualisation("goom2k1", "Goom2") AddVisualisation("libvisual_bumpscope", "Bump") AddVisualisation("libvisual_corona", "Corona") AddVisualisation("libvisual_infinite", "Infinite") AddVisualisation("libvisual_jakdaw", "Jakdaw") AddVisualisation("libvisual_jess", "Jess") AddVisualisation("monoscope", "Mono") AddVisualisation("libvisual_oinksie", "Oinksie") AddVisualisation("libvisual_lv_analyzer", "Analyzer") AddVisualisation("libvisual_lv_scope", "Scope") AddVisualisation("spacescope", "Space") AddVisualisation("spectrascope", "Spectra") AddVisualisation("synaescope", "Synae") AddVisualisation("wavescope", "Wave") $iVisualisation = 0 UpdateVisualisation End Public Sub GetButton(sKey As String) As CButton Return FControl.Controls["#" & sKey] End Public Sub CreateButtons(aButton As String[], hParent As Container) Dim sKey As String Dim sImg As String Dim hPanel As Panel Dim hButton As CButton Dim iPos As Integer For Each sKey In aButton If sKey = "<->" Then hPanel = New Panel(hParent) hPanel.Expand = True hPanel.Resize(8, 48) Else If sKey = "-" Then hPanel = New Panel(hParent) hPanel.Resize(8, 48) Else sImg = sKey iPos = InStr(sImg, "#") If iPos Then sImg = Left(sImg, iPos - 1) hButton = New CButton(hParent) As "Button" hButton.Resize(48, 48) hButton.Image = Image.Load(sImg & ".png") hButton.Tag = sKey hButton.Name = "#" & sKey 'If cTooltip Then hButton.Tooltip = cTooltip[sImg] 'If $cShortcut Then hButton.Shortcut = $cShortcut[sImg] '$cButton[hButton.Tag] = hButton Endif Next End Public Sub Form_Open() MakeMediaPlayer FControl.Show RefreshVolume End Public Sub Form_KeyPress() If Key.Code = Key.Escape Then Action("quit") End Private Sub GetDevice(sName As String) As String Try Return Scan(sName, "* (*)")[1] End ' Private Sub FindChildFromType(hCont As MediaContainer, sType As String) As MediaControl ' ' Dim hCtrl As MediaControl ' ' For I = 0 To hCont.Children.Count - 1 ' hCtrl = hCont.Children[I] ' If hCtrl.Type = sType Then Return hCtrl ' Next ' ' End Private Sub Dump(hCont As MediaContainer, Optional iIndent As Integer) Dim I As Integer Dim hCtrl As MediaControl Dim sOutput As String If iIndent = 0 Then Print "Source: "; $hPlayer.Input.Name Print "[-------------------------------------------" Endif For I = 0 To hCont.Children.Count - 1 hCtrl = hCont.Children[I] Print Space$(iIndent * 2); hCtrl;; hCtrl.Name;; "["; hCtrl.Type; "]";; "=>";; hCtrl.Parent.Name For Each sOutput In hCtrl.Inputs With hCtrl.GetLink(sOutput) If Not .Peer Then Continue Print Space$(iIndent * 2); "| "; sOutput; " <--- "; .Peer.Name; "."; .Output End With Next For Each sOutput In hCtrl.Outputs With hCtrl.GetLink(sOutput) If Not .Peer Then Continue Print Space$(iIndent * 2); "| "; sOutput; " ---> "; .Peer.Name; "."; .Input End With Next If hCtrl Is MediaContainer Then Dump(hCtrl, iIndent + 1) Endif Next If iIndent = 0 Then Print "-------------------------------------------]" End Private Sub Action(sAction As String) Dim fPos As Float Dim iState As Integer Dim sName As String Dim iName As Integer Dim sVideo As String Select sAction Case "eject" Dialog.Title = ("Select a media file") If Not Dialog.OpenFile() Then FControl.SetTitle(File.Name(Dialog.Path)) Action("stop") $hPlayer.URL = Media.URL(Dialog.Path) $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled = False If Exist(File.SetExt(Dialog.Path, "srt")) Then $hPlayer.Subtitles.URL = Media.URL(File.SetExt(Dialog.Path, "srt")) $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled = True Endif UpdateSubtitle FTags.Clear($hPlayer) Action("play") Endif Case "video" sVideo = FTags.GetVideoDevice() If sVideo Then FControl.SetTitle(("Video device") & " " & sVideo) Action("stop") $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled = False $hPlayer.URL = "v4l2://" & GetDevice(sVideo) UpdateSubtitle FTags.Clear($hPlayer) Action("play") Endif Case "info", "config" If $bShowTags Then CAnimation.Start(FTags, "Opacity", 0, 250, Me) 'CAnimation.Start(Me, "TagsX", - FTags.W, 250) Else FTags.X = - FTags.W FTags.Show CAnimation.Start(FTags, "Opacity", 70, 250) 'CAnimation.Start(Me, "TagsX", 0, 250) Endif $bShowTags = Not $bShowTags Case "subtitle" 'If $hPlayer.State = Media.Playing Or If $hPlayer.State = Media.Paused Then ' $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled = Not $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled ' UpdateSubtitle 'Else Dialog.Title = ("Select a subtitle file") If Not Dialog.OpenFile() Then $hPlayer.Subtitles.URL = Media.URL(Dialog.Path) $hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled = True UpdateSubtitle Endif 'Endif Case "play" SuspendScreenSaver $hImage.SetWindow(dwgVideo) ', panLeft.X + panLeft.W + 8, panLeft.Y + 8, Me.W - panLeft.X - panLeft.W - 16, Me.H - panLeft.Y - 16) EnableVideoFilter Sleep 0.1 Try $hPlayer.Play If Not Error Then dwgVideo.Mouse = Mouse.Blank timTime.Start Dump($hPlayer) Else ResumeScreenSaver Try $hPlayer.Stop $fLength = 0 Endif Case "stop" ResumeScreenSaver Try $hPlayer.Stop $fLength = 0 timTime.Stop dwgVideo.Mouse = Mouse.Default Case "pause" ResumeScreenSaver $hPlayer.Pause dwgVideo.Mouse = Mouse.Default timTime.Stop Case "fullscreen" Me.FullScreen = Not Me.FullScreen Me.Maximized = Not Me.FullScreen Form_Resize Case "volume" $hPlayer.Audio.Mute = Not $hPlayer.Audio.Mute RefreshVolume 'Case "balance" 'FBalance.Visible = Not FBalance.Visible Case "visualisation" iState = $hPlayer.State If iState <> Media.Null And If iState <> Media.Ready Then fPos = $hPlayer.Position $hPlayer.Stop $hPlayer.Close timTime.Stop 'FadeOut Endif Inc $iVisualisation If $iVisualisation >= $aVisualisation.Count Then $iVisualisation = 0 UpdateVisualisation If iState <> Media.Null And If iState <> Media.Ready Then $hPlayer.Pause $hPlayer.Position = fPos $hPlayer.State = iState If iState = Media.Playing Then timTime.Start 'FadeIn Endif Case "quit" Me.Close Case "screenshot" Do Inc iName sName = "~/MediaPlayerScreenshot" If iName > 1 Then sName &= "-" & CStr(iName) sName &= ".jpg" If Not Exist(sName) Then Break Loop Try $hPlayer.Video.Image.Save(sName) If Error Then FControl.SetError(Error.Text) Case "seek-forward" FControl.Y = Screen.H - FControl.H Case "seek-backward" FControl.Y = 600 End Select End Public Sub Button_Click() Action(Last.Tag) End ' Public Sub Form_Arrange() ' ' panToolbar.Move(0, Me.H - panToolbar.H, Me.W, panToolbar.H) ' ' End Public Sub timTime_Timer() $fPos = $hPlayer.Position If $fLength = 0 Then $fLength = $hPlayer.Duration FControl.SetInfo(Format(CDate(($fPos + 0.5) / 86400), "hh:nn:ss") & " / " & Format(CDate($fLength / 86400), "hh:nn:ss")) End Public Sub GetLength() As Float Return $fLength End Public Sub GetPos() As Float Return $fPos End Public Sub SetPos(fPos As Float) If $hPlayer.State = Media.Paused Or If $hPlayer.State = Media.Playing Then If $fLength Then $fPos = fPos * $fLength '$hPlayer.Pause 'FadeOut $hPlayer.Position = $fPos '$hPlayer.Play 'FadeIn Endif Endif End Public Sub Form_Resize() 'Debug Me.X;; Me.Y;; Me.W;; Me.H;; FControl.H;; Me.Y + Me.H - FControl.H 'Debug "FControl.Move:";; Me.X;; Me.Y + Me.H - FControl.H;; Me.W;; FControl.H FControl.Move(dwgVideo.ScreenX, dwgVideo.ScreenY + dwgVideo.H - FControl.H, dwgVideo.W, FControl.H) FTags.Move(dwgVideo.ScreenX, dwgVideo.ScreenY, FTags.W, dwgVideo.H - FControl.H) End Public Sub Form_Close() ResumeScreenSaver CAnimation.Exit End Public Sub Button_MouseWheel() $hPlayer.Audio.Mute = False If Mouse.Delta > 0 Then $hPlayer.Audio.Volume = Min(1, (Sqr($hPlayer.Audio.Volume) + 0.05) ^ 2) Else $hPlayer.Audio.Volume = Max(0, (Sqr($hPlayer.Audio.Volume) - 0.05) ^ 2) Endif RefreshVolume End Private Sub RefreshVolume() Dim sImage As String Dim fVolume As Float With GetButton("volume") If $hPlayer.Audio.Mute Then sImage = "mute" .Text = "" Else fVolume = Sqr($hPlayer.Audio.Volume) .Text = Format(fVolume, "0%") sImage = "volume-" & Min(3, CInt(fVolume * 4)) Endif .Image = Image.Load(sImage & ".png") End With End Private Sub UpdateSubtitle() GetButton("subtitle").Text = If($hPlayer.Subtitles.Enabled, "ON", "") End Private Sub UpdateVisualisation() Dim hVis As MediaControl = $aVisualisation[$iVisualisation] $hPlayer.Video.Visualisation = hVis If hVis Then GetButton("visualisation").Text = hVis.Tag $hImage.SetWindow(dwgVideo) $hPlayer.Position = $hPlayer.Position Else GetButton("visualisation").Text = "" $hImage.SetWindow(Null) Endif End Public Sub dwgVideo_Draw() If $hPlayer.State = Media.Null Then Draw.Font = Font["+16"] Draw.Foreground = Color.Gray Draw.RichText("Gambas Almost Means Basic!", 0, 0, dwgVideo.Width, dwgVideo.Height, Align.Center) Endif End Public Sub MediaPlayer_End() Action("stop") End Public Sub MediaPlayer_Message((Source) As MediaControl, Type As Integer, Message As String) Select Case Type Case Media.Info Print "(i)"; Case Media.Warning Print "/!\\"; Case Media.Error Print "[*]"; End Select Print " "; Message If Type = Media.Error Then FControl.SetError(Message) Action("stop") Endif End Public Sub MediaPlayer_Tag(TagList As MediaTagList) Dim sTag As String Dim vTag As Variant Dim I As Integer For Each sTag In TagList.Tags vTag = TagList[sTag] If TypeOf(vTag) = gb.Object And If vTag Is Array Then For I = 0 To vTag.Max FTags.AddTag(sTag & "[" & CStr(I) & "]", Str(vTag[I])) Next Else FTags.AddTag(sTag, Str(vTag)) Endif Next End Private Sub FadeOut() $fVolume = $hPlayer.Audio.Volume Do Debug $hPlayer.Audio.Volume $hPlayer.Audio.Volume = Max(0, $hPlayer.Audio.Volume - 0.05) If $hPlayer.Audio.Volume = 0 Then Break Sleep 0.01 Loop End Private Sub FadeIn() Do Debug $hPlayer.Audio.Volume $hPlayer.Audio.Volume = Min($fVolume, $hPlayer.Audio.Volume + 0.05) If $hPlayer.Audio.Volume >= $fVolume Then Break Sleep 0.01 Loop End Private Sub SuspendScreenSaver() If $bSuspend Then Return Desktop.ScreenSaver.Suspend(Me) End Private Sub ResumeScreenSaver() If Not $bSuspend Then Return Desktop.ScreenSaver.Resume(Me) End Public Sub Form_Enter() If $hPlayer.State = Media.Playing Then CAnimation.Start(FControl, "Opacity", 0, 400) CAnimation.Start(FTags, "Opacity", 0, 400) Endif End Public Sub Form_Leave() If $hPlayer.State = Media.Playing Then CAnimation.Start(FControl, "Opacity", 70, 250) If $bShowTags Then CAnimation.Start(FTags, "Opacity", 70, 250) Endif End Public Sub Animation_Stop() FTags.Hide End ' Private Function TagsX_Read() As Integer ' ' Return $iTagsX ' ' End ' ' Private Sub TagsX_Write(Value As Integer) ' ' $iTagsX = Value ' FTags.X = Me.X + $iTagsX ' ' End Public Sub SetBalance(iIndex As Integer, iValue As Integer) $hPlayer.Balance[iIndex].Value = iValue End Private Sub EnableVideoFilter() 'If $hPlayer.URL Begins "v4l2://" Then ' $hFilter.Filter = "video/x-raw,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1" 'Else ' $hFilter.Filter = "video/x-raw" 'Endif End